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What Is The Reload And The Arrival? Find Out Tomorrow

They aren't long, but they're certainly intriguing.

A couple mysterious new videos have appeared on the PlayStation Channel; the first is entitled, "The Reload." We see a woman (the same woman to briefly appear in that now-classic Michael ad ) apparently reloading a weapon, only to be interrupted by what seems to be…something approaching.

Then there's "The Arrival," which has the same woman accepting a shipment of some kind. Both videos end with the 10.23.12 date, which means we'll discover the secret tomorrow. But in the meantime, everyone is trying to figure it out. What could it be? Is it something totally earth-shattering or is it something boring that doesn't warrant such mystery at all? Maybe it's something super special for the holiday season that we didn't expect, or maybe it's the PS4! …okay, it isn't the PS4. Just felt like saying it.