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PlayStation Network Service Erratic

Or so it seems, according to various reports and complaints around the Internet.

It began yesterday and may have continued into today (I can connect just fine, for the record), and Sony hasn't yet tossed out a comment concerning the issue. …maybe because there is no issue, but we can't be sure.

This unscheduled downtime has apparently caused some annoyed users to encounter the dreaded "8071053D" and "80023102" errors, but it's hard to tell how widespread the problem is. It doesn't seem to be restricted to a particular location or region, although we do know the Network was down in Europe for scheduled maintenance. For now, we're just going to assume these are minor hiccups and everything should be running along smoothly in a matter of hours. But if you're really peeved, you could always try contacting Sony.

As usual, when something like this happens, everyone hearkens back to the April 2011 debacle, which is probably expected. We'll have to go a long way before everyone can finally leave that behind for good.

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12 years ago

The network worked fine for me yestereday but stopped working most of the day today.
(I also called sony for an unrelated problem and the first message said that the Playstation network was down).

Usually this doesn't effect me but I just got my free $50 PSN credit and I wanted to spend it…

12 years ago

Whatcha gonna buy?

12 years ago


So many things I want to buy!
So far I bought lemmings, Festival of Blood, and 1942: Joint Strike
Also want to save some for Full frontal assault when it comes out?

Anyone have any suggestions?

12 years ago


12 years ago

PJ Monsters.

12 years ago

the walking dead is pretty cool i bought the season pass still waiting on episode 2.

12 years ago

How did you get a $50 PSN credit? If you don't mind me asking.

12 years ago

Not buying Journey, I'll wait for the disk.

But I you can get the free PSN credit after getting a Playstation Visa.
Not sure what it takes to qualify but I did, and had to make one purchase (bought a candy bard at kroger) and after the charge went though (took about a week or so) I got 5000 rewards points.

I don't plan on ever using the card again (maybe once a month to get a better credit score but I prefer my cash back credit card) and I'll definetly pay it off every month (no interest).

You can use the 5000 points for whatever on sony rewards (almost got jak and daxter collection) and hey its free

also you get 10 points for every dollar on psn so spen $100 and you can get $10 free.

So anyway, I hope the PSN problems go away (and they have completely for me) because I have lots to download!

12 years ago

I saw playstation visa and thought you misspelled vita lol.

12 years ago

Agreed Canadian guy. The first episode was very good. I love the main character and even the interaction with the little girl who is placed in your charge.

The same complaints that were leveled at Heavy Rain for being more of interactive movie with controller prompts than an actual game could be leveled at The Walking Dead so be advised of that. The Walking Dead is more about suspense, drama, story, and character interactions. It does a great job at hitting on all those points. The production values and voice acting are strong. Hard to believe the same developer who made the dissapointing Jurasic Park game that had God awful characters and lame story/writing turned out such a quality title with great characters amd story. No way the same writers that handled JP wrote this compelling narritive and dialogue.

Anyways I felt the the desperation of the characters and really felt like I was in a zombie apocolypse. The survimg humans are defintely a desperate bunch and behave in a very believeable manner.

Okay about this PSN outage. It's true it's happening and the first thing stated when I called Sony was the network is down. When I tried to log on I got a prompt to reset my password but when I clicked on it nothing would happen. It was down most of the day. Sony had NO answers as to why the network was down and no estimate as to when service would be restored. That sounded eerily familar to me somehow.

When I got back on PSN one of my friends popped off on Sony and said he called them to say take your welcome back pack and stick it and fix your damn network. This guy was from England and told me the network was down for many of them closer to two months last year. So naturally the PSN outage from last year was more tramatic for him. I took this guy at as word when he said he had problems way accross the pond so to speak.

He did say some of his friends were able to log on when he called them but some could not like him. So erratic outages that hit some gamers but missed others seems to an accurate description. Anyways. the British can be pretty damn blunt when they are annoyed but I kind of like it. No BS or spin to deal with. Definitely not as touchy/feely as Americans for the most part.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 6/22/2012 10:30:59 AM

12 years ago

yes your definitely right about that and about it being similar to Heavy Rain in alot of ways. that's actually what initially drew me to the game when i first tried the demo i wasn't really expecting to like it.

but once i started and saw how emotional the story was gonna be and all the QTDM (quick time decision making) i loved it. i wish there were more games like that i really love them.

12 years ago

I had problems signing on today but I was able to sign in eventually. I read an article today that said the South Korean government passed some new "anti-information request from minors" act that forced Sony to take their whole store down so they can rework it to fit with the new regs. It might have something to do with it. It's some law that prevents entities like Sony from requiring personal billing information from minors to create a PSN account.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/21/2012 9:53:12 PM

12 years ago

A-okay over in my world. Maybe it has to do with the fall of European society.

12 years ago

Europe is still standing as is and any "downfall" would not affect server performance.

12 years ago


12 years ago

sprightly and whimsical.

12 years ago

i had a little trouble earlier this afternoon i was getting the 8071053D error but i didn't think to much of it because i had the same issue a week or so ago.

i'm having no trouble now though.

12 years ago

I haven't had a problem signing in at all, but I have been kicked off about 5-6 times over the last 2 weeks, and then it takes up 10 minutes to get logged back in(which has never happened before this).

BTW, even though my computer stays logged without any problems during all these kick-off's, my 360 is constantly throwing me off all the time, & it pisses me off cause I'm usually using it to watch Netflix. Then it take up to 2-3 hours more to get back into my 360 account.

