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Rumor: The Last Guardian Is No More

This is no good.

As far as many PlayStation 3 owners are concerned, one of the biggest reasons they currently own Sony's machine is because they're anxiously awaiting the long-anticipated The Last Guardian .

But after debuting to amazed crowds more than a few years back (we don't like to think how ago it really was), we've been hearing nothing but bad news. Sony boss Shuhei Yoshida recently said that some "technical issues" were being addressed and prior to that, we learned that Team ICO boss Fumito Ueda was no longer a Sony employee. Then you've got rumors that Ueda isn't the easiest guy to work with and oh yeah, the fact that we've seen absolutely no evidence of progress on the project.

And now, it seems Sony has abandoned "The Last Guardian" patent according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The "Live/Dead" indicator comes up "Dead" and that might say it all. As much as we'd love to see this game arrive at some point, we may have to face up to the disturbing facts…but who wants to be optimistic and say Sony is saving it for the next generation now? Anyone?

By the way, we've heard from a "Sony representative" that the game is still in development but we're really going to need something more official than that. A name better step up and confirm…

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Nah I don't believe this rumor. This is just like the recent FF rumor that was proven to be false.

11 years ago

I'm sorry, but that rumor you are referring to was not "proven" to be false.

11 years ago

You need to update this article. Sony have already confirmed the Last Guardian is still a go, although I wouldn't be surprised if it does fall through. But as of yet it's not.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I don't need to update anything.

"A representative from Sony" with no name and no corresponding story means nothing. Could be a customer service representative on a help line. That's why I said what I said at the end of the article.

…could you at least read the article before becoming the journalism police?

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/9/2012 9:21:09 PM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

With all due respect, Ben…relax. The guy made a mistake, it's no big deal.

11 years ago

Ben, stop being such a reactionary. I wasn't 'policing' your article mate and I did read it.

The same as I've read every other article about this on other sites hours ago and I shared what other sites had already updated their info with.

It wasn't a personal assault on your journalism and with the time difference other sites have already posted updated info which is what I shared, I just wasn't sure if you'd seen it yet. Hence why I stuck a link at the end of the comment.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Stop being so dramatic. You obviously didn't read the article. If you had, you would've known why I didn't update it.

11 years ago

Yes, frostface could've understood the last bit of the article a bit better, but Ben, you treat some things a bit too personal. Sometimes there are actually tinny mistakes with the articles, but by no means are they criticism of your journalism. Even if they are, it shouldn't be a big deal since people like that shouldn't be worth your time.

11 years ago

Just because this is the only site where the writer interacts with the people doesn't mean we should be pestering the man all the time. – my opinion.

11 years ago

Oh come on Worldy, noone is pestering anyone here.

There's more drama queens found around here than in The Blue Oyster Bar! 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/10/2012 2:55:33 AM

11 years ago

Will an apology and a hug make you feel better?

I was wrong. Sorry. 🙂

kay Oss
kay Oss
11 years ago

its not abandoned. It seems that the name is abandoned but the game is still in development. Meaning either Sony petition to get the name back or rename the game something different.

11 years ago

If you pay attention, the current trend of commenting on the writer's prowess instead of the substance of the article has bled all over the internet and I see it a lot here too.

Just now in the other article I corrected one of Ben's errors myself about an exclusive, it's like a knee jerk reaction to gaming journalism.

11 years ago

I don't see anything wrong in commenting on an error like you did or supplying updated info, like Frostys intentions were.
I don't see the problem with that at all.

What I *do* see as a problem though, is this surprising opinion that a writers errors should *not* be corrected or supplying updated info is *not* welcome. Why has it come to that? Why is that pestering? Why is that a knee jerk reaction?

It's just a free flow of information! Adult individuals trying to contribute for the common good. So you found an error, and pointed that out. Fair deal to comment on that. So Frosty thought he had updated news and enthusiastically shared that. Again, fair deal.

Why throw a bucket of cold water in Frostys face over that?

11 years ago

I've talked to Frosty a few times now, and I know the guys got good intentions. Doesn't get his back up too badly. So with an idea for how the guy communicates, I know what he was getting at, and I'm fairly certain he didn't intend any sort of hostility. For that reason, I didn't notice any hostility when I read that.

On the other hand, Frosty aside, I don't think it's quite that simple in general Beamboom. I think a major problem with people in general is the desire to argue, disagree, or to have an initial reaction to correct a person as opposed to support the person constructively. Without a spirit of generocity, any "help" is useless, in my opinion.

