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Okay, Dishonored Needs To Sell More Over The Holidays

I suppose about a half-million sales isn't bad for a new IP, but Dishonored deserves a much higher number.

In the past, high critical praise – which is precisely what the masterpiece from Arkane Studios received – has managed to push sales numbers higher and higher over an extended period of time. It's not necessarily like a hotly anticipated, easily recognized franchise title, which hits huge right out of the gate because a great many just don't care about reviews. New IPs depend much more heavily on scores and general acclaim, so I'm hoping that such good word of mouth allows Dishonored to have a great holiday season.

It's a little strange that it hasn't sold more, though. On the one hand, you have to almost expect it from an industry that has become increasingly reliant on big-name franchises. On the other hand, the game was relatively well promoted, it was the topic of many discussions in forums and on message boards, and it was frequently featured in major headlines throughout most of 2012. I suppose the fact that it launched only one week after Resident Evil 6 might have hurt it; RE6 is one of those games that was destined to sell regardless of review scores, and so it did. So maybe Dishonored got pushed aside, especially if some savvy gamers were saving their money for the fall blitz.

I just hope Dishonored at least hits a million at some point. It would be quite unjust if it didn't.

Related Game(s): Dishonored

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11 years ago

Good article, the game is just all around fantastic and it definitely deserves more than that. I really want it to become a franchise. I suppose it's a mix of being a new IP and not being an FPS and having Bethesda's name on it.

C'mon guys you know you want it for Christmas/Chanukah/etc. We can't let it become like Enslaved.

11 years ago

But like I mention below, how the heck do you explain the Amalur sales then? That was no FPS either, it was a pretty standard fantasy-themed RPG?

11 years ago

i dont get Bethesda games for the most part do to there past work on PS3 games

11 years ago

But why not dishonored? It was running the unreal engine, which works fine on the ps3.

11 years ago

People still love RPGs.

Dishonored is not buggy so don't worry about Bethesda's problems as they didn't dev it.

11 years ago

I didn't like Enslaved because I have an idea of what's going to be the scenes between the characters upon reaching Trip's village, the combat sucks and the ending, it's like "What? That's all?".

For me, I'm still going to get Resident Evil 6 instead of Dishonored. But that's just me.

11 years ago

looking to pick this up sometimes this week. $25 at Amazon and Walmart this Thursday.

11 years ago

The best game I've played all year, deserves way more than half a million.

11 years ago

I've wanted this game on D1 every since I first saw info on it.

But unfortunately as broke as I've now become, I can no longer even afford the Black Friday price at $25.

HEY, anyone want to buy 16 delicious Shrimp flavored Ramen Noodle packs at $2 a pop????

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/19/2012 1:12:36 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago


11 years ago

Sorry I don't dig on seafood

11 years ago

My house 🙂

Damn, I knew I should've gotten those Chicken one's!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/19/2012 3:47:28 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

You should not let me anywhere near your collection!

11 years ago


Nahhh, I only have the one Shrimp flavor.
Anyway, I'd have the bag all ready to hand out the door when ya got here, LOL

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/19/2012 6:47:45 AM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

lol Biker, if you need money, you know what you need to start doing. 😉

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

I mean your gaming collection. It might suddenly get smaller!

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 11/19/2012 12:53:29 PM

11 years ago

Nahhh, If you're saying what i think you are, those days of the 1970's are long done & over for me.


And that's exactly why I said I'd hand the bag you the bag outside the door(plus I'm always locked & loaded)

And besides, my pit bulls who are highly trained to read Mapquest, can easily find you.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/20/2012 5:45:19 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Definitely want to get this game at some point.. Maybe I should forgo Hitman in favour of it. I mean, it's destined to be at least a little cheaper by now.

