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Rumor: Quantic Dream’s New Title Debuts At Sony E3 Conference

This could be one of the biggest announcements of the show.

We've all been waiting for Quantic Dream to unveil their latest project, as we maintain that Heavy Rain is the most important game of the generation . And then after Quantic Dream dropped the bomb that was the Kara tech demo , we just began to drool..

And now it seems the studio is primed and ready to unveil their mystery title at E3. This according to CVG , as heard from a "trusted senior development source." David Cage will indeed take to the stage during Sony's press conference and totally wow the crowd with Quantic's next PlayStation 3 exclusive. Yes, we're assuming the game will be a PS3 exclusive and we have no indications to believe otherwise at this point. What's more important is, of course, the game itself.

We just really gotta see it. We also wouldn't be surprised in the least if Cage closed out Sony's press conference, especially considering the fact that the PS4 probably won't be unveiled at the show.

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12 years ago

I hope so I've been curious about their new game for a long time. Personally I would love it if its a game without choices because I want David to tell me a story. Also no dlc should be allowed considering the way it was handled for HR.

12 years ago

I can't wait… These ppl at QD are like naughty dog… Anything they make is Gold

12 years ago

I can't wait for monday

12 years ago

i am damn sure they cannot make the game structure like heavy rain with multiple consequences for multiple stories.because only heavy rain's story can be done like that.

12 years ago

I don't see why they can't do that again – even improve on that concept? The story in HR wasn't that special from a structural point of view.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/29/2012 1:20:26 PM

12 years ago

please god let this be true because i can't take this waiting no more! xD

12 years ago

Not sure why someone down voted this comment

I am excited for their new game too!

12 years ago

lol now it has 2!. yea idk but i couldn't care less about that i don't ever pay attention to it.

12 years ago

Completely forgot about QD and now when I think about it, it make perfect sence for them to be there

12 years ago

you missed the most important part of the story!
the studios actually working on two new IPs!
whichever it is i hope it does release this year!
$ony REALLY need another game to fill later in the year!
hope its based on the tech demo, the story concept of a robot believing its human is one of the most under rated and under done stories!
they really need to expand on the kara tech demo, just the story concept has so much potential in it!

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