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PSXE Poll Update: Not Many Gamers Psyched For Starhawk

Even though it was a big PlayStation 3 exclusive, the PSXE readers weren't exactly hot to trot when Starhawk launched this past week.

It's a little strange, but we do have to remember that Warhawk released way back in 2007, when very few gamers owned Sony's new console. Therefore, for many, Starhawk might've seemed to be a brand new IP, and besides, first-person shooters still rule the multiplyer landscape. However, we hope plenty of people do reward Lightbox Interactive for their latest product because although we found the single-player campaign disappointing, the multiplayer is quite invigorating and even original in many respects.

This week, it's time to pick the first winner of our ongoing So You Think You Can Review Video Games contest . We said we'd select the ten best and then let you guys vote; even though we got a lot more than ten, we selected eight, as we are trying to uphold certain standards of structure and writing capability. So anyway, pick your favorite and the winner will be announced next week at this time.

Also, don't forget that this is indeed an ongoing contest. The more user reviews you submit, the better chances you have of landing on one of these polls. Again, though, you kinda have to put your best foot forward. 🙂

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12 years ago

I did my part to reward Lightbox Entertainment (and Santa Monica Studios) today. I've yet to crack the plastic. I also picked up a copy of Prototype 2 at BB for $40. I've read Xenris's and Baguette's engrossing user reviews, but will have to read the others' as well before I pull the trigger.

12 years ago

Thanks for the compliments on my review shams 🙂

karneli lll
karneli lll
12 years ago

The beta actually changed my mind about this game, it was fun but felt like a downgrade from warhawk.

12 years ago

The final game (like many others) is very different from the beta. I've heard a lot of people say that it's changed heaps since. I played 80+ hours of Warhawk (not a heap, but enough to get a good impression), and there's no doubt that Starhawk is a better balanced, deeper and for me more enjoyable game. MP game of the last two years I'd say.

12 years ago

I'm more of a single player guy so as soon as I heard that the campaign was a mediocre 5 hour experience I decided to keep my money for max payne.

12 years ago

Did anyone write any CodHate?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Yeah, lots.

I'll post that winner up tomorrow night, I think.

12 years ago

haha, that should be fun.

12 years ago

I wish they would of made a warhawk sequel like warhawk. With the real time building mechanics. I wasn't really impressed with starhawk. Warhawk was a classic.

12 years ago

I've been playing Starhawk and been having some fun with it. The campaign is forgettable but it really help me out with understanding the build mechanics for MP. I enjoy playing CTF and holding down the base. It just sucks though when I built a nice fortification then a teammate decides to start destroying it all. I make sure I don't use up all the build slots so people get build other things. Still a fun game though.

12 years ago

I'm quite enjoying Starhawk. I play a little more sparingly than I care to, but it is still extremely entertaining. First online shooter I've actually thoroughly gotten involved in.

12 years ago

'Starhawk' looks very enjoyable to me, I just didn't get a whole lot of playtime out of 'Warhawk', so the next one is going to wait until I hit a spot where my backlog is considerably lessened (assuming it ever is).

And after reading all the reviews, I would have to say that Remo Williams' review of 'Final Fantasy XII' definitely seemed to be the most 'professional.' So that gets my vote.

Last edited by Jalex on 5/14/2012 1:51:56 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Starhawk failed to excite me from the outset. I said that a purchase would depend on how good the SP was, and given that it wasn't great, it's a no-no for me. Too bad, it really does sound as if the mechanics make for a great experience.

As for the user reviews, solowing's Ace Combat review is the one that I'm standing behind, though the FFXII and Naruto reviews are also very good. The Binary Domain review comes in a close fourth 🙂
Congrats to everyone that was recognised for the poll.

12 years ago

After reading the review, i'll wait for the price to go down before i'll buy Starhawk.
For this weeks poll, gotta read review first

12 years ago

$ony have released so many awesome MMO styled games this gen its such a shame none of them have received the attention they deserve!
MAG is by far the generations most innovative online game but its just about as popular as a shovel of mud.
its so sad to see all these awesome unique games getting thrown to the back of the lounge, and the repetitive drool getting all the attention.
as JC once said, your aspirations are pathetic man!

12 years ago

Is it possible to link to the reviews in the voting list, eventually if you could collect the links in this article, please?

12 years ago

Although the SP hasn't got the most riveting story, I still am finding it entertaining, some of the missions have got really fun and hectic parts, I would highly recommend picking it up to anyone unsure.

12 years ago

the poll says, Ludicrous_Liam reviwed uncharted 3, but he actually reviewed
uncharted 2.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Yeah, sorry. Fixed.

12 years ago

Yup, no way I'd give Uncharted 3 a 10! (oh god, remember that epic strand of replies..xD)

EDIT: Just thought I should thank you Ben, for putting my review on the poll. Also, when I voted (no I didn't vote for myself…as much as I wanted to xD), I was shocked to see that mine was (currently) at 24%…thanks guys!

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 5/14/2012 11:40:14 AM

12 years ago

I'm really glad that my review made the polls. Thanks Ben! Although it was a bit on the long side, I tried my best to expand on the parts I really loved.

As for starhawk, I am really really enjoying it. Once you learn the building mechanics and get over any fears of placing them, the game becomes unlike anything I have played. For anyone who was turned off by the beta I beg you to give the final version a chance. I hated the beta, it felt unbalanced and confusing. They really fixed a lot of the issues I had with it. Now if you just didn't like the gameplay period well none of this is going to change your mind. But still if your on the fence don't let the beta keep you from getting it. At the very least rent it.

Grabbing the flag and running behind the enemy base calling in a vehicle station which in the process crushed two pursuing enemies, getting on my bike and making a daring escape is just one of the many crazy moments I have had in the game.

Thanks to everyone who voted for my review heck thanks to everyone who read it!

Last edited by xenris on 5/14/2012 8:47:04 AM

12 years ago

The starhawk beta was just so boring

12 years ago

I voted for you Xenris because you're awesome, like Binary Domain. Everyone else, you're just pretty okay =p

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/14/2012 10:35:30 AM

12 years ago

Thanks Temjin! 🙂 I'm glad there are other people who dig binary domain. However I can't technically win because I live in Canada, this was really a fun thing to do anyway.

Thanks to anyone who supported me, truly awesome people!

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