11 years ago

its unfortunate it released when it did, that certainly would not of helped sales.
but i cant see it picking up much.
theres still so many games to release for the few weeks of the year left, than when the new year kicks off its not exactly deserted.
wonder if the whole bugthesda deal has hurt this.
allot of people are pissed at them, especially after skyrim, so i wouldent be surprised if this lost allot of sales because of that.
which is sad.
i hope they do a sequel, or whatever, they deserve another crack at the cherry.
i just hope next time they put equal time and emphasis and abilities with each play style.
whats the point of letting people choose stealth, or action, when you have made stealth so limited and boring?
kinda taking away the point of the game, which is letting people choose how they want to play.

11 years ago

The stealth in Dishonored is only limited by one's imagination so yours must be fairly limited.

11 years ago

if you want to run around ripping things to shreds you get grenades, those spring traps, your gun, sword, rat spawning, wind whirl, and blood thirsty.
stealth you get your hands to strangle people, and a sleep dart pipe.

11 years ago

I agree that blankline's definition of what is possible is limited. I refuse to believe his definition is correct. This is, afterall, the same guy who says things like, "In an idea world"….

11 years ago

It's numbers like these who makes me really, really wonder how Amalur were able to sell as much as it did, wasn't it 4.5 mill or something? How the heck is that even possible?
Lower metascore, less enthusiastic reviews (obviously), not nearly as many headlines… Was it only because of the RPG label? What else could it be?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Not sure where you got those numbers from Beam. VGChartz lists Amalur with a 1.46 mil sales tally across all three platforms. On the other hand, they're not the most reliable source, but I can't imagine a discrepancy that large.

Similarly, Dishonored is listed on the same site with selling 1.54 mil to date… I'm more than a little confused now.

11 years ago

Hmm – maybe it was 4.5 mill they needed in order to make a profit then. I clearly imagine the number 4.5 mill were used in some sort of relation to Amalur and sales.

If Dishonored sold about the same as Amalur then at least things fall a *bit* more into place.

11 years ago

Lawless, Bens number is probably for USA only, while VGChartz might be global numbers?

11 years ago

vgchartz lists .5 million for just the xbox version of the usa alone.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Beamboom: Amalur sold about 1.5 million and they needed double that (about 3 million) just to break even.

As for the Dishonored sales, I got those wrong. I think it sold a half-million in October alone; I wasn't counting November sales so far. Still, it DOES need to be higher.

11 years ago

Thanks Ben. Then I have no idea where I got that 4.5 mill from, and happily stand corrected.

If Dishonored are at roughly 1.5 now and are able to keep some momentum the coming weeks, we could look at some pretty decent numbers when December is over. At least there is hope.

Cause I'm not kidding, Dishonored is *the* surprise for me this year, and my personal GOTY.
Borderlands 2 is great but I expected it to be, NFS:MW likewise, I haven't got AC3 yet but I assume it's good too. However those three just deliver "as expected": Dishonored brought a new experience to the table.
Yeah, my vote for GOTY is clear as day.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/19/2012 12:51:29 PM

11 years ago

I would have got it had it used a third person perspective. I'll get it at some point I guess, but not now.

11 years ago


11 years ago

It is a problem. I know of several people who said things like they wanted to buy it, but needed money for halo and things like that, so they just stole it. All of them said they liked it. Hopefully they'll buy it.

Another thing, since its a new ip you can't expect a bunch of people to pre order it. I'm sure it will sell well before Christmas.

