Some say this will be one of the last – if not the last – generation of home video games consoles.
And many argue that it would be better for the industry if we simply had one universal system that played everything, and that it's silly and ultimately counterproductive to have these competing consoles.
Well, I'm still not sure where I stand on the issue, but I do know I'm less likely to be a multi-console owner these days. Growing up, I always needed more than one; from the SNES and Genesis onward, I always played on more than one platform (even if the alternate platform was PC). Right up until the last generation, when I had PS3 and Xbox 360, this was the norm for me.
But this is the first generation in a very long time where I haven't felt compelled to own multiple consoles, and it's not because PlayStation 4 is head-and-shoulders above the competition. I don't even think it is at this point (though I believe it'll change in 2016, what with the exclusives on tap). I think the reason I'm a single console owner is just because PS4 and Xbox One seem so ridiculously similar. Yes, PS4 has the obvious technical edge, as most multiplatform titles tend to perform better on Sony's console, but we're talking about minor differences. And Nintendo lost me a while ago.
I might be intrigued by the NX but knowing the gimmick-happy company that Nintendo has become, I'm not really holding my breath. Then, combine this with the fact that more games are being produced than ever before and I have less time than ever before, and a second gaming platform just seems superfluous. I doubt I'd even have much chance to play the Vita if it had any games I wanted to play. I'm just wondering if others out there feel the same way. Or are you the opposite? Are you more interested in having multiple consoles in your entertainment center these days? And if so, why?