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Dishonored Golden, But Are PS3 Owners Holding Their Breaths?

It's absolutely one of our most anticipated games of the year. This blending of so many genres in what appears to be such an awesome experience is impossible to ignore.

That's why we're excited to learn that the new effort from Arkane Studios, Dishonored , has gone gold. That means it's on schedule to launch for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC in North America and France on October 9, while the rest of Europe will see it three days later.

Publisher Bethesda has promised that PS3 owners don't have to worry about this one, and that promise was necessary after the backlash concerning the PS3 version of last year's The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim . But Arkane didn't handle that one, so here's hoping they present PS3 players with a stable, reliable product that isn't inferior to its 360 and PC counterparts. It can't be that difficult to do.

For now, we'll take their word for it. The game just looks so damn good…but then again, Skryim was a freakin' masterpiece and we didn't find out until much later (30-40 hours into the game) that something was dreadfully wrong…game-breaking bugs suck .

Related Game(s): Dishonored

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11 years ago

I'm not worried, I have complete confidence and can't wait. It's sooo close!

11 years ago

Ikke jeg heller. Jeg har go'følelsen!

11 years ago

Ikki Tousen!

11 years ago

Det ser flott ut!

(Did that make sense?)

11 years ago

Wow, Underdog! Det hadde jeg ikke ventet. Imponerende!

@World: lol!

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/28/2012 1:34:25 PM

11 years ago

I won't lie. I cheated.

Google translate was my ally.

11 years ago

No i'm not worried. Why would i? Its based on the unreal3 engine and most of the speculer mapping is done in bioshock style which runs great on both ps3 and 360. Can't wait although last yeari promised to myself that i wont buy anything that has a bethesda logo on it

11 years ago

I know what you mean Stayer. I sort of am of the opinion now that instead of blacklisting companies, I more put them on my "tread lightly" list. In other words, I really want to scope it out well before committing. Most of the time it means I end up getting it -WELL- after full price.

Take FFXIII-2 for example… put that on my "tread lightly" list, and it's the first FF title in 15-20 years I didn't buy day one. As a result, I ended up only paying like $12-14 for it. (I think)

Bethesda is on that list for me too. I still haven't gotten Skyrim yet.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Gjør jeg det riktig?

11 years ago

Indeed you do, Nas. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/29/2012 3:36:28 AM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

if they only send out xbox 360 copies for reviews……

11 years ago

Have you guys seen the Dishonored: Tales of Dunwall videos?? They are awesome! It makes me want the game even more!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I've seen all the videos. 🙂

11 years ago

The official Playstation blogcast said they played it and said it looks and runs great. They even talked to, the devs about it. I have no reason to doubt. I believe the game runs on UE3 so take that info as you will.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Yes, but I thought the same after 15 hours of Skyrim, remember? Gave it a 9.7 (which it deserves without the technical failings). Nobody knew about the major Skyrim PS3 issue until a lot later…that's what I'm worried about here.

11 years ago

If it is really built on the Unreal engine then there's nothing left to worry about at all!

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/28/2012 1:41:28 PM

11 years ago

I'll give you that Ben. But isn't this a much smaller game built on a more stable engine? Also this is not developed by Bethesda. I believe the games Beth only published have been solid. At least technically.

11 years ago

Not Fallout: New Vegas. That ran terrible. But I hear it's all been fixed through patches. I'll take Worlds word on that. In fact it makes me want to finish it.

11 years ago

You should give New Vegas another try, it's not as engaging as F3 but it handles the ending a whole lot better. You get to find out, based on your decisions, what happens to every community you chose to interact with.

11 years ago

It's not as enormous of a world as Fallout titles or Elder Scrolls titles, so I'm sure there's much less opportunity for such problems.

11 years ago

Yup. Plus this game is much more linear if I remember an earlier article correctly. That also makes things a lot easier.

