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The Last Guardian Was Probably Announced “Way Too Early”

Sony swears The Last Guardian is still in development, even if it was once again absent from the Tokyo Game Show.

The game has been surrounded by rumor and difficulty since its impressive debut unveiling way back in 2009. Lead designer Fumito Ueda left Sony to freelance work on his own, but he was still contracted to finish the game. Then there were other setbacks including "technical difficulties" that forced the developers to "redo" a fair portion of the production. Not good news.

But it is still coming, as confirmed with Kotaku . It's just that, as Ueda said, it's a "very ambitious project" and it was "probably announced way too early." Sony's new policy appears to be holding back on talking about big games until they're a little further along in the development process, which is probably a good idea.

This thing just needs to get done .

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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11 years ago

Im ok with LG and Versus taking their time but I would like to see screenshots and game info while I wait for them to release.

11 years ago

Yeah whats the harm in releasing a few things here and there?

11 years ago

The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy Versus XIII…2 ps3 exclusives which have quite a lot of potential. Well…many seem to think Versus is debatable judging from gameplay footage from the trailer – but I'm still down for it.

There was a time when I posted on the PS Forum saying how Versus would release until 2012 or so…and it was like 2010 – and PEOPLE called me INSANE. Well now take a look.

I think it's just 2 directors who are obsessed with having perfection. Especially with Ueda and his legacy. But seriously – these things are just announced way too early…the management/publishing side of things have got to get their act together.

…does anyone even remember a game from Rockstar called AGENT?! WTH happened with that?

11 years ago

I think in the case of Versus it just keeps getting shelved to work on crappy sequels to XIII and other games nobody wants, not perfectionism.

11 years ago

Exactly world. Before FFXIII-2, we were starting to rain in on FFvsXIII info, and I think midway, SE finalized their thoughts to make FFXIII-2.

Let's face it, FFXIII was completely fine where it left off. All this time-shift nonsense just seems like an unnecessary add on to the story.

11 years ago

Couldn't agree more.

You complained before about FFXIII-2's ending, then I remember Ben or someone told you to get the paradox endings to complete it.

It does not complete anything. It just pissed me off that I spent the extra time to get the "secret" and completely unrewarding ending. I platinum'd that bizz-nitch. And that is the only good thing about the whole damn thing…

(I did a user review, by the way)

11 years ago

Way way way waaaaaaayyyy too early.

For a long time LG has been my most anticipated title of the generation. SOTC is one of my favourite games of all time and I had really high hopes for Last Guardian. I was so excited when they announced it. But after 3+ years with virtually no status updates or showings at the major gaming events and a development cycle that's become shrouded in controversy…

Man I hate to say it… I really hate to say it, but I'm losing interest.

11 years ago

Sony needs to stop announcing sh*t before it has even reached the drawing board. Where's Agent?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago


11 years ago

Would you rather know every tidbit about a game from the start to the finish, or would you rather only hear about it once it's gone gold?

Personally I'm starting to get frustrated by some of these long development times.

11 years ago

I don't want to hear anything until it's only a year off.

11 years ago

Or would you like to hear more about it while getting interrupted considerably, due to another game series that came out of the blue to continue its existence.

(Referring to FFvsXIII/FFXIII btw)

11 years ago


I've said the same thing countless times. The 1 year mark is the perfect time to announce a game. It gives the marketing department enough time to get the news out to everyone, and at the same time doesn't allow the game to go stagnent either as people will continually lose interest the longer it goes. I really wish all companies would follow that guideline, but I don't think they'll ever learn. Worst part is, some of these companies will announce a game 3 or 4 years out, and then blame the consumers when they don't sell through the roof, it's really quite sad.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I'm inclined to agree. It certainly doesn't help that expectations immediately went through the roof thanks to the brilliance of ICO and SotC. I think I'll be happy to know when the game gets on track and we can finally get a release date. But picture this: TLG as a PS4 launch day title. It wouldn't sell, but my goodness would that ever be some kind of epic…

11 years ago

I have to disagree 🙂
It would sale and would push quite a few PS4s. I would shell out the money for a launch PS4, especially if it was bundled with it.

11 years ago

At least they straight out said it. They, however, don't hold a candle to the joke that is SE and their FF Versus 13 development.

11 years ago

No sh!t…

Obviously a good idea.

11 years ago

christ, if this is what has to happen for them to say probably then id hate to see what has to happen for them to say defiantly!
i really dont care when it releases, as long as it releases!
i just wish they would show off something, anything, to put peoples worries at ease!
all the rumors of it being canned, and half the studio leaving has really shaken peoples confidence on this.

11 years ago

The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy Versus XIII were the very reasons I wanted a buy a PS3 for. I'm still waiting. And still have not bought a PS3.:'|

Last edited by drooleybob on 10/21/2012 6:45:56 AM

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