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Revengeance Set 4 Years After MGS4, Sunny Returns

While everyone is all psyched for Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes , let's not forget another Metal Gear title is coming a great deal sooner.

And although the story may not be as big of a focal point, the plot in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance should prove intriguing. And thanks to a few flyers that were being handed out at this past week's Tokyo Game Show (and as seen at an unofficial MGS site ), we've got a few new details.

Firstly, the date of the setting is 2018 and if you remember, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots was set in 2014. Also, the popular and memorable character of Sunny should be featured as well; with the four-year gap, she may be between ten and twelve years old. Also, as a bit of clarification if you didn't already know, Snake is gone and he won't be included in the game. Of course, the same can't be said for Ground Zeroes as he clearly has returned as the protagonist.

It's all a little confusing to be sure but then again, it's MGS. It wouldn't be MGS if it wasn't at least a little confusing.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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11 years ago

Wait. I'm confused on this "Snake is gone and he won't be included in the game. Of course, the same can't be said for Ground Zeroes as he clearly has returned as the protagonist."

Solid Snake isn't the protag of Zeroes though, Naked Snake is right? But Solid is gone from Revengeance I think.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/23/2012 10:27:58 PM

11 years ago

Ground Zeros takes places AFTER Peace Walker and the main is Big Boss (Formally Naked Snake(MGS3)).

11 years ago

So it's saying Big Boss (NS)isn't in Revengeance?

11 years ago

It's referring to Solid Snake. John just got his Snakes mixed up that's all.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

There are 3 Snakes. On MGS 4 you play as Sokid Snake who is a clone of Big Boss. On Ground Zeroes you play as Big Boss, also known as Naked Snake.

Yea, he was referring to Solid Snake.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

At the time of peacewalker (1974) solid snake and liquid snake are two years old,solid snake's first appearance was in metal gear which is set in 1999 during the outer heaven infiltration.
Paz and chico are mentioned in the ground zeroes trailer and are supporting characters in peacewalker so by the sound of it ground zeroes is set during the late 70's – early-mid 80's in which case solid snake would still be a teennie bopper!
But i suppose there is a chance ground zeroes is set in 1990 which would put solid snake at the age of 18.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

@ killa
Methinks there are 4 snakes.

11 years ago

Im sure big boss will run into solid snake at some point in Ground Zeroes, hopefully we get some background info on grey fox as well.

11 years ago

*Head explodes*

11 years ago

How is it possible that the Snakes are completely omitted in Reveangance? I hope it means that they won't appear physically 'cause it's pretty difficult to root out such a key character from any of the other characters' dialogue…

11 years ago

By the end of 4, all Snakes save Solid are dead, and Solid himself is told he had a year at best to live so add the four…

The only Snake still alive should be the fake VR Trained one that goes by the codename Raiden now.

Unless Solid has his body preserved like Naked and Solidus, and Raiden has to find a way to cure, I don't expect him to come back unless he becomes a Cyborg Snake, similar to the process done with Gray Fox, Olga, and Raiden.

11 years ago

*SPOILER JUST IN-CASE!* They say "Solid Snake is gone" and the ending of MGS4 and most likely MGR will have you believe that, but who's to say that some how MGR will won't have you questioning if he is gone for good? Who's to say? I mean why would they tell us every detail? That would ruin any surprises that they could potentially use. Even though it's another studio developing Kojima-san is still producing and he so see fit he could tell us "I'm done with Solid" all the while he's holding the cards close to his chest for a potential return. This is all just pure speculation on my part but who's to say what he actually is thinking, you know?

11 years ago

TGS trailer was very impressive and I can't wait to play the demo!

11 years ago

Here's the newest video for Metal Gear Rising.

BTW, I think it's looking pretty much bada$$…

11 years ago

That trailer actually restores some of my hope for that game. I still can't expect it to live up to the rest of the series, but barring any terrible technical glitches, it looks like it will be really fun to play!

11 years ago

I'm assuming Snake won't be in regardless just because Kojima probably wants the reigns on anything related to him for continuity purposes. It still looks badass and there are probably gonna be references to him.

11 years ago

Solid Snake is dead after GoP but knowing the history of MG, he`ll be back.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Judging by the liver spots on his hands in mgs4,solid snake had the body of a man in his 70's or 80's,and with foxdie taken care off he could last another 5 – 10 years maybe

11 years ago

I think Rising will be a fun hack n slash from the bargain bin.

11 years ago

I thought this game was supposed to take place in between MGS2 and MGS4 so we find out what happened to Raiden and how he changed.
Maybe it said through flashback type playthroughs. Hmmmm…..

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Nah, that was the original concept before it got farmed out to P*. They wanted more creative freedom and KojiPro game them the go ahead to set it later.

11 years ago

"Was" being the key word of that statement…

11 years ago

Solid Snake isn't actually dead at the end of GOTP, remember after the cutscenes? I still think he should be left with after that though, that man has gone through a hell of an ordeal in his time!

11 years ago

It's not canon…..

And anyway, it looks far to futuristic to be only 4 years a head of MGS4.I'm just not buying it – nor will I be purchasing the game until it reaches budget pricing.

Solid Snake had better not be in this game, that would infuriate me more than how they have already destroyed Raiden's well earnt peace.

ON a side note, I watched the trailer and I did like some of what I saw, I liked how Raiden was sneaking around jumping up wall to destroy cameras. But the most charming thing I found was the Gekko. I never really liked them in MGS4, but they seem to have given a bit of life in this game.

But as it still stands, this game is too over to top for a Metal Gear (yes you rad that right..), it is set after MGS4 which is the conclusion to the series… I will not stand listening to "It's the end of Solid Snakes story" There is nothing left to tell after MGS4, Nothing. Then there is the art design. The characters seem to be having that Dirge of Cerberus syndrome, they just look over stylised and daft – and I think we all know how FF7:DoC's story went despite that I for one even enjoyed the gameplay.

I'm going to Eurogamer Expo in London where I will no doubt try it. Luckily it is in the 18+ section as I know I'll be cursing quite a bit…

11 years ago

I cant wait for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance next year. Unlike World up there it well be a day one buy for me. in fact its one of my top 3 most wanted for 2012. Behind BioShock Infinite & in front of God of War: Ascension.

11 years ago

umm 2013 not 2012 lol. now that i reread my post. damn to early in the morning

Last edited by raptassassin on 9/24/2012 9:12:09 AM

11 years ago

Even though I know SNake wont be in MGS Rising, how is the fact that hes "gone" reiterates that point? I mean theres nothing that happened at the end of MGS4 that would suggest hes dead, thus theres no reason he COULDNT show up in Rising (even though he wont)

11 years ago

Revengeance looks incredible!

11 years ago

I'll give it a try once it hits the bargain bin. Even after watching the still doesn't trump what I've seen from Ground Zeroes..

11 years ago

I would have loved if the game was set between MGS2 and MGS4. Though with Kojima not having as tight control over development with this, it makes sense for it not to fall within the timeframe of the other games. It makes it more of it's own story this way.

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