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Does The Wii U Put Any Added Pressure On Sony Or Microsoft?

As most of the gaming world knows, the Wii U has been confirmed with a date and price (basic model price of $299, November 18 launch).

You can find the specs and projected software just about anywhere you look and, in addition to the recently revealed iPhone 5, these two items are the catalysts for thousands of discussions.

So here's the inevitable question: Is the Wii U considered "next-gen?" Or has Nintendo simply separated themselves from that rat race? Have they individualized themselves by refusing to compete in the same realm? And when I ask that, I'm not implying any inferiority; I'm simply saying Nintendo's position in the market has changed (of their own volition) and to some extent, it has worked. I say "to some extent" because the Wii stormed out of the gate, only to take a steep dive in the past couple of years. Which, by the way, I predicted, due to the almost complete lack of AAA cutting-edge software. Gimmicks have short life spans, if you hadn't noticed.

So let's just say for the sake of argument that the Wii U is more than a gimmick. I'm not sure it is, but let's just go with that. And let's say it sells extremely well as Sony and Microsoft prepare for the next generation of hardware. Will such success put any added pressure on the PlayStation and Xbox brands to launch sooner? Or do they simply recognize that they're no longer competing with Nintendo in the same way? Is it safe to assume both are just ignoring Nintendo? Or is that too short-sighted? After all, the Wii U is a video game console, is it not? And with the majority of the industry being casual in this day and age, the majority of consumers may lump the Wii U in with the PS4 and Xbox 720.

On top of which, it's a guarantee that both Sony and Microsoft's consoles will cost a good deal more than $300, and the Wii U will have the benefit of a big head start. But again, is the Wii U next-gen and will it compete directly with the PS4 and Xbox 720 when they arrive? It almost seems like Nintendo is distancing themselves by moving into a staggered hardware release schedule: As Sony and Microsoft continue to release at similar times, Nintendo might provide something new in the midst of the upcoming generation. After all, given the technology the PS4 and Xbox 720 supposedly boast, and the fact that the Wii U will already be "old" (at least by electronics standards) when the new consoles arrive, Nintendo might need another piece of hardware sooner.

These are all tough questions and ones I'm in no position to answer. Just thought I'd ask.

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11 years ago

I'm still shocked Bayonetta 2 will be exclusive to this console.

11 years ago

um, what?

11 years ago
11 years ago

wow, didn't expect that, like at all. I'm sort of thinking the Wii will be a target for a lot of japanese titles, including even quality jrpg's.

11 years ago

Forbes, World?
You going entrepreneur on us?

11 years ago

Ya never know 😉

11 years ago

Still not enough to convince me to buy a console with IPs from the 1980's and early 90's.

I'm going to get downranked for this, but in my opinion, Nintendo's practices of over-reliance on familiar IPs is worse than Call of Duty.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

DANG IT!! I was hoping bayonetta 2 would be on PS3. That's a kick to the posterior.

11 years ago

Ninja Gaiden III has decapitation in Wii U, it's more violent. Why Wii U has the better version? Oh men!

11 years ago

Nice, World
I'll be voting for Mit Romney, too 😉

(temjins political pokes shouldn't ever be replied to directly, a subtle thumb up or thumb down will suffice)

11 years ago

I pretty much agree that Nintendo has bowed out of the Cold War. I think they're wholly concerned about their own ecosystem. I think technically, the Wii U is "next-gen" because next-gen I don't think necessarily has to equate to massive processing leaps. But maybe it does, I dunno. I think it's more about cataloging a time frame of systems.

Personally, my feelings towards Nintendo has softened up over the last few months. On the onset I had angst towards them because they weren't being more like how I wanted them. It was naive of me to think they'd somehow try and take on MS or Sony head on.

Right now, I'd like the idea of playing a Zelda, that while not BF3 or UE4 in graphics, will at least look sharp and pleasant on my HDTV and not a pixelated mess. I think several PS2 HD games look pretty nice, all due to res boosting, so I see myself returning to some favorite Nintendo franchises, like Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. Those are my "Tri-Force" nintendo games. hehe Ima a GEEK!

