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New Book Captures The Long, Colorful History Of Sonic The Hedgehog

For all long-time video game fanatics, this might be necessary for your expanding, impressive collection.

A new book is being produced that outlines the famous history of one of the industry's most iconic characters: Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog.

"The History of Sonic the Hedgehog" is now available for pre-order at for a seemingly discounted price of only $31.49. The 300-page book contains all sorts of stuff, including details from "every 2D and 3D Sonic game" and absolutely every spin-off, crossover, and even rare cameo appearances by the fleet-footed mascot. If you want a quick preview of the first few pages, head on over to Sega's blog . The book will be available on October 9.

Yeah, it's true that Sonic just isn't himself these days, but we've received a few great nostalgic offerings in downloadable form recently, along with the really solid Sonic Generations . So he ain't dead yet.

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12 years ago

Cool. I'd really like to see more of this kind of stuff for many franchises.

Anyone download Sonic CD off PSN while it was on the cheap a week or two ago?
I did. I wanted to see what the fuss was all about back when Sega CD was fresh. Sonic and Lunar seemed to be the only games worth owning back then.
But anyhow, Sonic CD was a really well designed game. Pretty clever actually. I can tell a lot of effort went into laying out the levels and also producing the solid soundtrack. Sucks Sega never saw fit to bring it to the Saturn. I would've enjoyed it back then, me thinks. Oh well, I can now

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/7/2012 11:15:45 AM

12 years ago

I did! It's been something I've been meaning to get for ages, once I saw if for $1.99 I couldn't resist, first time I have played it and I can see why it has a good rep, mind you I do find the level structure a bit disorientating at times.

12 years ago

I do agree about the disorienting feel but that's because many of the levels have a more vertical design and the game sort of expects you to travel in time to explore. I suppose I just really liked the more puzzlie explorative feel it had. I'm one of the few, I think, who prefers the fast speedy style sonic in 3D. It just makes so much more sense to me to be able to see into the horizon while moving fast rather than seeing only about 10-15ft in front in a 2d side scroller.. It just felt way too accident prone to my liking that way.

12 years ago

Are we going to see a review for Sonic 4 Episode 2 at any point?

12 years ago

I think the demo is all the review you'll need for a 2D Sonic game by now. If you like 2D Sonic with super hi res graphics then make haste and get-a-download'n

12 years ago

I already have it, I just wanna see Ben's review of it 😛

12 years ago

I really liked one of the saturday cartoon iterations from a long time ago, used to wake up early to watch it.

12 years ago

I remember being annoyed by video game cartoon shows because I always felt the voices werent how I imagined them. Anyone watch Captain N ? It was like a Nintendo all Stars cartoon. Anyway, megaman sounded like a freak.
I suppose sonic worked okay in sonic adventure. Idk, I guess it's the feeling of going from the mute and text to spoken dialogue that gave me a different impression.

12 years ago

I loved the Zelda one, Link would blow up a bomb under his shield to fly over stuff. lol.

12 years ago

a sonic encyclopaedia?
its a shame its taken sega so god dam long to understand why he has taken such a dive!
one think i will never understand.
they released epp 4 and most loved it, sure there was a wonky physics system but it was the best sonic game we had in years!
so sega follows it up with sonic generations another 2D game and it was bloody brilliant!
so sega follows it up with 4 epp 2 and it fixed all the wonky physics of the original.
great you think, sega has FINALLY got it through their head how to make a good sonic game!
oh wait whats this?
sega says epp 4 part 2 will be the last 2D sonic game, next will take it back to 3D.
i guess it was too much to ask to get through to the old mule!
sigh, oh well if you MUST do a 3D game give us another sonic colours!
with move support, that would be pretty cool.

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