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Take-Two Falls Short In Fiscal 2012, But GTAV Is “Making Progress”

Publisher Take-Two Interactive didn't hit their revenue and profit goals for fiscal year 2012.

The problem, as cited by Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick during a stockholder meetering , was the delay of several titles. This occurred for the sake of "additional development time" but of course, that affects the current bottom line. Said Zelnick:

"This was primarily due to our decision to postpone the release of several titles in order to allow for additional development time. Although our commitment to quality may occasionally affect near-term results, we believe it's the right approach for maximizing revenue and profits over the long-term."

Among those delayed was the hotly anticipated Bioshock Infinite , which was supposed to launch in mid-October. It has since been pushed to February 26. Then there's the heaviest hitter of all: Grand Theft Auto V . We still don't have a solidified launch date but many expect it to launch in the first quarter of 2013; Zelnick added that the game "is in full development and making substantial progress."

Well, our readers don't appear to be concerned .

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11 years ago

That's okay, I'll be giving them a contribution next year.

11 years ago

I'm still buying their games. Proud of them of delaying them so they don't have all kinds of bugs. Max Payne 3 and borderlands 2 (so far) have been smooth games for me. Hopefully us gamers support them and their investors see the reward and don't punish the company because of these delays.

They are one of the few developers that'll move back a release date if it isn't ready.

11 years ago

Infinite will be mine whenever it shows up!

" in full development and making substantial progress." = 60% done.

11 years ago

I get more and more the feeling they are just holding up for the launch dates of the next gen consoles to become official, with the goal of being one of *the* major next-gen launch titles.

Just imagine the amount of free marketing push for Rockstar when both consoles are battling out to be the associated "GTA5 console".

Yeah… I am now willing to bet on GTA5 being for the next gen only. Cause if it were not they'd want to push the game out of the door in good time before the air goes out of the current-gen balloon and then surely we'd have at least an estimated release *month* by now.

That's my reasoning. Anyone up for a bet? 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/21/2012 3:37:18 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

You know, this doesn't seem out of the possibility. If you got to rockstar official website and then click the link to GTA V's official website, the are no shown platforms on wich GTA V will run on. Heck even Agent showes the PS3 logo only. You'd think by now we would already know what consoles will run it.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 9/21/2012 4:38:10 AM

11 years ago

I'll take you up on the bet 😉 how many units of Xbox 360 and PS3 are out in the wild right now? How many years will it take for the next Xbox and playstation to match those numbers? Can't see Rockstar passing on that many pontential sales.

How about PS3/Xbox 360 versions along with next gen versions (hopefully not for a premium)? That seems more believable to me.

11 years ago

Alright, Josiahlo – let's settle the deal shall we? How much are you willing to bet? 🙂

Remember that your reasoning there could be said about *all* titles released for a new console – also when the PS3 were introduced. And GTA4 were released pretty early on the PS3…

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/21/2012 2:33:23 PM

11 years ago

sure, sure.
just give us a god dam update already!!!!!!!!!

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