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Heavenly Sword 2 Concept Art Surfaces, And We’re Depressed

This is one game that should never have been axed.

Heavenly Sword was, in our opinion, one of the first great PS3 exclusives. We were hoping developer Ninja Theory would do a sequel but instead, they produced the solid Enslaved: Odyssey to the West ; they're currently working on the Devil May Cry reboot.

But a Heavenly Sword sequel was in the works at Sony's Cambridge studio, and some information along with a bunch of ditched concept art has surfaced at Siliconera . The enemies in the scrapped game were going to be the Ravens and the Raven King, and we also get a glimpse of a pair of twins that would've provided "comic relief." We even see something that hinted at a Nariko resurrection…

Honestly, if there's any chance of this project getting resurrected, we hope Sony takes it. We get tons of sequels these days but I still think Heavenly Sword was unique in a number of ways…and I want another!

Related Game(s): Heavenly Sword

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11 years ago

always thought santa monica should pick up the sequel if sony couldnt get ninja theory. while the game was short, the story wasn't bad at all. Idk…them just ditching heavenly sword like they did just made me sick n thus I never gave a damn about about trying enslaved. It deserves a sequel damnit.

11 years ago

I would really love it if Ninja Theory and Sony did a sequel to Heavenly Sword especially since NT has getting experience with the Capcom's DMC team.

11 years ago

Sweet art work. I wasn't the biggest fan of the original Heavenly Sword but I would've been real interested in a sequel.

11 years ago

The fact HS never got a sequel is a travesty and a tragedy. Since when does a 2 million seller, especially on a system very few people owned for the first couple years not get a sequel? I know Ninja Theory drank too much sake and went insane but Sony still owns that name. I really hope something gets done about it, there was an amazing foundation there for a long term franchise.

Enslaved was good but was it worth it when nobody bought the thing? Maybe they will come back to the table after DmC is done.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

That image with the blood red is just plain sexy. Seriously, I want Heavenly Sword 2. Thinking of it though, I'd actually be happy to see one entry in the series per Sony generation. That would just be really amazing and it could genuinely set a benchmark.

I just want to see Ninja Theory finally succeed because they deserve a HELL of a lot more than they have thus far and if they go bust… It'll be a real loss for this industry, I think, because the team is, simply one of the best in terms of their storytelling ability.

11 years ago

so wish $ony and NT would reconsider bringing this back!
especially as a launch ps4 title, it could do REALLY well!
either that, or do a enslaved sequel as a launch title!
actually yea id prefer a enslaved sequel, the gameplay to that was allot more fun and its story was far better!

11 years ago

Absolutely! I loved Heavenly Sword. Every time somebody asks me "What are some good PS3 games?" Heavenly Sword is one of the first 5 titles I suggest, regardless of what they're into.

I really hope someone picks this up. Though I'd really like to see NT come back to the table for HS2 after they're finished with DMC. HS2 could be NT's big finale for the PS3. With an established name and a HUGE install base now, it could sell loads more than the first one did.

Me Want!

11 years ago

Make it happen Sony

11 years ago

Oh i wish they would do another Heavenly sword, first game i bought with my PS3 and i was just in Awww from beginning to end.

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