It seems like just about everyone, even the most ardent Call of Duty followers, are calling for a new engine.
But Treyarch has only one question: Why?
In speaking to the Official Xbox Magazine , Treyarch design director David Vonderhaar sought to remind everyone that the engine they're utilizing for the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops II is hardly the same engine that debuted six long years ago.
"People like to talk about the engine, but the truth of the matter is that this isn't like something that was invented six years ago. At this point that engine doesn't resemble anything like any engine. We've ripped out the UI system; the rendering and the lighting are all new, the core gameplay systems are all new."
Vonderhaar added that he "never really understood" the complaints, as the engine runs at 60 frames per second and "it's gorgeous." Earlier this year, Treyarch boss Mark Lamia said he knew fans were clamoring for a new engine but he explained it really wasn't necessary, as they've tweaked the existing engine to do some pretty amazing things.
Well, I'm not sure if everyone is going to buy this, but there it is.
Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops II
It's far from gorgeous, but the 60fps is nice. And lol, of course it's not necessary. As long as it's raking in the cash, why should they care? I doubt they would have the same mindset if it wasn't selling so well.
I think the went the right rout.
It was more of smooth transition of improvements instead of a sudden jump in improvements with a new engine.
I'd rather have higher resolution and higher frame rates than better graphics any day.
It looks better than before, but not as good as Frostbyte I would say!
I dont understand what the problem is we can do 60fps?
That's like an engineer of a 4 cyclinder engine asking why they need to make a 6 cylinder, the rpm's are the same ;P
doesn't matter if its 60fps, if your textures have no real quality or value to them then you are getting 60fps of bullshit, honestly 30fps is better if you can get that extra quality
Exactly right mano… if texture quality and lighting is not up to par, then what gives?
6 year old engine with minor twiks is about all this series can do atm. Now if they would optimise it for the PS3 then we would see something special.
60fps is nice, but gorgeous is a gross over statement. The original super Mario at60fps still looks like crap. 60fps means nothing outside of being fluid
Indeed. 60fps is one of those curiously meaningless labels. Like saying you max out the Cell, or run in 1080p60. There is context. You can max out any CPU with a no-op loop, you can display 1080p60 easily with a stick figure for graphics… ?
No it isn't gorgeus, it's pastel and flat all around like a PC game.
This is what happens when you stew in your own overblown press and under a publisher that abhors newness and limit-pushing.
You mean that's not a 'plus' point for it? 😉
gorgeous?? r u kiddin' me??
I assume he has never seen a PS3 exclusive to make that statement, or even a multiplat using Frostbite.
The comment was made to an Xbox publication, they can hardly tell their primary audience that their game looks like crap, nor admit that PS3 exclusives look better.
That is a pretty good point Highlander… true indeed…
I don't care what resolution the textures are or how many FPS a game has when the art direction/design is nearly as pathetic and boring as the gameplay.
here here
Someone needs new glasses.
WoW their comments are laughable!
Well duh, but that's the nature of iteration. It's not a six year old engine, but it certainly incorporates elements that have been dragged along for all those years. And gorgeous? Maybe on the Vita where Treyarch should have transferred it, rather than outsourcing development to Nihilistic of all devs…
What's upsetting is that u guys r just for the money and don't care about what most of the fans have to say.
whoa… avatar…
LoL, I have no idea what happened, just uploaded a photo and then bam, the photo enlarged bigger, tried another one same thing. Idk what the heck to do about it.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/10/2012 8:13:50 PM
Well, AlexanderTHEGR8 at least you got one to post, I still can't get one to replace the other one I was using. Now I've got no identifying avatar whatsoever.
What extension does that pic have? I was trying to upload .jpg/.jpeg, with the max pixel count and file size.
No luck I am having. A little frustrated I am.
Last edited by H8WL3R on 10/11/2012 12:28:15 AM
The thing about this is, I have a little sympathy with the statements that it's not the same engine as 6 years ago, despite the accusations typically thrown around. I mean, most people when they talk about a game engine are referring to the programming that handles the graphics and physics. In truth, a 'game engine' is about more than that, and if done right you could remove and replace the rendering engine, or the physics, the AI, the sound, texture handling, full frame effects like filtering and anti-aliasing, and so on.
That said, if you only replace like with like, it doesn't matter is the current iteration is 90% new code. If all that 'new' engine can do is replicate what the one before did in a more efficient manner than the old engine, that's all nice and good. However it won't look any different. The physics processing might be new, but if the physics model is the same, it will feel identical to what went before.
In other words, yes you could have rewritten the entire engine to be more efficient doing the same thing it's done for 6 years; but, did you improve the visuals, the physics, the controls, the sound, etc… That's the question and from the comments in this topic it sounds like there is precious little improvement.
I agree, playing every CoD is wearing me out. Im tired of the same gameplay. In related news, the MoH beta just won me over CoDBO2.
Here is something they should work on because it has been broken since MW2. They need to fix the bloody hit boxes and network code. If you watch the winning kills 90% of them are shots that dont come close to connecting. The games multiplayer has ridiculous hit registration and interpolation. Why this hasn't been fixed with all that money is beyond me.
But back to the engine, this guy is just talking nonsense. MW2 to 3 is completely the same looking, they did the same thing before it released and said all the changes they did to the engine etc. But the weapons all sound the same, the gun models are reused, and the most obvious part is in multiplayer the voices are all reused.
MW3 to Black Ops 2 is a decent change though. At least there is some sort of artistic style being put into BO2. But BO2 is by no means gorgeous no, The last of us is gorgeous, God of War ascension is gorgeous, Beyond 2 souls is freaking gorgeous…this man needs his eyes checked.
Activision has a couple of games other than CoD that use the same engine. It's getting boring now.
I will take a silky-smooth framerate over the best visuals any day of the week.
would like a new engine for the next generation – the the current silky smooth running engine will do quite nicely for the rest of this generation.
Gameplay over graphics every time for me.
what is there to be upset about?
well how about the fact that the console versions are STILL NOT IN HD!
yea there 60FPS but big whoop!
this is 2012 bub, we expect our games to be god dam HD even ninty has caught onto that!
not to mention every time a COD game comes out you have the devils own job telling the difference.
both graphically and artistically BO and BO2 look IDENTICAL!
especially from the MP matches shown at the expo over the weekend, look exactly the same as matches from the older black ops.
so that is what there is to be upset about.
in short its 2012, and your releasing a game similar to what we were seeing 6 freaking years ago, thats what is to be upset about.
looks the same to me as it did with cod4 lol
and people like me have wanted a new engine for ages hence y i dont play anymore it just seems like the same game every year
"it's gorgeous."…….yeh sure lol
Got to remember not all of IW was on mw3 big difference of mechanics and smoothness. Took three companies to do what one created. I'm waiting for the Respawn guys to show what's they've made from scratch, excitement!!! Also Thanks Ben for Psxxtreme! Awesome reviews, topics and comments from the guys. Always interesting info going on here.
I loved the gameplay i saw and love the change they did about customization .It s not much but the graphics did get improve ( at least on pc ) .
Since there are better chance of gameplay taking a hit with a new engine , i m more then happy with what we got .
The one major reason I would call for a new engine is because of the freaking money you have made off of just that one. Many other companies create new engines frequently especially when needed or when customers demand it, and they have a fraction of the revenue. Sure the engine isn't the same as it was 6 years ago, well at least I would hope not. The day they fall from the top will be grand as they will have no clue why it is happening, because they are morons!