11 years ago

its articles like this that make me feel the need to take you to task Mr Dutka. I understand the editorial process, but this just comes off as whining. Dishonored is not everyones cup of tea. I rented it for 2 days and while i thought it was good, the graphics were an absolute eye sore. I also did not like the mechanic of accessing a wheel to get to my powers and weapons. also felt the story, though it started great, i feel as though the RPG aspect hurts the opening of the game. the push of the player to explore makes the story seem more of an afterthought. i also feel that the game is too heavily slanted to the powers and not enough to the weapons. if i had to rank it, it would go like this. my scale would be based upon full value of retail. 60 bucks=perfect 10. that said, i would rate this at about 35 bucks, or a 5.5. you continually pontificate and badger me the reader for not supporting something you love. yet you bury games which you have not initially reviewed aka Hitman Absolution although the games are entirely different. hitman is along the lines of 007 and syphon filter and MGS and Splinter cell and GTA and Aasassins creed thrown in there. yet you continually bury Hitman for what expect it isnt yet you praise Dishonored for what we already know it is: hitman is a title that is almost 7 years in the making. Dishonored is a capitalization upon trends: RPG mixed with FPA with the hope being you can attract a large audience. nowhere do i see you mention Bethesdas spotty PS3 track record as reason why people may be waiting for this to drop to the bargain bin? i would be leery too if the company has been known for half hearted titles. while Dishonored does buck that trend, the innovation you sickeningly lament and harp upon is in my opinion less innovative and more contrived. also i feel the beauty you speak of is highly subjective. truth be told i think most consumers think of Dishonored as being along the lines of Borderlands 2, and that already has a fan base, already has similar elements, and a more distinct art style.
the problem i have with you Ben is that you continually slam Hitman due to fanboy-ism. Does Square Enix have a checkered past too on the PS3? Absolutely. Yet they are at least making an attempt to correct it with titles such as Sleeping Dogs and Hitman. are they everones cup of tea? hell no. i think the biggest segment of fans on these forums is of the RPG/customizable segment. these games definitely feature static characters, but their gameplay is very tight. graphically they are very sound, and the teams behind them have YEARS of experience perfecting their titles. Dishonored and Hitman have about as much in common as Sonic and Rayman. sure they are both platformers, but thats where the similarities stop. return to objectivity and embrace diversity and score games accordingly. i hope my point has been made.

11 years ago


11 years ago

iankhaneagle: As a reader you are expected to take what you read as a thinking person. If Dishonored is not your cup of tea then noone blames you for not buying it.
When I read those FF articles about how FF13-2 were such a good game, I just smile and am happy for those who feel so but I just *know* it's not for me. You should take it the same way.

The fact of the matter is: Dishonored is a new IP that has a metascore of ~90%. That is a rare achievement no matter how you personally rate the game. We, the gamers, usually complain about how everything are just sequels. Dishonored is something new, not only as an IP but it offers a quite rare setting, practically every single reviewer out there loved it, it simply deserves the attention. This is, imo, a correct judgement by Ben. It's a title to write about these days.

Now you have tried it, you didn't like it, and you move on. Good for you. Nothing wrong in that. I've done the same with plenty of games that receives loads of praise around here.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/19/2012 1:01:49 PM

11 years ago

Lay off the acid my friend.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I have no clue what you're talking about. I've never slammed Hitman in my entire life (I have nothing but respect for the series), and I've never "badgered" anyone into playing a game. You take op-eds waaaaaaaay too personally, my friend. You also seem to misinterpret…um…everything.

11 years ago

I just checked out said article that Ben "slammed" hitman. I think you misread it.

Also, please use paragraphs. That post is a shepherd's pie of words, almost words, poor punctuation, and lower-case madness.

11 years ago

you all miss the point. there is no acid being taken or however youd like to coin it. i just see a bias forming over the last month and it irritates me. i see no journalistic qualities with the above article, let alone objectivity. also he slams hitman in another article and puts in his editorial how it cannot possibly be as good as Dishonored. new IP or not, i dont care. it doesnt mean the premises behind it are not played out and overrated. Hitman is not original granted but it is finely tuned. Dishonored to me symbolizes whats wrong with modern gaming. cookie cutter trend style with a fresh coat of graphics. hitman takes the exact opposite approach. they are both thinking mans games. i just fail to see the genius behind Dishonored. to me its a first person Kingdom of Amalur. to each their own. but my problem lies within his editorial style and compulsive lack of objectivity. as a reader and a fan and a potential consumer its my job to be informed. i feel like im being fed an agenda, not an opinion.