11 years ago

I got a chance to preview the Wii U a few weeks ago. Pikmin and New Super Mario Bros U were both clean. The graphics overall will be nice at launch.

11 years ago

My feelings on the Wii U are pretty much the same as they were for the Wii. Get Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Donkey Kong. Most everything else can be ignored.

11 years ago

I really don't think that Wii U is going to make much of an impact on either Sony or MS. Sony and MS consoles have always been similar products, so they naturally are in direct competition. Nintendo has always done their own thing. I'm in no way a Nintendo mark. All my major electronics have been Sony for about 30 years, but Nintendo products have been different enough that they don't share much of their audience with anyone else. I'm absolutely gonna buy the Wii U when it comes out. I love all the gadgets, so I buy most of them, and I have always really liked Nintendo's products, but it's a completely different experience, so I don't think their impact is any more than just their own sales numbers. Sony and MS's sales include a lot of customers that they take away from each other, so they are more so in actual competition. That's what I like about Nintendo and that's why they don't worry about things like not having innovations on their systems that others are doing, like HD on the Wii, etc., while other systems need to keep up with the new technology – they are apples, while everyone else are oranges competing with other oranges.

11 years ago

I absolutely think Microsoft and Sony are watching Nintendo, but I don't think they are watching for the same reason as say consumers. I think they're watching to see what the casuals think and looking for any innovaitve ideas that they could easily port over to their respective systems. Sure gimmicks die out, but they make a lot of money in the short haul.

I don't consider Nintendo part of the console wars anymore as they themselves have retreated from the battlefield. For what reason I don't know, they have the money and could easily stand with the other 2, but it seems like they want no part of it. It is a shame really because as a kid I loved Nintendo, but as I have got older I have considered them to be somewhat of a joke. I mean people(mainly critics) have picked on games like Final Fantasy, CoDs, or Sports Games for having too many installments, yet the Mario character is in well over 200 games, talk about milking a cow to death. If Nintendo would actually go back to making some new franchises I would consider picking up one of their systems, but it seems they just want to make the same games over and over, causing me to lose interest in them as a company.

11 years ago

I do think they are on their own placeset. Problem is most of thier games are geared toward younger gamers…. or Japanese anime fans which tend to have "childish" tastes. I believe Nintendo isnt going against PS4 and Xbox anymore but will still lose customers to them if they dont make different games.

But maybe they are going for the children more than the adults….

Last edited by wackazoa on 9/13/2012 12:50:01 PM

11 years ago

I can say I have absolutely no interest in the Wii U. It blows my mind how they can get away with releasing a 2-D Mario on something that is supposed to be next-gen and people are excited about it! Don't get me wrong, I'm not a graphics whore but I cannot understand how someone can dish out $349.99 to play a 2D game on launch day. And the thing is… I know Mario games are great for what they are… but come on… at least Mario galaxy introduced new concepts and really showed off what the Wii could do graphics wise.

People are also comparing the price point to the PS3 and 360 when they came out… but to me there is a difference. Those systems were actually cutting edge when they came out. The Wii U is almost the same tech as those were 6 years ago. And when you bought a PS3, you knew you were gonna have a cutting edge machine for years to come. The Wii U will look outdated in a year when the other two systems come out. So yeah, it's not a horrible price tag for a new system, but it all depends on what you expect from a new system. To me, it's just a weaker version of the PS3 and 360.

It really is hard to predict what's going to happen. I think the Wii threw a curve ball at everyone's expectations on what could succeed in this industry. But I will say this… the Wii succeeded because it was something new, the Wii U is no longer something that feels new. But who knows, maybe casual gamers will go nuts for it again.

11 years ago

"It blows my mind how they can get away with releasing a 2-D Mario on something that is supposed to be next-gen and people are excited about it!"

Because they're still fun.

