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Raise Your Hand If You Want A Sleeping Dogs Sequel, Please

Sleeping Dogs was just tons o' fun, wasn't it?

And during an OPM interview with United Front producer Dan Sochan, we learn that the developer has "6 months total DLC planned at this point." Sochan says he wants to give those who purchased the game as much value as possible.

As for the game becoming a "potential franchise," he doesn't really want to talk about a sequel at this point:

"I can’t really comment on a sequel right now. Our main focus is on putting out quality DLC so people see value and continue to want to show interest in the franchise. Then we can evaluate and look at it at that point."

Ah, but here's the million-dollar question- Do fans of the game want more content, or would they rather the team start on a sequel? The DLC won't be free, after all, although it'll be cheaper than a full new title…at the same time, a new game would be an entirely new experience. Personally, I want the sequel; I wouldn't care if it took a couple of years and I'm getting really tired of this massive focus on DLC these days. So raise your hand if you'd rather have a sequel instead of more content for the first game…

Related Game(s): Sleeping Dogs

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11 years ago

I bought this like last week and after playing it for 4 hours or so, it felt so generic. It didn't bring anything new to the table for me and the story didn't make me feel like a cop. If i want to deal drugs, roll with gangs against my will, and do illegal activities i have GTA for that. People didn't like the first true crime but i loved it, it was nice being on the opposite end of the law for once. So to the fans of sleeping dogs i hope you'll get a sequel but i won't be buying it.

11 years ago

Because I really dislike most DLC, I would rather have a sequel.

Sleeping Dogs was really fun but really short. They should of focused more on making the game longer than planning 6 months worth of DLC.

11 years ago

I just started it so I'll reserve judgement but I almost never buy DLC…

11 years ago

My son bought it and he was underwhelmed. I played it and kinda felt the same. I'm afraid it's hands down in our house. If everyone else likes it, though, I hope they do.

11 years ago

I would love a sequel. I did enjoy the game and consider it my sleeper 2012 GOTY. After the disappointment of Max Payne 3, Sleeping Dogs was a nice surprise. I found it a cut above of the usual sandbox game.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Y'all know I have no interest in DLC, so give me the sequel any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I actually loved Sleeping Dogs. One of few games that I've actually gone on to get almost 100% completion in (not in the trophies, but actual game content). I dunno about a sequel though. It just felt like a one-shot story and I don't think that I'd want to see them expand it unnecessarily.

Better if they take some of the core mechanics, iterate the hell on them and present them in a new IP with the next generation, but that's how I feel about a lot of games. Sequels aren't necessary if there's a solid gameplay base that can be used elsewhere.

11 years ago

id love to see a sequel, however id be kinda difficult to do so.
the point of this was a undercover cop serving as a gang member, and eventually having second thoughts about what hes doing.
so how would you create a sequel to that?
anyway, story aside they really need to add some scope and budget to the game.
it was a fantastic game, but i dunno it just seemed a little boring, a little mundane, a little unambitious.
allot like the original uncharted, a awesome game but just lacked the ambition, scope, and high budget its predecessors have.
add the big lights and fast paced action, the big budget it deserves, and it would turn into a fantastic franchise!

11 years ago

Terrible game.

Now Watch Dogs on the other hand…

11 years ago

This just makes me want to not get the game yet. I don't want to buy the game, then have to spend $30-$40+ extra dollars on DLC. I'll wait for some "ultimate edition". Amazon had it for $35 today, I almost got it but passed. Glad I did knowing this.

I understand the buisiness side of trying to monetize existing sales, but I'm kind of tired of every game getting a ton of DLC, driving the total cost of ownership for a game easily into the $100 range. Guess devs eventually got what they wanted, considering when the generation started many were saying the games should cost $100+, not $60.

Last edited by thedaini on 10/30/2012 3:54:01 PM

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