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NIS America Reveals Three New Titles Exclusive To PS3

If you're into JRPGs, you've often turned to NIS America to get your role-playing fix.

And while we don't have exact release dates for the publisher's latest list of promising titles, at least we know they're coming.

As revealed at a press event in California, NIS America showed off several of its latest projects. RPG Land , citing some info found in the NeoGAF forums, mentions no less than three new RPGs, all exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The first is called Legasista and will be a PSN title; it should be available in August-

That has sort of an old-school Zelda feel, doesn't it? The second is Mugen Souls ; it'll be ready to go in the fall:

Okay, I like JRPGs and everything, but that's sorta pushing it for me. There are levels of Japanese influence I can handle and this might be too over the top… But that's just me. 😉 Lastly, the first quarter of 2013 will see The Witch and the 100 Knights , but there doesn't seem to be a trailer available. We do know that the team behind it produced those two Prinny games for the PSP, so…

Pretty soon, just about anything "old-school" will have to be satisfied with either handhelds or the digital realm, so take advantage while you can.

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12 years ago

Aren't they also currently developing or soon releasing Atelier Memeru?

12 years ago

Comes out in May, pre-order now.

Gust is working on a new Atelier series as well, which will be PS3 exclusive,.

12 years ago

Here's a link for more information on the next atelier series…

12 years ago

thanks for the link highlander

12 years ago

A question for all JRPG fans and JRPG gaming veterans alike. Why cant I get into JRPGs? I've tryed WKC 1&2 and final fantsies. But to me they all look like and play like childish kids games no offence JRPG fans its probably just me. Why is it that way to me i really wanna try get into these games but i just cant.

Last edited by raptassassin on 3/30/2012 10:57:46 AM

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
12 years ago

I hear there is a medicinal cream you can get for your condition. Prescription only, not over the counter, so talk to your doctor.

Hopefully that will clear up the problem without requiring surgery.

I'm just kiddin' you. You can go through life happily without getting into one genre or the other of video games. Don't try to force yourself to have fun with something… that seems like a losing proposition.

Last edited by Comic Shaman on 3/30/2012 11:41:34 AM

12 years ago

Well, Rapture, obviously you need a grown up game like Skyrim with gritty realism and blood and stuff…

JRPGs are typically about being a game with a reasonable combination of story/puzzles/characters. JRPGs are not about being gritty, realistic, real time combat simulators. The art styles and presentational styles are not typically gritty or realistic. So if you equate that with kids games, you're never going to see the point.

Personally I find that point of view ironically immature, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

Well many JRPGs tend to be heavily stylized in one way or another. Maybe that kind of thing just doesn't float your boat and instead you prefer games that lean more toward gritty realism.

And perhaps you're more into games with fast-paced and action-y gameplay as opposed to the slower and more meticulous gameplay found in many JRPGs.

And keep in mind I say many JRPGs, and not all JRPGs. If you want to explore this further you might want to give Demons Souls a try.

12 years ago

If you didn't grow up liking the NES, SNES, or PS1 eras, you might have a hard time getting jRPG's. They used to be the dominate genre.

To echo highlander, if you equate an art style with an age group, you're not going to get it. There are plenty of anime, for example, I would never let a child watch in a million years.

12 years ago

Are Demons/Dark Souls considered to be jrpgs?

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/30/2012 12:32:42 PM

12 years ago

Like Comic Shaman says, don't try and force it. I have and I am now happier to drop trying to like WRPGs, after trying the bests, arguably, the sub-genre has to offer.

I don't . I consider them more action/adventure than RPGs, that's just me though. It has a leveling up system but doesn't most games do nowadays.

Last edited by cLoudou on 3/30/2012 12:41:07 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I'll just say it-

Unless you grew up with them, or they were a significant part of your gaming life during the JRPG heyday a few generations ago, you probably won't be able to get into them.

12 years ago

Maybe because most of them are pretty bad this generation .At least that s how i feel about them .

To get my fix i have to replay ps1 and ps2 RPG . Playing Breath of fire 4 right now and it s still great .