11 years ago

Yeah it's true they are still fun but I do not apporve of the 59.99 pricetag…… XD A 2D sidescroller like this should be no more than 20$… But… Since it IS Mario I would accept 40$ (it does offer a lot more polish)

The original price they charge for it is totally unjustified if you compare it to other games at 59.99 (Nearly no script, no real voice acting or any acting at all, no R&D like some game makers actually pay their team to go to some crazy locations to get actual references heck I wouldn't be surprised if the team handling it wasn't over a dozen people 😛 )

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 9/13/2012 6:20:06 PM

11 years ago

Neo keep in mind $60 today is probably the same as $50, 7 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if $60 is actually a better deal even. Just imagine the crap that hits the fan if PS4k and Xbox Ultra 8 games MSRP for $70… And DIGITAL only hehe

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/13/2012 7:09:00 PM

11 years ago

Let me rephrase that… how can they PUSH a system with a game like that. I'm not attacking the game itself. It's more like I cannot understand how someone can be excited for something that is NEXT GEN that they have already experienced on a ton of other systems that are very similar.

11 years ago

I think they are in their own little world, and I think Sega should make a little console to compete in that little world 🙂

I just got a Wii for my nieces and I can't believe that thing is such a big deal. You can't sit or stand and aim up or down at the TV, you have to be perfectly level. How am I supposed to shoot anything? If I aim at the corner of the screen it says I'm out of bounds. A light gun was way better.

11 years ago

I think they are in their own little world, and I think Sega should make a little console to compete in that little world 🙂

Please don't tease me like that, I would bail on Sony in a heartbeat if Sega got back into consoles, even if they competed with Nintendo instead of the big 2.

11 years ago

Sega is better off not worrying about hardware. Those poor blokes just couldn't ever get it right, market wise, save it be for Genesis.

Genesis DOES what Ninten-DON'T !
Gotta love their ads, though 😉
Blast Processing

I'm a Sega fan for sure. I've purchased Shinobi PS2, Revenge of Shinobi, Sonic CD, VF5: FS, Sega Rally Arcade over the past several months alone. I'm eyeing JSR as well, but I really preffered it's sequel, JSRF. No time limits rule.

11 years ago

oh, and someone needs to tell SEGA that the Streets of Rage vintage collection needs to come over to PSN. It's been on 360 for a while now.

11 years ago

I agree JSRF was better except for the spraypainting bit. It'd feel weird to play the first one on PS.

11 years ago

I think Nintendo is trying to get some share of that hardcore gamers this time around. Making Bayonetta an exclusive is indication of that. So I think they are competing with Sony and MS this time.

11 years ago

I think each console has its own established fan base so the other next gen consoles don't have anything to worry about even with regards to cost. Nintendo has always been a more kid and family friendly console and is for good clean fun. Playstation is in a class all by itself and in my opinion has the best games and best controller and specs. I've never like Xbox who had a year head start and is still behind like an Iphone so I won't talk about that :-). I know to make money everyone is going multi platform but I just think the Playstation shines. Quite a few people paid $600 upon its release including me and if it the next one costs the same I'll be buying it again. Games usually sell systems but hardware does as well and the PS3 is far from old to me so the PS4 will shine for many years after its release.

11 years ago

I think Nintendo has found a niche and they're going to stick with it. They can release this console now to "catch up" and when the other consoles come out, slap a price drop on it and still compete.

Their console may be underpowered by comparison, but the lower price point is an easier sell to the general public. Hardcore gamers may put their nose up at that, but they're not Nintendo's market. The general public (including parents and kids) are a much bigger market, and much easier to sell to at a lower price point. It may not hit the numbers the Wii did, but I think Nintendo will probably continue to find success in their market.

11 years ago

This is why competition is good. Even if it's not direct competition, I doubt Nintendo would have the balls to put a $350 price tag for the premium version if Sony or Microsoft releases their console. Like the 3DS launching at $250, it didn't take long for them to drop the price as soon as the Vita's price was announced.

11 years ago

Nintendo blew it making their new system so expensive, why would anyone want to pay that much for something that isn't that much of an improvement?
They need to make it cheap, the cheapest, not the most expensive. This may be the death of Nintendo, or maybe they will finally reorganize their company to be more cutting edge and less cheezy…

11 years ago

I watched the event, and it has a chat thingy. You'd be surprised how many people are "ok" or excited about the price. Also, all the gaming forums I'm a part of isn't complaining much either.

