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Bleszinski: “I Don’t Want The Chainsaw Gun To Be My Legacy”

Although he has mostly operated within the Xbox universe, he's still a major designer in the industry and besides, given his recent comments, he may want to expand into other realms.

We've heard how Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima wants to spread his wings . The iconic developer just isn't interested in only being known for one franchise. Well, believe it or not, neither is Epic Games boss Cliff Bleszinski.

In speaking to G4TV , we find that CliffyB is working on a new IP code-named "Silverstreak" and also wants to open his own studio. The bottom line is that he doesn't want Gears of War to define his legacy:

"I don't really want just the whole chainsaw gun to be my legacy. A lot of these kids who have only been playing games for the last however many years, they think that's the only thing I ever did. They forget about Jazz Jackrabbit, Unreal, Unreal Tournament; that I worked on things like Bulletstorm and a little bit of Shadow Complex."

Bleszinski compared himself to legendary film director Steven Spielberg, saying that Spielberg didn't want to be known for just "E.T." …the only problem I have with that analogy is that it sounds like he's comparing "E.T." to Gears of War , and that's iffy for me. Anyway, Bleszinski sounds more down to earth than he has in the past, saying that "you have to be careful when you have a certain amount of personality." Although you can use it to your benefit and it can really help, you have to be careful or you'll start "believing your own crap."

I think this guy needs to say more things like that.

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11 years ago

hehe well good luck Cliffy B at topping yourself as something else. While I do accredit Gears with revolutionizing the pop-n-fire action game (I still loved the first DEAD TO RIGHTS!) I think Gears heavily made it's splash mostly due to it's killer visuals and art direction. And those are two things I'm not sure if Cliffy had much of a hand in. Maybe he did, maybe not, but maybe Sweeney and their Art Director have just as much to do with Cliffy's success as Cliffy does for himself.

Anyway, with the upper heads of Epic gone, I'm really thinking the Gears trilogy may come PS3's way soon 😉

11 years ago

Do you remember that game that did it before Gears it was on the PS2 and Xbox. It was like a spec ops game? But it was all stop and pop, it was realllly hard and like one boss was a helicopter?

I think that game actually did it better than gears did but no one played it for some reason :
I would love gears to come to the PS3 but I doubt it will, at least any time soon. I mean its not even out on the PC other than the first game which I don't understand why. Maybe so they can get more XBLA gold sales? Who knows.

11 years ago

I didn't spend much time with Spec Ops anything so I don't really know. I know some games sort of flirted with the idea for a while but I cant think of a game that centered itself around it like Gears had.
Dead to Rights made it real important later in the game to crouch behind cover and then pop up and fire, then crouch again. It had an ebb and flow to the combat I admired at the time.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/13/2012 4:02:57 PM

11 years ago



11 years ago

I'm not sure about Cliffy. I have faith in his skills but I no longer have faith in his outlook on where the gaming generation is headed. I saw on Twitter a couple weeks ago where he simply said "Is 3D over yet?".

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying 3D is THE FUTURE but it would be a nice option in future games by standard. IMO when a dev says something like, I think they're a little out of touch with the current status and outlook for the future of gaming.

We all know Gears 3 supported 3D, but let me tell you from experience, Cliffy did a terrible job. Granted it what implemented late, but I could have used some more polishing. The resolution took a HUGE hit and was not worth playing for more than 2 mintues max. Stick to what you Cliff, Big brutes cussing and shooting anything that moves.

11 years ago

My parents recently got a 3DTV, and I brought down my PS3 to give it a bit of a tech demo.

Honestly, it looked SO much better than I was expecting. I played Uncharted 3 on the cruise ship and it just added so much more to the visuals. Felt like playing a new game even. I will admit I got eye-strain after half an hour, but I could get used to it.

I think it is the future, as long as you can lose the glasses and the framerate hits.

11 years ago

Yeah man, Jazz Jackrabbit…

11 years ago

I was just thinking about that game the other day. I didn't know the guy who made that also made Gears.

11 years ago

With all the hype MS focused on advertise on GeoW I doubt he gonna be remembered for other stuff.

11 years ago

I don't know… He's got so many terrible ideas about other things, it's hard to believe he was anything but lucky with Gears.

11 years ago

He left Epic Games earlier this year didn't he?

11 years ago

This guy has balls. Leaving his top position at one of the best developers in the world to go set up his own shop to do what he wishes sure is not an easy decision.

Good luck to him and lets see what he acomplishes or fails. Can't blame him for trying tough.

On the other hand, Kojima should pay attention. He has been crying for about ten years that he wants to do something besides Metal Gear. Either he continues making the great metal gear games and shuts up (Nothing wrong with being only the Metal Gear guy) or he follows Cliff's steps and does what he has been whining about wanting to do all these years. I had enough of Kojima's rants. Sorry.

11 years ago

Totally agree on your part about Kojima.

11 years ago

hows he comparing gears to ET?
hes saying exactly what he said, stephen did not want to be known for just ET so he went and made many different movies in hopes he would be remembered for different things.
and cliffy wants to do the same.
that was pretty self explanatory……..

it will be interesting to see what he comes up with, hes always got some really cool wacky ideas.
i hope he really does come through with doing something completely different, im interested to see what else the guy can do without things that go pew pew.
come to think of it i remember hearing rumors a while ago he was going to leave epic and start working on a dark themed slasher horror game.
come to think of it that would suit him really well, hes always had a very imaginative creativity.
hed be the perfect person for $ony to hire get him working on until dawn!

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