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PSXE Poll Update: Two Big Titles Leave Gamers Undecided

Maybe there's room for two successful games this week.

THQ and Vigil Games will release Darksiders II on Tuesday, and United Front Games and Square Enix will launch their competitor, Sleeping Dogs , on the same day. Both have fantastic potential and early feedback and reviews are pointing towards not one, but two top-quality adventures. Decisions, decisions…

So maybe that's why the PSXE readers are basically split right down the middle. Darksiders II eked out a narrow victory in this week's popularity contest, but it may as well have been equal, and let's not forget about the slim majority that isn't interested in either offering. If both games turn out great, we're hoping gamers will reward both developers and publishers involved; after all, the industry is having a pretty tough year, so put a crowbar in those wallets if there's something you want.

This week, we turn our attention to one of the most anticipated games of the generation: Grand Theft Auto V . Most still think it has a chance of launching later this year, while others think we still have a long wait. What's your take? When will it finally launch?

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11 years ago

Once I have the money I would like to pick up Sleeping Dogs but that probably won't be for awhile. Darksiders II doesn't interest me but if I find it cheap down the road I may pick it up.

I just looked at the poll and won't be voting on that one since there isn't a "I don't care option".

11 years ago

I just voted not until the end of 2013 because I think it will be a 2014 game.

11 years ago

I don't think we'll see GTAV at least until the end of next year. I have a feeling it'll be a launch title for the next generation of gaming systems.

11 years ago

Sleeping Dogs and DSII are going to have to wait…a long time. And I think fans of GTAV will have to wait until 2014. One thing is certain: not this year. Rockstar can be quiet, but it would be strange for them to be releasing no information at this point.

11 years ago

Darksiders 2 looks really good. Honestly I havnt paid much attention to sleeping dogs, so I'm not real interested in that one, but if I hear good things I may get it later. But the fact of the matter is if I buy any game this month it'll be Transformers. I'm mad they took out the co-op considering that's why I bought the first and ended up really enjoying it. But o-well, it looks really good. As long as they stick to what made the first good, which was a tribute to the fans then at least the story should be good.

But I just finished Brotherhood and started Revelations. So there may not be time for anything. Revelations is really good by the way. I like the RTS type gameplay they threw in, and the CGI in the cut scenes is really cool. The battle system is fun and the story is intriguing. I didnt understand how they would involve Altier when the game was announced, but I knew I wished somehow they'd get him more involved in the story since I feel the first was an injustice to him. So far so good! Sorry bout that off topic rant about AC but it's the reason I won't be purchasing any games this week. Getting ready for AC3!

As far as GTAV. I'm not sure I understand R* right now. They have a huge team and great publisher yet release a game every 3 years or so. That's fine it seems about average, maybe a little higher for most games, but this quietness is a little unsettling. So I'm not sure what the status of GTAV is honestly. All I do know is I'm pretty certain I'm gonna have to wait until next gen for the next Red Dead and that's a shame.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/13/2012 12:26:18 AM

11 years ago

Both games look very good, problem is I can't really afford to get more than one game this month and since I really enjoyed Transformers: War for Cybertron I decided Fall of Cybertron is going to be the game I purchase. That said, Darksiders 2 looks like a game I could get into so I'll probably buy it at some point and if reviews are solid on Sleeping Dogs that's another I could see being worth a pick up down the line.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 8/13/2012 1:19:56 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Sleeping Dogs all the way. Darksiders has just never really appealed to me for some reason I simply can't fathom. I got the first off a friend for a tenner, but it's been a part of my backlog since then… A backlog that never gets whittled down any. D:

Also, Autumn/Winter 2013 for GTA V. You and your backwards seasons…

11 years ago

Seems like no matter how much I work the backlog it stays the same.

11 years ago

UK doesn't get Darksiders 2 till next week 🙁 so sleeping dogs it is! Still playing through Max Payne (psst, its brilliant) and once I'm done with those two its Darksiders all the way baby 😉 Ouch my poor wallet!!
On another note, anybody watch the closing ceremony for the olympics? Made me proud to be British, apart from the Spice Girls. Eugh!!

11 years ago

I already pre-ordered Darksiders 2. I loved part one.

I will trade in some old games and pick up Sleeping Dogs next month.

Sleeping Dogs fighting system really sold me on the game.

11 years ago

Is there a sleeping dogs demo?

11 years ago

I m buying both but if i had to choose it would be darksiders 2 for sure .The loots sealed the deal for me .

11 years ago

Just going to say, the music that plays when you have the Darksiders 2 disc in and the icon highlighted is incredibly awesome. I put the disc in and it started playing and I got chills.

Not since Journey have I sate in the games library screen and just listened to a highlighted games menu music for this long.

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