Last edited by daus26 on 9/13/2012 4:37:23 PM

11 years ago

I think Sony & M$ took a quick sideways glance at the Wi-U specs & kept on truckin'.

The Wii, no matter how many they sold, just isn't in the League of the Big Boys, & Ninty knows it, but could care less.

FYI, I hate my Wii, sitting there in it's now-cocky all-black shell just staring back at me, while just collecting dust, all because I've never, never, ever, ever, ever, been able to dial in the Wimote Plus'es sensitivity enough to not have the game's screen continuously spin around & around, no matter what the heck I did to the settings.

I even went as far as to buy a Wii gamepad controller so I didn't have to play "Merry-go-round" with my Wimote anymore.

But to my shock & chagrin, all 12 of the Wii games I have WON'T let let use it, so it's either the Wimote+, or nothing.

So for me now, it's a "nothing".

BTW, I think Platinum just shot themselves in both feet by making B2 exclusive to the Wii=U.
They're going to lose out big-time on any possible sales to well over 100 million PS3 & 360 gamers.

And plus not to mention any additional sales they might've gotten if they also made it for the Vita too.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/13/2012 2:13:15 PM

11 years ago

BikerSaint, I'm surprised your not happy that B2 has been revived. Didn't you guys forget? B2 got cancelled, as a publisher sega dropped it.

Nintendo just saved B2 and I'm still shocked it is going to be on the wii u, let alone a exclusive. I heard someone say on a forum that it would eventually go to the other systems. GL with that, seeing nintendo is behind the reins. Just save up for a wii u, this system honestly doesn't seem that bad at all. Thats like saying gow is going multi.

If wii u flops or the b2 does. Then maybe others who don't like being multiple system owners will see b3 on their system.

My only worries if they will take away some of the sexual flare associated with it ;S. Even though I have this odd feeling it was eventually going to happen with this whole strike against beautiful women in video games.

Last edited by Ydobon on 9/13/2012 2:43:31 PM

11 years ago

I do want B2 and I'd even be satisfied if it would've been a multi-plat title.

I'm just miffed that it's only going to the WiiU, is all.

BTW, as a gaming collector, I'm constantly searching the net for all things gaming related & so far, I've heard nothing about B2 just being a timed exclusive, and then going multi-plat later on.

But I hope I'm wrong.

11 years ago

It's only competition in the sense that some people buy one console at a time, if that, and some of those people will buy a Nintendo Wii U, and then not buying anything else for a long time. The experience is just so, so far from what Microsoft and Sony are doing. It's why I just can't imagine loving a Nintendo console nearly as much as I love Sony's or Microsoft's, but a nice part of the appeal too: Nintendo offers systems that are so different from the other gaming platforms.

$350 is not a bad price for the high end package. If you asked me yesterday, i would have been 100 certain I was sitting out Nintendo's next system (at least until the cost came way down.) Today, I'm kinda liking the sound of picking up one of these over the holidays…

11 years ago

For gaming history, yes nintendo's wii u will be considered to be in the 8th gaming generation being the 3rd after 3ds and vita.

To answer the title question yes and no. I think it is pretty much set in stone that all dedicated fans are going to stick with their system no matter what games are released. They are only trying to grab people who are indecisive or willing to have multiple systems. The indecisive obviously being the younger crowd which is huge for the future of gaming and people who really couldn't get into it in the first place. The lateral helping the wii out a lot.

Last edited by Ydobon on 9/13/2012 3:01:29 PM

11 years ago

For me it is all about what games that come to Wii U, all i need is a great JRPG from Monolith Soft that took the Soft from Square and created their own company. More Xeno-title games anyone?