And all my stuff is hardwired direct

12 years ago

it's good it's hard wired direct. Interesting you mention a 10 minute kick off because a group of my friends in New York have been frequently kicked from PSN for over 10 minutes too over a period of the last 12 days. One claimed his 360 and computer still worked. The other said his computer worked just fine. They simply could not log in for a period of time on PSN. I can't explain why the 360 and computers still worked but PSN woud not. Sounds like some localised PSN outages to me that's a problem on Sony's end.

Can you imagine a future of gaming depending on these tempermental networks actually holding and delivering our games in some kind of cloud network? No way until service providers get the networks more stable.

The thing I hate the most is whether you call your ISP or Sony nobody ever gives you a reason why their networks are having issues for the most part. It's annoying when your network goes down but the gamer down the road isn't having problems. I have no explanation for that. Especially for a hard wired connection.

12 years ago

Over here on the west coast I just signed on recently and had no problems.

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
12 years ago

Played all night with absolutely no sign of any issues.

12 years ago

Mines been working fine all day, no problems at all. Which I'm glad. 😛

12 years ago

I was on earlier with Deadman and Frostface playing some Magic 2013..We would get weird disconnects every now and then and having issues getting back in. Mine actually completely froze up at one point, and I think Frost Disco'd two or 3 times in a row.

We were able to get back in eventually, but there was definitely something going on. At first we had assumed it was because we were all over the place. Linking a game with someone from Eastern US, Western Canada and Ireland can be a little interesting at times…

Had the same thing happen a little ways back with Borderlands as well, just assumed it was crappy internet connections, but I've had some weird disconnects over the last few weeks with my PS3. I'd check all my other devices and they had no problem with connecting, but the PS3 seems to be suffering a bit…

Last edited by CH1N00K on 6/21/2012 11:36:49 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, last night was great fun but it was getting frustrating when we'd have an epic build up in the game only for one of us, I think we all got dc'd at one time throughout, to get booted.

The game's servers may of had a minor part to play when we were trying to party up, but I don't get how we'd be kicked out of the whole PSN because of a game.

Didn't get any of the error codes Ben's reporting, so can't confirm it's the same problem that affected us. But something was definitely going on with PSN. Logged in this morning (about 10mins ago) and was logged back out straight away. Logged back in just fine and still logged in now. It's just a little iffy at times. Not very reliable but hopefully just temporary.

I don't mind maintenance but it'd be nice if Sony would communicate better to us if there's downtime expected. It was the biggest failing last year during the long downtime, learn your lesson Sony. People won't hate on you for telling us something up. It's the not knowing that annoys people.

12 years ago

yeah there at times when i can't connect. Or times that i get disconnected. I'd say for every 20 hours of internet gameplay i get disconnected once. And its definately not my internet. i can connect to the browser on ps3 but just the PSN isnt connected, it comes back afer a minute or 2.

12 years ago

I had some troubles earlier, luckily I was playing skyrim so I wasn't bothered

12 years ago

It was down for me most of the UK evening eventually got signed in just couldn't access the store PS Store was then down from 1am for maintenance be back up later today. Kinda weird though was down like this last week

12 years ago

Yup… had me some irritations with the good ol' Network earlier today. At one point it told me my password was no longer valid and I needed to change it, but then proceeded with a random error code and no sign-in. Alas… that problem is over. Still lightly maddening.

12 years ago

Last night I was able to log in to the PSN and access my friend list and whatnot, but actually playing online and accessing third party multiplayer servers seemed to be impossible for me. A friend who I was going to play online with couldn't even log in to the PSN at all.

12 years ago

Playstation Network Service Erotic…COOL!

…damn, it says erratic.

12 years ago

I have been playing lots of Dragons Dogma lately, but honestly I can't stay connected to PSN for more than 5 minutes before it disconnects me. Thought it was my internet the first day but its been going on for a week now.

Hope it gets resolved soon, Temjin and I have a long overdue Duel in VF5 🙂

12 years ago

Well, I've been having a terrible time remaining connected to PSN, but then in my case it's because Comcast sucks and can't fix their own network, and nothing to do with Sony…

12 years ago

I have Comcast too had have had zero problems using their network.

12 years ago

In my local market we used to have Time Warner, but Comcast made a deal with TW and took over the market area. Sadly the terrible customer service and poor infrastructure we had with TW has not really improved in any way. The local customer service people are rude and make life difficult for customers with simple requests. The infrastructure is old and in my neighborhood there are chronic problems with their local repeaters and amplifiers that result in poor signal strength and quality. It's worse in summer heat or after rain. I honestly do not see why it's so difficult for them to build properly weather resistance gear, but they have yet to do so after several years in the market here.

12 years ago

I have Comcast and I have to reboot the router frequently.

12 years ago

Gotcha. I never dealt with TW. My time with Comcast, while expensive has been pleasant. We used to have Qwest but I switched because they started putting 2gb limits on downloads. It became impossible to download or upload any files larger than 2gb.

World, I'm willing to bet it's your router and not Comcast. I have similar issues with my router where it will become slow or non responsive and a simple power cycle fixes the problem. Was your router provided by Comcast? Or are you using an after market one like Linksys or Cisco?

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/22/2012 2:03:24 PM

12 years ago

Hmm.. I never had any issues. Of course, I didn't play at all yesterday, either. :p

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