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Dead Or Alive 5 Pushes 580,000 Copies In Only One Month

Dead or Alive 5 is a pretty damn good fighter in our estimation. Lotsa fun.

And gamers seem to have been swayed by the solid review scores, or perhaps a few were swayed by the…swaying. Well, whatever the reason, according to Siliconera citing a recent financial update from Tecmo Koei, DoA5 sold 580,000 units worldwide in only one month.

That really isn't too bad for a fighting game, especially when it had to go toe-to-toe with Tekken Tag Tournament 2 when it launched in September. As a little comparison, DoA4 sold around 700,000 copies in its first two months, so it seems the franchise hasn't lost its appeal. Although, we have to admit that it still caters mostly to the fighting aficionados. As for Tecmo, they posted a year-over-year rise of 26% in terms of operating income, so that's good news for them.

By the way, there's more DLC slated for DoA5 so get ready for more costumes! They're always fun.

Related Game(s): Dead or Alive 5

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11 years ago

YES! This should mean more DOA for me in the coming years, right? I wonder if these numbers include also Sony's PS Store direct sales as well. It's a quality fighter for sure; though, I'm feeling some VF5 FS withdrawals as of late with all of this DOA play… Anyway, I'm sort of annoyed by how Tecmo is handling the DLC. I want Hayabusa's cool fiend outfit but I dont want to pay for the bundled bunny outfits. Couldn't they've just done a guys and gals offering or at least better determined the grouping of bundles? But, as it is, I don't think I care to pay $5 a pop for a small costume pack as it is. You know, I rememeber a time when DOA's came stand alone with some characters with 16 outfits out of the box….

11 years ago

Thats my biggest let down. Even the costumes you unlock a lot of them are just variants or colour swaps.

I miss when you could unlock a lot of costumes in fighting games 🙁

11 years ago

Some characters have received better treatment than others. I know your fav, Elliot, was gimped. Ryu, thankfully, has 4 unique costumes.

11 years ago

I wish they'd pack them better as well but you have to figure this is the Popsicle treatment. You know, if you want more red ones you have to buy all the others too.

A fighter like DOA really needs to let you earn points to buy extra pieces like Soul Calibur.

That said I'm not sure I can just dismiss the schoolgirl outfits no matter the cost 🙂

11 years ago

Yeah, Eliot got the shaft for sure. I wanted his Red hoody outfit from DOA5 and maybe the option to put the hoody up.

Oh well, back to VF5 😛

11 years ago

I'm still torn on this game. I am looking for a replacement for Soul Calibur after Soul Calibur jumped the shark with SC5. I get mixed messages from friends about DoA5, so I ma not sure whether it's really for me or not. More DLC sounds nice though, always good to see a game getting DLC support these days.

11 years ago

If you're coming for single player, there's a decent amount of stuff to do. The story mode does try harder than any SC games I've played. But there isn't anything by way of character customization. Environmental interaction plays a much larger role in DOA than other fighters, so it'll feel a bit more dynamic. The game is pretty and Team Ninja, imo, does a way better job modeling faces than the SC team. The lighting is more realistic than past games but it still maintains a pronounced eastern flavor to it's art design and story telling. If you're not fond of stuff like sweat or dirt you can toggle those things on or off in options. Other neato features include having a full featured Tag play mode. Games like Tekken offer stand alone product offerings for Tag, DOA just offers it with every DOA so depending on your playing preference there's accommodations for both game play camps.

11 years ago

Well, SC4's "single player" or story mode was essentially broken since the tower of souls featured the worst cheating AI I've seen in a long time. The lack of character customization is a big thing, I really love that feature in SC games. To be honest, Namco/Project Soul could remake Soul Calibur 3 in HD and add the additional customization options and items from SC4 and 5, and it'd be an instant buy for me because of the customization. Then again, SC3 offered two story modes, several arcade and mission modes, unlockable characters and of course that create a soul feature.

I do like the female fighters in DoA5, and the ability to turn off sweat and dirt is a great thing, as much as some want that kind of gritty realism, I prefer my fighters to be clean and crisp. I think I'll have to find a way of trying the game first, it sounds like it's really going to be something I only know from playing it. Wish they had a character customization option though, that would make it easy to just dive right in with a purchase.

11 years ago

Customization would be the icing on the cake, but you might want to base this purchase on where your biggest interests lie, while it is a nice piece of eye candy (especially when the ladies get defeated) and the story mode is wild Japanese fun the real star of the show is actually the combat. It's the best balanced fighter I think I've ever played.

11 years ago

This is why all games need trials or demos!

I think I would on average buy more games if there were 1 hour trials for them.

For example on steam there are about 4 multiplayer only games for 30 bucks which isn't a lot but I'm not going to spend 120 bucks to find out 1 or none of them are good you know.

I would say Highlander that DOA5 is pretty good, sadly tag didn't feel that fleshed out for me and me and my friends have sort of stopped playing it and moved back to VF5 but still it is pretty, it plays amazingly well and … the girls 😛

I am with you though if you could customize your character fully I would probably still be playing it as weird as that sounds.

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