In my head I picture this game to be kinda like Deus Ex:HR in regards to the linearity, only in a steampunk setting. And what a beautiful picture that is.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/28/2012 1:41:13 PM

11 years ago

My first experience with a steam-punk setting was FFVI on SNES. It's funny, because I would probably have never said I was a fan of steampunk, but FFVII had that setting with Midgar, and countless other games have had it too… and I've liked them all. lol

Guess I'm a fan and never really realized it! But yeah… this is a game I've been anticipating for a while now.

11 years ago

Steampunk style makes everything better 🙂

11 years ago

meh its a first person (though im sure it has a third person camera) WRPG, so Im already not interested even if it doesnt have a single bug or glitch, the only wrpg that looks interesting to me is the withcher 2 and thats only on xbox

11 years ago

Hasn't Bethesda promised PS3 owners the same sort of thing for Fallout 3: Vegas, Skyrim, and now this? Granted this is a different developer, so their is a chance albeit a small one in my opinion. I'll just sit and wait like I did for Skyrim.

11 years ago

I'm interested but I have my doubts.

11 years ago

I'll be taking a big wait and see, Bethesda will say anything to make the game sell

11 years ago

I truly hope Bethesda allowed Arkane Studios to finish their work and removed any bugs and glitches. They already screwed over Obsidian by pushing Fallout: New Vegas out the door unfinished.

Still, I'm excited. Game looks incredible. Designers of Deus Ex, System Shock 2, AND Half-Life 2? GOTY!!

11 years ago

Also this game is only about 15 hours. I hope Ben gets his review copy soon.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/28/2012 3:31:23 PM

11 years ago

that's it?

11 years ago

Roughly. It's open world but was never supposed to be a grand epic with tons of freedom (other than freedom in how you approach battle), it's still more Bioshock than Fallout.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I should see it next week.

11 years ago

As much as I distrust Bethesda games, this is definitely not as 'technologically tricky' as Skyrim by a large margin.

Between that fact and Bethesda not being the developer, I don't think this game will have big problems (hopefully).

I'll still wait and see of course…

11 years ago

After playing this at Eurogamer yesturday on the 360 i would be worried about this. I asked the rep on the booth why there was no ps3 versions playable. The response i got was a rather nervous ummmmmm followed by why not try the 360 version we have a spot thats just opened up for you to play it on 360, which i did but never got a straight answer either.

11 years ago

Hmmm, that is worrisome. Maybe they didn't have the latest update. If the PS3 version isn't up to par on release they will be crucified.

11 years ago

Game performance? no, Timed DLC? I fear that gonna be the only big problem with this game.

11 years ago

It's to bad Bethesda's name is anywhere near this masterpiece. I have very high hopes for this game. Arkane Studios deserves our purchases. They could be the next Rock Steady for all we know! From what I have already seen it looks like we'll be praying for Dishonored 2 Court Martial!

I will be picking this up with my Playstation Card! The PSBlog has this great deal going on where if you sign up for their Playstation Card you get 1 free year of PS+ which stacks on top of your current PS+ and a 50$ PSN card or 5000 reward points!! I will be getting Dishonored for $53.99 with my 50$ PSN card. Awesome Sony is offering 10% discount for preordering on the PSN!! I won't use this card for anything but PSN purchases. It has 10X reward points for purchases on the PSN. Buy a game on PSN and pay it off right away. No need to worry about any interest. If I play it right I will be able to use my rewards to get more free games and PS+ year extensions.

Dishonored is right around the corner, I cannot believe it's already here!

Ben, do you have Dishonored now?

11 years ago

its not made by bugthesda so this should be fine.
pleanty of games have been published by bugthesda and have ran fine on ps3, its only the games they make themselves that have issues.
only thing im worried about this is the story.
gameplay looks f*cking awesome!
but soooooooooo many games have promised branching stories and deep complex decisions with drastic consequences.
but very, very, VERY few have actually delivered on that!
very few games deliver on a decent story, let alone multiple ones!

11 years ago

looks like a pretty good game but i'll be waiting to get this one for the hubby.

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