It seems like just about every last facet of Sony's upcoming E3 presentation has been leaked.
Of course, none of it is confirmed and we must apply the "rumor" label to such information. That being said, when I was perusing the speculative list , my eyes were drawn toward one thing:
The possibility of a Heavenly Sword 2 announcement. Could Ninja Theory finally be working on a sequel?
Sure, I want games like Uncharted 4 , The Order: 1886 , and a new God of War just like everyone else. I think Quantic Dream's project ( The Dark Sorcerer ) will be amazing whenever it decides to arrive, I can't wait to see what studios like Sony Japan and Sony London have in store, Media Molecule is forever the accomplished creative innovator, I'd love to see a Syphon Filter reboot, and an RPG from Guerrilla definitely got my attention.
But above all, HS2 is what I want. To this day, I think Heavenly Sword is one of the most underrated and under-appreciated games of the previous generation. I still remember writing the review and wondering how other critics could've seen fit to bash the game. I just didn't get it. The story was good – better than most action titles, that's for sure – and the acting and writing were unbelievable. Some will complain about the gameplay but honestly, I didn't have any problem. Shallow? Eh, depends on how you look at it.
Everything, from the setting to the character(s) to the combat, kept me absorbed from start to finish. Furthermore, I've always respected Ninja Theory; Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was another sorely under-appreciated game. It just seemed like this team always got the short end of the stick last generation, and if they do deliver Heavenly Sword 2 , I hope they're rewarded. I can almost guarantee that the audience will be very appreciative of the announcement at E3…if it comes.