11 years ago

@ ben…still as pretentious and snotty as ever i see. glad to know you havent lost your ivory tower touch. im just shocked at how you call yourself an editor on a professional website. sometimes you give me insight, but more-so lately, ive been rolling my eyes more then the Undertaker, and thats putting it lightly.

11 years ago

***run-on sentence***
****learn to use the reply button****

Now there's some pretentiousness for ya. 🙂 Just in case you don't know what it looks like. lol

Last edited by Underdog15 on 11/19/2012 2:09:34 PM

11 years ago

you ask what spurned my anger ben. well here goes. your most recent editorial sunday. your last paragraph you mention upcoming reviewrs and then you mention Hitman and say you may be getting your hopes too high and that it most likely be of Dishonored quality. thats the issue i take right there. slighting a game you have not played. are the reviews mixed? a little yes but only on non ps3 systems. as far as the ps3 version goes it is averaging around from a 7.5 to a 9. as i said in my rant, you allow bias to creep into your website. you need a counterbalance on this site. you have no proofreader anymore to go oh, that comes off a little pretentious, or that that may be going a bit too far. psxextreme was once known for exclusives and breaking news. seemingly around the time of the new twisted metal, things swung into the other direction and i have found the site to be more of an editorial smattered with reviews than an informative website. balance. objectivity. informative. provocative, discussion encouraging pieces….this is why i became a member here. but as of late your editorials have sounded more like Dear Abbeys rather than containing any real insight.

11 years ago

So, you've never anticipated highly or negatively a game you haven't tried? Maybe you shouldn't get worked up about Hitman. You haven't played it yet, to put it the same way you did to Ben. You really shouldn't have an opinion about it.

Unless hypocricy is the new cool and I missed the memo.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

The reason he was leery about Absolution was because of the 6/10 review in PCGamer, which he covered in an editorial last week. Completely understandable. And editorials are, in most cases, opinions. They give you the insights of the writer on various topics and they don't have to be excessively deep such as the impact of gaming on a life. Sometimes they can be personal, fun and, yes, patronising. If you don't like it, too bad.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Dude, whatever. You might notice that nobody has any idea what you're babbling about. If you think every opinion piece is feeding you an agenda, don't read things.

You want the definition of "pretentious?" It's someone who believes their opinion is fact, like yourself, with your "factual" claims against Dishonored. I have never done any such thing.

But I don't really see why I should be defending myself. I haven't done anything. Now please stop. And for the love of Christ, learn to write like an adult.

11 years ago

to sum up, dishonored is about as original as Borderlands 2 with a fresh coat. you wanna talk fresh IPs done right? how about Catherine…El Shaddai…dishonored cant hold a candle to either. end of story.

11 years ago

$10 says you get the ban-hammer.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

He's just a waste of space. Wastes of space end up going away when they don't get any attention.

And if he doesn't…well then, yeah.

11 years ago

ben. please do not insult my intelligence. you are in a public position working for a website. as a consumer/reader it is my right to read and react to what i see. sometimes i think you come off as pretentious. i am sorry that you do not like that i am critical of your editorials. does that make me wrong or just the minority? no matter how unpopular my opinion may or may not be, you threaten to ban me from commenting because i take you to task.

i take issue with the content of your editorials for the fact that it seems like you give some games a full editorial, while other titles get a paragraph in your weekly update section. if i am so wrong, why is there no review for El Shaddai? i could gush about that title for 3000 words yet it is not even in your reviews. the absence of one of the more original and controversial games of the last 18 months within your review section proves my point. that which is not trendy, yet incredibly artistic, along the lines of Journey and Rayman, if it is not trendy or as relevant, it does not get the time of day on here. good day sir.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

You're not saying anything that makes an ounce of sense. You apparently don't seem to care about your peers on the site, either, ignoring them for taking YOU to task for your baseless accusations.

I'm really done with you. I don't have the time to breathe these days, let alone try to explain to you how one runs a website. Think you can do it better? Go do it and stop bothering me.

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