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Diablo III Not Hitting Consoles Until 2013?

Diablo III releases for PC and Mac in just a few days; May 15, to be exact.

And it has been confirmed that a console version is in the works, although nobody knows when it might arrive. A few of the more optimistic were hoping for late summer or fall.

However, we might have to wait a lot longer than that. According to a European source citing a Polish retailer, the PS3 version of Diablo III might not be on store shelves until July of next year. Now, I read that date as January 7, 2013, not July 1, 2013, but I think Europeans list dates differently… At any rate, this piece of evidence, however unofficial it may be, suggests that console gamers – or at least PS3 owners – have a long wait in front of them.

Of course, Diablo is almost certainly better played on the PC, anyway, so if you're really pumped about the return of this iconic franchise, you should probably just do that.

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12 years ago

Yes we write dates as Tidy and orderly, not that scrambled, messy way you guys on the other side of the pond put it. 🙂

12 years ago

I'm from across the pond, but I also write my date dd-mm-yyyy because when I say the date I say "the fifth of June." not "June the fifth."

Then again, I spent most of my elementary years in Europe because of the armed forces and learned to speak and write from UK English speaking teachers.

12 years ago

Just waiting for UPS to pull up with my Collector's Edition. Tuesday can't get here soon enough.

12 years ago

I envy you.

12 years ago

Fact of the matter is that we'll get it on console. Period. Though having to wait is irritating, it is tolerable provided the game hits consoles at all.

12 years ago

This issue here tho is chances are most people will be sick of the game by then, so whos gonna bother buying it again on consoles that late on.

12 years ago

Tanker9111: I still feel like re-installing Diablo II, 10+ years later…

12 years ago

I can wait, want to play it on the PS3 first. Never touch my PC for gaming anymore. I am just glad it's coming to the PS3!

12 years ago

PC's are still good for games you just can't get on console (mainly deeper strategy titles), but I'm with you on this – I'd much prefer it on PS3. I don't mind the wait, my backlog on PS3 and PC is as long as it's ever been!

12 years ago

The way it was made certainly look like they had consoles in mind as well .They simplified the game as most as they could .

Compared to the time us pc gamer ( knew itr was coming for like 3 years ) had to wait for it , 1 year for you guys is nothing .

Last edited by berserk on 5/11/2012 3:04:55 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

How often do games release on the first day of the month? Not very if memory serves me aright. I do believe that this is, at best, a placeholder date. At the same time, I fully expect it to be roughly true.

They've said that full console development won't really start until the game is released on PC, and the porting process could drag right out, especially if they mean to make the most of the console hardware specs. I mean, The Witcher 2 took about a year to hit the 360 following its PC release.

I probably won't be able to pick it up unless it's on the Vita by then, but I'd almost certainly get it once I got back to my PS3. And yeah, we write our dates sensibly 😉

12 years ago

<<<<And yeah, we write our dates sensibly ;)>>>>

I wrote my last date sensibly too, but still got a woeful Dear Saint letter back.

Oh wait, you meant………never mind!

12 years ago

witcher 2 took so long because 1 there a small studio, 2 have never made a console game and 3 the witcher 2 absolutely pushed PCs to the limit they had to remove and tweak A LOT of things!
diablo 3 should not have that issue, blizzard are one of the biggest studios out there, they have done console games before and diablo 3 is not exactly cutting edge like the witcher 2 was.
i seriously doubt it will take as long as the witcher 2 did.

12 years ago

Well, AFAIK a small little game called Uncharted 3 released on 11/1/11…

12 years ago

no, americans list dates differently like everything they have to be "different".
driving on the wrong side of the road, wrong side of the car, dates back to front, you name it!

so freaking cant wait for this though its like a centuries wait almost over!
been WAY too long since diablo 2 released!
thats one PC dinosaur down, so now all we need is half life 3 and were set!
yeah, will be playing that when pigs can teleport backwards!

Last edited by ___________ on 5/12/2012 6:15:01 AM

12 years ago

Of all the things you could mention that's different in the US and you mention driving on the wrong side of the road?? You must be from the UK…

You DO know that almost every other civilized country in the world drive on the right side of the road right?

12 years ago

I have no issues with waiting for the game as I know it will be good, and these are some of my favorite types of games to play. So for me the wait is not gonna be a problem.

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