They aren't long, but they're certainly intriguing.
A couple mysterious new videos have appeared on the PlayStation Channel; the first is entitled, "The Reload." We see a woman (the same woman to briefly appear in that now-classic Michael ad ) apparently reloading a weapon, only to be interrupted by what seems to be…something approaching.
Then there's "The Arrival," which has the same woman accepting a shipment of some kind. Both videos end with the 10.23.12 date, which means we'll discover the secret tomorrow. But in the meantime, everyone is trying to figure it out. What could it be? Is it something totally earth-shattering or is it something boring that doesn't warrant such mystery at all? Maybe it's something super special for the holiday season that we didn't expect, or maybe it's the PS4! …okay, it isn't the PS4. Just felt like saying it.
It's most likely an ad for Playstation All-Stars
Yea i'm almost 95% sure that's what it is. Too bad. I was looking forward to something new and unique.
Reload: The Arrival. Mystery solved.
What about The Aftermath?
Crash Confirmed!
yeah i'm thinking its a full blown ad for Playstation all stars. It's pretty much got little hints to every playstation exlusive thats come out.
what are the hints?
If that's for All Stars I'll be pissed. I was thinking, due to the time period, an extra campaign for Resistance Trilogy, but I doubt it since Insomniac went batsh*t crazy.
Well, there is a third video, called the aftermath. Follow the link on the top right of the arrival video.
That appears to be…..a buster sword? Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like the FFVII AC version.
Looks more like a makeshift Machete.
That blade is too small to be the Buster sword.
Nah, it's an extended burger flipper, I paused it.
Any ideas then guys? I can't think of anything revolving around firearms and weapons that look like that.
Some are saying it's Sweet-tooth's sword machete.
Someone wanna decipher the wingdings in the arrival?
Are you volunteering!?
I'm much too lazy and honest about said laziness to do it myself.
that is exactly what i was going to point out. if we knew what she was typing then we would have a clue. i am also much to lazy seeing as we will know tomorrow.
So according to the internets, apparently it's not wingdings, it's Lombax and the message being typed is:
Dear Copernicus,
We have received your letter and regret to inform you captai-
Copernicus referring to Copernicus L. Qwark
(Captain Qwark).
EDIT: Just noticed that Dirt also states the translation below.
Last edited by Simcoe on 10/22/2012 10:25:46 PM
Could be for the Killzone Collection! Even though the street date was removed a couple days ago, it was originally set for Tomorrow!
I was wrong. It's All Stars! Kudos to all who figured it out.
Here's the link to the full video:
it has to be for all stars, besides the burger fipper, and bullet shells everywhere, it looks like ice cream is on the floor?
i have an odd gut feeling that it might be related to, but not the actual release date, of the the PS4…maybe full disclosure, i find it odd thought hat she was in the Micheal ad, so long ago that i have doubts and now i cant stop thinking about it
Looks like a Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal teaser.
The 3rd video seems to give away the most information; ice cream cone on the floor, bullet casings, machete, etc.
2nd video shows what looks like Helgan alphabet.
1st video has a light box that reads: "SARU!" on top and "GET YOU!" on the bottom. Next to that is a logo that is difficult to read, but second word says "CITY".
For what it's worth.
Took lots of still shots. Will post on youtube when time permits.
Last edited by Nynja on 10/22/2012 2:01:21 PM
Uploaded a video with some still shots that offer some clues.
What on earth does saru get you mean?
I have no idea. Was hoping someone here would know.
From what I've read the alphabet is from R&C and the Soru quote is referring to Ape Escape…
Someone translated what she was typing but i forget what it said…
I'm 90% certain is probably a new advertising campaign for Sony via Playstation Allstars for the holidays. Seems that there have been references to Ratchet & Clank, Jak, Uncharted, Ape Escape, inFamous, Sweet Tooth, and possibly Killzone. I was hoping for some huge surprise but it doesn't appear like there will be much? Maybe announcing DLC characters? The date is for tomorrow so I'm not sure that they teased us for a week just to reveal a full 60 second commerical for Allstars, so here's hoping there is some kind of surprise.
There will be one surprise, by me if anybody cares.
Hope so!
Its probably for allstars…But I hope its actually sequels for all the games shown in that trailer specifically Ape Escape. I want me some monkey catching mayhem!
I hope it's not Alll Stars…
i think the to Micheal video was always an ad for all stars. they made the game for us. sittin in the bar was like the lobby of the game. the characters are just hanging out having drinks in between fights. now the ads will be the real life actors fighting.
I don't think so, weren't Ezio and Isaac (from dead space) in that commercial? Too many multiplat characters.
You guys are all hideously misinformed.
"The Reload" showed the arrival of Cole MacGrath, while teasing the games Metal Gear, Ape Escape, Devil May Cry, and LittleBigPlanet.
(MGS Uzi submachinegun, 'SARU! Get you!' sign, LBP score bubble, and Limbo City postcard)
"The Arrival" showed the arrival of Nathan Drake, while teasing the games Jak & Daxter, Heavenly Sword, and Ratchet & Clank.
(J&D text on license plate [which reads 'Morgan'–as in the late Black Labrador owned by Jason Rubin, cofounder of Naughty Dog], Nariko's Heavenly Sword in a frame above the desk, and Lombaxian script)
"The Aftermath" shows the arrival of Sweet Tooth, while showing little to no teases to other games.
(Sweet Tooth's machete)
The typewriter in "The Arrival" is in Lombaxian font. The message reads:
"Dear Copernicus,
We have received your letter and regret to inform you Captain"
Obvious reference to one Copernicus Leslie Qwark on his letter asking SuperBot to put him in All-Stars but rejecting him.
Any questions?
Yeah, how much time do you have on your hands?
Enough time to read some gaming articles and watch a couple of videos to see what all the fuss was about, dude. I mean, really.
Drop the attitude, genius.
It's All Stars. Lots of different combinations of characters from various PS universe. I don't like this marketing strategy as I know they're not going to reveal anything shocking or interesting that we don't already know about.
They did the same thing for Michael, looks similarly shot, and that looks like the same actress from the Michael commercial. And while Michael was cool, it really did not warrant those cliffhanger teasing commercials.
And just like that:
"Playstation All Stars Battle Royale Full Length Reveal"
I don't like the marketting of this. I agree with TwistedFloyd. The level of secrecy isn't warranted to advertise this title, which has already been announced, previewed, and so forth.