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Visit The PSXE YouTube Channel, Catch Up On Old Shows

It has been a while since we made a new PSXE Show but hey, summer is slow.

We might do more, but they may or may not be featured in the PlayStation Home community theater, which has become jam packed. There is no doubt, however, that we will put more stuff up on our YouTube Channel, which is a lot easier for us to do. Also, stay tuned for more video reviews as well.

We've uploaded the last couple of PSXE show episodes in case you missed 'em when they debuted. They're old but at least they're entertaining (I think), and you can feel free to comment on the…uh…commentary. I cover all sorts of topics, from mobile gaming to the travesty at Team Bondi. There's also a good chance we'll be returning to the PlayStation Vita for a video update of some kind; you may recall that we debuted the Vita overview video at around the time Sony's new portable hit the market. We need a progress report.

So if you're interested, head on over and check it out . Also, don't forget to take part in the ongoing conversations on Twitter . Who knows…maybe I'll let some things slip there that would never slip on the main site…

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11 years ago

I will do as you ask…minus twitter…I'm too old and set in my ways to get into that.

11 years ago

Just an FYI

I have twitter, but I've set it up just to follow all developers, publishers, & some gaming sites & win gaming contests & sweeps.

And so far, I've won many gaming swag items (numerous gaming t-shirts, a Spatterhouse mask statue, Dead Space bobble heads & a bunch of D/L game codes just to mention a few things)from the contests they've done on twitter.

11 years ago

I will pretend you never said 'swag'…

11 years ago

The word "swag" is really taken out of account.
It basically being abused and misused by today's teen generation.

But, if everything were peaceful, swag basically mean "individualism". It sucks that you can't even mention it without inciting rage.

11 years ago

When I was young it always just meant a bag of crappy weed.

11 years ago

I wondered why all that stuff died.

11 years ago

I didn't know use had a Youtube channel, well now I do and I subscribed. Hope to see some new stuff on there. I just watched the Dragon Age II video as it is sitting in my backlog and I already beat Origins, and that is now looking like it might be my next game after I finish the few that I am playing right now.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Thanks Ben, these gave me something to watch while I waited for my old PS3 to cool down in between gaming sessions. That poor old girl doesn't like the hot weather.

11 years ago

This will look mighty fine on my shiny new PS3 Youtube App!


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