12 years ago

thumbs down for what, that is so childish guys, so what if he's having a hard time getting into JRPGs. I can't seem to get into JRPGs myself, but's it's all in a particular person's playing experience.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 3/30/2012 1:25:55 PM

12 years ago

A thumbs down doesn't mean "bad comment", Alex. It means to disagree. I voted down because of the comment about the art style being childish. I merely disagree with it. nothing more.

It's that grey area of sub-genre again. I never really considered it jRPG, either. But it is a Japanese made game. In terms of gameplay, I wouldn't classify it jRPG either.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/30/2012 1:28:05 PM

12 years ago

@Under: But the term "jrpg" refer to the art style, mechanics and maybe story rather than what country it is developed in?
Ergo, theoretically speaking it is thinkable that a JRPG could be programmed in, say, Sweden, just as a WRPG could have been developed by a company with offices located in Tokyo?

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/30/2012 2:04:27 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

@ Beamboom and cloudou and Underdog15

Technically speaking Demons Souls and Dark Souls are JRPGs. They may differ from many other JRPGs in a number of ways. But they are role playing games and they are Japanese. Therefore they are Japanese role playing games, or JRPGs. It's as simple as that. They might be non-traditional JRPGs but still JRPGs all the same.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 3/30/2012 2:21:14 PM

12 years ago

So let me see if I got this straight, Looking Glass: In your opinion the "J" in "JRPG" is all about the land of origin, and not the style/content/presentation? If for example the next Fallout were programmed by a Japanese developer you'd classify it as a JRPG?

I would be surprised if all JRPG fans would agree with you there, but it's an interesting statement. But since you are a fan of jrpgs, to you that essentially means you are a fan of code written by Japanese programmers?

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/30/2012 3:20:51 PM

12 years ago


To answer your question about Demon's/Dark souls, the very literal answer is yes. However, they do a great job of leaving out the cutesy bright eyed and purple haired characters that turn off a lot of western gamers. There is no cliche story about a princess in trouble and the characters aren't all from high school.

These are some of the common elements that turn off a lot of western gamers and part of the reason why the Souls series has been so well adopted here in the US.

12 years ago


It may not be childish art, but much of the art in JRPG's is very cutesy.

Check out and look at all the banners for the games they advertise for. The majority of them will have hair with bright vibrant colors or cutesy little characters. About 2 weeks ago I saw them advertise Mass Effect 3 and it had a character on the banner that looked like a chocobo and pikachu had a little cutesy baby.

I just think a lot of western gamers are not in to stuff like that :/

Last edited by Palpatations911 on 3/30/2012 3:36:41 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

@ Beamboom

If a game ultimately originates with Japan it's a Japanese game. It's as simple as that.

And if the next Fallout were to be programmed by a Japanese developer would it be a JRPG? I don't think so.

First if ZeniMax Media simply outsourced the work to a Japanese company, then no I would say that it's still a western RPG because it still ultimately originates with the west.

But even if the IP were to actually be sold to a Japanese company I would still be hesitant to call any resulting game an actual JRPG. I think in such a case I would consider it more of a co-production between the east and west since the IP ultimately originates with the west.

Or let me put it another way. If an American company makes an RPG that adopts a style, content, and a presentation that are all commonly found in Japanese pop culture, specifically Japanese video games, then it would still be an American game. It would just be an American game that borrows heavily from Japanese pop culture.

In that same vein Demons Souls is a JRPG that in some ways resembles western RPGs.

So in other words, yes I would say that country of origin is a most significant factor to say the least.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 3/30/2012 4:42:14 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

@ Palpatations911

By the way, I believe that what you're referring to by "cutesy bright eyed and purple haired characters" is actually the Moe art style.

12 years ago

Don't feel bad, you are not alone.
I grow up with all of the FF's(which I own most from FF7 & Tactics to FF 13) & most of the other RPGs out, but I still can't get into them(except for the amazing graphics).
And believe me, I've tried.

12 years ago

You have to realize that JRPGS set a standard. and American pre-console games like D&D helped shape them.
Now take seriousness and just dump half out the window.
JRPGs like NIS's games need you to dump all of it.

or something… I'm tired.

