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PSXE User Review Contest: The Readers Choose Another Winner

It was close, but another winner of our So You Think You Can Review Video Games user review contest has been chosen.

The last leg of the contest consisted of a more specific angle: The amateur critic would have to pen a great analysis of a fall title and of course, it would have to fall into PSXE's wheelhouse; i.e., the game would have to be available on a PlayStation platform.

As usual, we let the readers decide the very best submission and although it was once again very close, the winner is-

TGSA for his Borderlands 2 review . Congrats!

Now he just needs to email me at bdutka[at] with a functioning US mailing address, and I'll give away a free game. He'll have the option of quite a few available titles, including XCOM: Enemy Unknown , Need for Speed: Most Wanted , several Vita games, and more. So long as I've got stuff to give away (which is pretty much all the time), we'll run more user review contests; it's a great way for the community to contribute, and it always proves that we've got some very knowledgeable and informed peeps as PSXE regulars.

User reviews usually suck. Ours…not so much. 😉

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11 years ago

Congratulations to Mr. TGSA 🙂 So what are the stipulations for the next contest?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Not sure yet. 🙂

11 years ago

I ask for a repeat contest of current releases. I'd like to get my hands on an AC3 and do a review on that.
… if I can make the time for it that is.

11 years ago

Good job, and congrats!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

As we all know already, if he doesn't claim his price, It automatically goes to me.

11 years ago

Sorry you didn't win Temjin, I voted for ya bud.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

It was soooo close…Temjin lost by only 4 votes.

11 years ago

Wow, that's why it's always good to vote.

11 years ago

I also thought that Temjin's was very well done. He made his love and knowledge of the Fighting genre quite obvious, which is one of the things I like the most in reviews.

11 years ago

Thank you for your votes guys =)

11 years ago

Congtrats, TGSA!

Hey Ben,

Not that I'd ever be good enough to even think about reviewing a game, but in the case that for some odd reason or another someone doesn't claim their prize over a certain amount of time, would you then give it to the 2nd place finisher, or just null & void that one individual contest?

Just curious….

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/19/2012 1:04:10 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Yeah, I'd probably give it to whoever finished second.

Gorilla Biscuit
Gorilla Biscuit
11 years ago

Quick question, was I not eligible for another prize this time? Every time I checked the polls I was up big, even this last day I was up 31% to 17%. Just curious.

11 years ago

Yes, I think you did a mistake here, Ben. It was the Liberation review that received the most votes. Just look at the vote that is still up.

11 years ago

Gorilla Biscuit, ACIII: Liberation 31%

Mdash0009, Borderlands 2 8%

TGSA, Borderlands 2 17%

Temjin001, Dead or Alive 5 15%

Dirt, Need for Speed: Most Wanted 12%

Cartrite12, Okami HD 11%

dmiitrie, XCOM: Enemy Unknown 6%

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I'm glad you asked in the comments because I didn't want to explain in the article…it's just REALLY embarrassing.

I wanted to fix something in the poll (just a typo) mid-week and I wrote down all the vote numbers tallied to that point, because the system does something weird when I edit a poll…it usually posts it again and it loses all the progress.

So I did that and re-inputted the up-to-date tallies…only I got yours wrong. I only noticed last night on my little slip of paper that I misread my horrendous jotted notes of numbers. So I ended up giving you 50 more votes than you had. That's VERY much my fault and I feel bad about it, because now there's no knowing if you would've won fair and square…so what I wanted to do was make a "damn I screwed up gesture" by shipping something out to you.

Email me. 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/19/2012 11:12:10 AM

11 years ago

Congratulations TGSA and good job!

Though, I noticed GorillaB. showed a lions share in the percentages. maybe that was a glitch in the polling or something?

11 years ago

Thanks for the votes guys.

11 years ago

Congratulations TGSA.

I think that was cool of Ben to offer Gorilla Biscuit something for the mistake. Very few people are like that, it reminds me of something only friends do.

11 years ago

Congratulations to TGSA and all the other reviewers, seems like it was pretty close between everyone.

This is the first game review that I've ever written, and while I was kinda disappointed I didn't come a little closer to winning, it didn't really surprise me lol. I know I left out a few things e. g., I didn't talk much about the actual gameplay, or the fighting mechanics, etc.

I'm thinking about writing additional reviews for future contests, so I would love to hear from people why they DIDN'T vote for mine.

Thanks and congrats again to TGSA!

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