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Blizzard: “We’re Still Kind Of Exploring” Diablo III For Consoles

Most have assumed we'd see Diablo III on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 at some point. But unfortunately, it still isn't an "official project."

But on the positive side, Blizzard executive Rob Pardo told Polygon that the game is actually "up and running" on console(s) (not sure which console he was referring to, or if he meant both the PS3 and 360). Said Pardo:

"We're still kind of exploring it. We've got builds up and running on it. We're hoping to get it far enough along where we can make it an official project, but we're not quite ready to release stuff about it, but it's looking pretty cool."

Well, that's nice and everything but if it isn't even an official project for the company yet, exactly how far away is it? And when it finally does arrive for consoles, will we even care? At this rate, it might not show up until the next-gen systems are on store shelves, and then Diablo III might have to fly under the radar. Oh, and I just have to say- If I have to constantly be connected just to play, like a freakin' MMO, you can count me out, Blizzard.

Related Game(s): Diablo III

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11 years ago

Hasn't there been several projects with vague release hints lately?

Here's my theory: I bet all the developers working on the next-gen development kits have signed a NDA who prevents them from saying *anything* about release date on anything they are working on for the next gen consoles, until after there is a public statement from the platform providers.
So as soon as Sony go public about the PS4 there will be a tirade of developers publishing details about their next-gen projects.
Oh man I look forward to that day!

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/11/2012 10:50:32 AM

11 years ago

diablo 3 turned out to be rather disappointing. especially with all the updates and nerfs. i couldn't imagine how buggy/bad this would be on a console

11 years ago

It's just an old fashioned top-down RPG so put it on Vita.

11 years ago

I agree! From the outside it's hard to see what is so special about it. But everyone I know who's actually played it say it's awesome, so I guess it's just one of those things you need to experience to fully understand.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Sounds like a plan. Diablo's the kind of game that could be served well by burst play.

11 years ago

There needs to be some changes for me to excited about Diablo III on the PS3. They need to allow manual skill allocation. A lot of gamers say the game is made for idiots. There is no thought into playing Diablo III other than if it looks bad kill it.

In Diablo II you could have 3 different variations of a character. In Diablo III for instance, every Barbarian is the same.

I was so excited for this way back but Blizzard really struck out on this game. I read that 10 million gamers have signed on to but those numbers have disappeared and Blizzard is scrambling. Also, the pvp which was a huge selling point is nowhere to be seen! They are now saying it may be put into the Expansion Pack!!!!!! Epic Fail by Blizzard/Activision if you ask me.

11 years ago

Dammit Blizzard, Starcraft 2 is out, Diablo III is out as well.
Isn't it about time for Warcraft 4!??!

11 years ago

I don't think that will ever happen, they are continuing the lore in World of Warcraft so there is no point in a Warcraft IV.

11 years ago

What I find funny is that theVita negativity is mostly coming from those who haven't even played with the thing yet. I have one and I absolutely love it. My friends who played with it (even the non-gamer ones) were all amazed with how good it is. So why are they not buying? Because they cannot use it as a phone, sadly enough. I'm just as glad that it isn't one.

11 years ago

Geh to me Diablo 3 is the equivalent of the drop between FFVII to FFXIII XD Hope that says enough on the nature of the game compared to it's predecessor 😛

11 years ago

Hard to replace the mouse and keyboard with a console controller, unless you implement the Move…I think I would go for that

11 years ago

i am still into my paragon leveling, 600+ hours have spent so far which is the most I put in any games on any consoles I ever played….it is just such addictive…looking for PvP

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