Admittedly, I TOTALLY admit I'm doing a bit of the pot calling the kettle black here, because I -LOVE- conflict and subconsciously, I -know- I seek it out. Even when I don't consciously look for it, I'm definitely finding it. So, I'm no hypocrite as I see the same fault in myself moreso than it might be found in most people! But, my friend Jake, recently in fact, made a point about arguments by saying, "It's probably the worst attribute about humans is an appreciation for argument." I think when based in a spirit of grace and humility where respect is paramount, pointing out issues or corrections is totally fine.

But World is definitely right… people have a knee-jerk reaction to point out faults. And when the editor of this site regularly participates with the community, it's not really a surprise that eventually, it gets you down and defensive. I totally don't blame Ben for getting to that point and occasionally getting upset about it. I've seen many people point out errors with a lot of hostility! And I don't appreciate that either.

It is unfortunate, though, that Frosty's intentions were misunderstood. Ben, I don't think Frosty is that bad of a guy. But I do understand -why- Ben interpreted it as hostility.

Dunno if any of that made sense… but in this particular instance, I'm just an observer.

11 years ago

That is sort of the hostile approach I was talking about. There are better (and ironically, more professional) ways to make that point.

11 years ago

This whole thing is becoming more dramatic than it needs to be.

I wasn't trying to pick flaws in Bens article, certainly wasn't trying to insult the guy. I've been making a lot of effort here lately, posting in the comments here and trying to draw people to the forums and I'm generally trying avoid this sort of negative BS. It's not good arguing over silly stuff.

I posted what I thought was some info related to the article with nothing but good intentions. I was obviously mistaken and I've apologised for unintentionally insulting Ben.

WorldsEnd, you're a nice guy. Pretty harmless and not very offensive, but I don't get the brown nosing every time someone says something that Ben doesn't agree with. With all due respect, you're entitled to your opinion but you're not helping the situation. I think Ben's big enough to look after himself.

As far as I'm concerned this conversation has gone on long enough, so I'm done with it. Keep arguing about nothing because that's what this is. An over-reaction to a harmless and in-offensive post.


11 years ago

Roid rage!

11 years ago

Ben…don't ruin my year… 🙁

11 years ago

LG definitely has issues but I believe we will eventually get to play it.

11 years ago

I think we will see it at the very end of the PS3 in 2014, that's what my gut says. Perfection takes time and sometimes your vision isn't realized the first go you have at it.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

This game needs to be made so i can play it before ww3

11 years ago

Easily my most anticipated title of the generation. My heart breaks a little every time I hear about it. For the last two years it seems it's been nothing but delays and negative press.

But I still have faith. Please Sony, make sure this game happens!

11 years ago

… You know, it really boils my blood when a game is hyped and fans are teased to the point where they drool with anticipation only to be disappointed because it has been yanked away from them. Now I know this is just a rumor but you get my point.

11 years ago

Yeah, seriously.

11 years ago

If this is true, it still wouldn't cancel out of the possibility of the game because it could be just a simple name change.

11 years ago

No, no, no, no, no, no.

11 years ago

no, mama mia mama mia, mama mia let me go

11 years ago


Well, I see somebody else must be into one of the greatest late 70's/early 80's bands too, "Queen"

11 years ago

I was hoping someone would see what I did there! :p I hope you like to ride your (motor) bicycle! (with fat bottomed girls, perhaps?)

11 years ago

No comment lmao thumbs down

11 years ago

I don't really care though, since we never see any gameplay footage and the developers never gave us any exact idea of how the game will be played.

11 years ago

Canned, still in development, canned, rinse & repeat & now it's three year deadline has passed. It's time to stop getting grey hairs over it. It's just not going to happen is it.

It's either going to be released an utter mess or it just won't see the light of day.

Time to let go guys, this project ain't happening just like Final Fantasy Versus isn't happening. If it does happen i reckon it could be for the PS4, maybe as a launch title but i doubt it.

R.I.P Last Guardian. The rumors were fun.

11 years ago

i find this really hard to believe, i mean $ony know how important this game is to them!
not to mention when the lead heads of said studio left $ony was VERY clear their still under contract and must finish the game.
they seemed set in cement that they would force them to finish the game!
sure they could of changed their minds from then, but i doubt it.
this is VERY important for $ony, if not release it as a ps3 title than fine delay it till next gen!
you CANT cancel it!!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

My gut says it's still a go, but maybe that's just optimism talking. Sony needs to be realistic — if the game is broken and unsalvagable, they need to think long and hard about whether it's worth investing god knows how many more years' worth of resources into something that just isn't working, all while Vita SCREAMS for content and PS4 is right around the corner. I want this game, badly, but if it's not meant to be, then so be it.

11 years ago

I'm sorry to say i don't care anymore with assassin creed 3 and the new hitman coming this year and sleeping dogs this month i have plenty of games to look forward to!!

11 years ago

I said it sometime ago RIP.Sorry just to much turmoil with this title.

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