11 years ago

As someone who camped in line for 2 days to get a ps3, and ended up being number 27 when they only had 25 of them. I have to say, I don't really see the hype for this new system like there was for the current gen of consoles. For example, in a time span of 2 years before the current gen launched. All of the gaming news sites had nothing but stories speculating about what the new systems were going to be like. While the Wii U gets an occasional article, which is usually something about how it is going to get good ports of current games or how it did at E3. And now they give the release date only 2 months before it launches. I remember knowing when the ps3 and wii way before 2 months. And I also remember people camping outside for the opportunity to pre order the game at toys r us and gamestop. Now with the Wii U I just have a feeling that I could walk into a store a week after it launches and grab one. And that isn't how a console launch should be

11 years ago

Still not interested in nintendo's consoles. After the back-hand i got when the wii launched there's still no way i would buy a nintendo console for myself. The gamecube was probably my favorite console back during the ps2/xbox/cube days. It was so small and cub-ish but so badass at the same time. I knew as soon as i heard 'Wii' that it would disappoint me. After the incredible rage at the damn wii-mote in metroid prime 3 i can safely say i hate the wii. It gave nothing special but re-runs of the same game structure. Im also not a fan of the new controller. I understand nintendo is trying to try new things, but sometimes same is better… Nintendo should know what im talking about. How many mario games has there been? 347? 6 a month? I do think its great that Nintendo fans are getting some AAA games though.

11 years ago

I don't really think it adds any pressure to Sony. Nintendo has and always will go after a different market than Sony has. I'll get a Wii U to be the secondary console to PS4. It's been that way for 3 gens now and I don't see it changing. I enjoy Nintendo's first party games but for everything else, Sony always has the bases covered better and they've built up their own excellent first party studios over the years.

11 years ago

Others have mentioned this, but doesn't it seem weird they waited so long to announce the price and date? I feel like the latest we would know about console launches would be may/june at E3 for later that year. It could mean nothing, but it could also mean a botched launch that isn't too sucessful. Time will tell.

I don't think MS or Sony has too much to worry about though. Nintendo established last generation that they have their own segment of the market and can still be wildly sucessful. If anything, the Wii-U attempting to appeal to more "hardcore" gamers with various ports and the like, could turn off some of the Nintendo followers. Especially if MS next Xbox comes with Kinect 2.0. MS seems content going after those types of gamers.

11 years ago

sale wise, i believe the wii u will boom to the casual gamers since alot of folks are accustomed to touchscreen tech…. thats only thing i believe wii U has to deliver to be appealing next gen…. im interested in seeing how the gamepad can immerse gameplay with 3rd party developers…. exclusives, Nintendo lacks hardcore games & i dont mean shooters im talking games that make maximum use of the hardware.

11 years ago

No pressure. In terms of specs, I think they know that they are on a different league against Nintendo, also Nintendo knew it. It just that Nintendo also has good exclusives.

11 years ago

Btw, does anyone know if Wii U has any strict liscensing terms for games? If not, I see GameStop wanting to get ultra cozy with promoting Nintendo brand items in the coming months, maybe years, if there isn't much going on to lock down resellers.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/13/2012 7:06:22 PM

11 years ago

GameStop must've been on the horn to Nintendo Japan cause they had their Wii-U ads up, & Wii-U emails out minutes after the official announcement.

11 years ago

In short Ben… NO!

I think Nintendo moving into "hardcore" gaming will end up in failure…



11 years ago

I think the 8GB/32GB internal storage (only 'upgradeable' to large HDD via USB)and lack of standard media support still makes the Wii U seem kinda limited. It also sounds like it's relying most heavily on the GPU and that the CPU may not be anything special. Any of the footage I've seen also doesn't look especially impressive, even compared to early-on PS3/360 titles.

Then again, I know a few people that get a look of awe and giddiness in their faces anytime Nintendo is mentioned, so it'll probably be a hit regardless of performance.

11 years ago

no, not at all.
problem is ninty is releasing a new system that really is not that new!
it will cause problems for the ps3 and 360, allot of people will switch over to it.
but when ps4 and the next xbox release people will switch back over to that once they can afford too.
might affect them in the short term, but in the long term it wont.
exactly like the wii ninty is going on a totally separate path to what $ony and M$ are.

11 years ago

Wait. So I just watched this Black Ops II Wii U demo at Gametrailers. So a gamer can choose to play the game on either a TV or the Tablet?
That's pretty cool. I see myself taking advantage of that in the family room.

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