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Blizzard Can’t Promise That Diablo III Will Come To Consoles

Those of you waiting for a console version of Diablo III might have a long wait. Worst case scenario- It doesn't come at all.

Apparently, despite the rumors and solid evidence, Blizzard is not currently working on a console iteration of the long-anticipated dungeon crawler. Game director Jay Wilson told Gamasutra that they haven't officially announced anything:

"We haven't officially announced it, because we're not 'experimenting.' We tell people that basically we're experimenting, because it helps us hire people. The better people we hire, the better chance we have to actually make it.

That's why we haven't kept it super secret, but we also haven't confirmed it, because we're not sure yet whether we think it will work, and whether we think we have the resources to do it."

So basically, what they're saying is they partially lied when posting job advertisements in which a console version of Diablo III was mentioned…? The worst part is that at this rate, the game might be made for the next generation of consoles; after all, Wilson says the game for PC/Mac has been in "polish mode" for the last two years .

Of course, he did say the game wasn't completely done during those two years, but that's sort of an unnecessary clarification. Fans of Diablo II have been waiting for the third installment for how long? Well, at least they're finally getting it; just gotta play it on PC, where it belongs, anyway.

Related Game(s): Diablo III

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12 years ago

I still don't think this particular genre (top-down dungeon crawler) 'belongs' on PC for any reason other than rose-coloured glasses emotional attachment. I've put more hours into PC gaming than PS3 in the last month or two, but I still think this kind of game plays better with a gamepad, and at the end of the day the main input choice is the biggest difference between the two systems (from a gameplay perspective).

Still, if they don't release it on console then I'll buy it on PC in a few years time. Hopefully it has decent gamepad support out of the box though, rather than designed purely for mouse/kb.

12 years ago

The Internet in my area is down at the moment, and I was just wondering, do you have to an Internet connection to install and play Diablo 3 on PC?

My precious Internet and cable tv won't be back for another 2 to 3 days!! I could really use a console version of Diabo 3 right now!!

12 years ago

Aye, I read somewhere reputable that Diablo III will have 'always connected to internet'-style DRM. Just another reason I'd rather a console version.

12 years ago

Yes it will need to be connected to the net to play it. The same thing that Blizzard did with Starcraft 2, which people complained about before launch as well but didn't hamper sales, and what other games are starting to do.

Servers go online is less then 30 minutes, so I'm just sitting here waiting for them to come online. All other games will take a back seat for a few weeks/months.

12 years ago

Is anyone actually waiting for Diablo III on consoles?

12 years ago

Other than the first comment on the thread? :P. There's a few. Clearly, it's largest fanbase is on PC, but the genre to me (and it's clearly a personal preference thing – lots of people have no immersion issues selecting targets et al with a disembodied pointer rather than controlling their character directly) works much better with a gamepad on console. If they have good gamepad control on PC, I'd think about it, but the DRM plans don't do much for me (same reason I'm not touching Anno 2070).

12 years ago

Alright that's 1, anybody else?

12 years ago

no, because most fans of the series that want to play it have been waiting for quite a few years to get their hands on this, with D2 coming out more than a decade ago.

They have a solid fanbase, myself included. most of us aren't willing to wait another year down the line when you could just get it on your pc now.

Most console only players who never played the first two probably don't have this on their radar.

12 years ago

I've seen a few others comment on some of the other D3 posts that theyre waiting on a console version, although I can't recall who exactly. I don't understand it, but whatever floats their boat.

12 years ago

I am also waiting for it to be on the PS3. I don't do PC gaming anymore, I got tired of the constant fiddling with settings to make games run. I am strictly a console gamer now and will be for the foreseeable future.

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
12 years ago

I'm pretty much in the same boat as Rogueagent01.

Since I'm not a PC gamer, I don't many details about Diablo III. If Diablo had 2-player couch co-op, it would definitely be a high interest title for me.

12 years ago

sorry dude but you cant fool us!
if diablo 3 does not see a console release ill eat my hat!
till then ill be in the depths of hell enjoying the game ive been waiting decades for!

12 years ago

Wow, check out meta critic! Diablo III is getting shelled! Anything from DRM, connection issues, WoW inspired colorful cheery graphics and dumbed down game play. I guess there is no leveling up manually, it's all automatic. There are no skill points to upgrade as they are auto!!!! Sounds like a train wreck! Diablo II LoD is in my top 10 games of all time. How did they mess this up! What a shame!

12 years ago

You have to play this game ONLINE ONLY on the PC. It is why I did not get this game. I love the solo play only and I love modding on the PC and to get a game like Diablo and not be able to mod is just insane.

To get a game like Diablo 3 on a console and it is ONLINE ONLY PLAY is a game that will not sell well.

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