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User Review Contest: Who Was The Most Skilled Critic?

Okay, it's time to select another winner in our ongoing So You Think You Can Review Video Games user review contest.

The latest was a little more restricting, as we wanted you to write a review of one of this fall's titles . There are plenty of games available for autumn, of course, but we usually let you write a review for any game you wish. That's just too darn easy!

Seven of you stepped up to deliver an entry and now it's time for the community to decide: Who wrote the best analysis? Here is each user and his review; check 'em out and then vote in the poll on the right. Who impressed you most?

Gorilla Biscuit, Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

Mdash009, Borderlands 2

TGSA, Borderlands 2

Temjin001, Dead or Alive 5

Dirt, Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Cartrite12, Okami HD

dmiitrie, XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Whoever receives the most votes this week will a free game and trust me, I have a goodly selection. I can't guarantee I'll have exactly the title you're looking for but hey, it's free . Can't go wrong, right? Good luck!

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11 years ago

You mean my review of IdolM@ster2 was not eligible? 😉

Ah well, I'll have to find something more contemporary in future… 😛

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Well, no, but only because it was submitted well before the competition started. I probably could've put it in then, though…sorry about that.

11 years ago

lol, no problem Ben, I somehow missed the actual start of the competition anyway otherwise I'd have written an entry. Besides, The Idolm@ster 2 was release about a year ago in Japan, and never here, so it probably doesn't qualify as a fall release in any case. 🙂

11 years ago

Surprised at the lack of Dishonored.

11 years ago

Well, it seems hardly anyone bought it, so… *cries*

11 years ago

I'm buying it soon. I have such a backlog that I need a good deal to justify it thus I'm (hopefully) getting it on Black Friday from walmart for $25

11 years ago

If I was a billionaire I'd buy tons of copies and sell them on ebay at a loss.

11 years ago

Bah, I never got around to it. I was at a work conference all week last week, and I just didn't have the time. Ah well, maybe next time! I'll give everyone's reviews a read, though!

11 years ago

Great that you linked to the reviews this time Ben. Mucho appreciato. 🙂

But I got the same problem here as I did the last time around: There is this odd tendency of the best written text having the most misplaced rating scores!

There are a couple of reviews I think were well written, but I *strongly* question the rating. Can that be called a good review then? Should it receive my vote over a rather dull review text, but much more precise validation?

It's not easy!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Welcome to the wonderful world of video game reviews…which is never as straightforward as some seem to think. 😉

11 years ago

I found myself having a hard time choosing too because I thought they were all well done in their own aspects.

I finally had to settle on cartrite12's Okami HD, because not only is the game itself very colorful, Cartrite12's review was actually able to colorize it in thoughts as well.

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