12 years ago

I'm 25 & i growed up on super nintendo & nintendo 64 days but i mostly played mario. I feel like im missing out on JRPGs but i see im not the only one. I enjoy Action & Adventure, RPGs, Racing, Third Person Shooters & Platformers. im glad no here called me out here & called me a FPS call of duty fanboy. & i respect tht on this site ^-^. first person shooters are my least favorite types of games right behind JRPGs

12 years ago

@ Beam I agree that the jrpg is defined by the content in the game, not the place of origin. However the japanese are the only ones that understand their culture well enough to create that quintessential japanese style. A studio from the west doing a jrpg would likely result in the same abominations we see when the japanese attempt to "westernize" their games or portray any bit of our culture.

Last edited by Teddie9 on 3/30/2012 7:49:07 PM

12 years ago

Rapture, I believe you are far from the only one around here who can't get into them.
I've wanted to "get it" for a long time, played several of the jrpgs (mostly on the psp) but has more or less concluded with what Ben say here, I think you really had to "be there" back in the days when Japanese games dominated on the Playstation platform.

I perceive it the same way as you do: All I see is an apparent resemblance with childrens TV or childrens games, and while playing them that feeling just never really go away either.

Still I think it's fun to follow these discussions and try to pay attention when given the chance, cause even though I myself might never be as enthusiastic about these things it's always fun to get to understand others a bit better.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/31/2012 6:21:02 AM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

@ Teddie9

I respectfully disagree with your "content" statement in your first sentence.

Even so I still find the rest of your post interesting, although I would make one small alteration. Instead of saying "a studio from the west doing a jrpg" I would say "a studio from the west TRYING to do a jrpg". All a western studio can do is try. But I believe I already made myself clear on that point.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 3/31/2012 8:06:36 AM

12 years ago

I disagree with most of this thread. lol

12 years ago

I couldn't stop laughing through the later part of the Mugen Souls trailer. What the hell! haha

12 years ago

Hehe yeah, was it even a game? Looked like some sort of TV gameshow or something. 😀

12 years ago

That Mugen Souls game looks a little like the Idolmaster games as well. Not sure without more information, but the video is pretty typically over the top for an anime kind of production.

12 years ago

Found some more information about Mugen Souls, it's not an Idolmaster kind of thing at all, despite the trailer. it's more of an adventure/action/RPG with heavy anime overtones.

12 years ago

Look at the official site for more information about Mugen Souls, the linked video above isn;t very indicative of the game…

12 years ago


Ha, They killed off your avatar in that video, LMAO

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/30/2012 5:11:04 PM

12 years ago

Legasista looks like it may be worth a look in my book.

12 years ago

It looks very old school, I love the look of it.

12 years ago

I love me some japanese games but I think I will pass on these three games.

12 years ago

If I'm not mistaken is NISAmerica's 'mission' to bring exactly these kinds of more niche interest (in the West) Japanese titles to the Western market? Referring to Ben's comment about Mugen souls – "Okay, I like JRPGs and everything, but that's sorta pushing it for me." It does look a little more hardcore Japanese Anime than, say, an Atelier game. But it fits perfectly with what NISAmerica exists to do.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/30/2012 11:50:46 AM

12 years ago

Need more like them.

12 years ago

Indeed World.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

I'll be keeping my eye on these games.

Mugen Souls in particular looks like it's bringing Japanese quirkiness to a whole new level.

Anime characters beating the crap out of real people? Oh yeah, I'm definitely down with that.

12 years ago

Found this about Mugen Souls…

Mugen Souls follows Chou Chou, a supposed undisputed goddess who hopes to make all seven worlds in her galaxy obey her. The game features a free-roaming battle map so you can explore each world, fight and discover items at your leisure. Destroying crystals will activate hyper mode, and using an ability called Moe Kill enslaves your foes and turns them into items depending on their weaknesses. You can also pull off lots of combo attacks and customize all of your characters even down to their body parts and facial expressions.

NIS America notes that some parts of the game may be edited due to some content's 'sensitive nature.' Mugen Souls is set for a fall release in North America and Europe.

Sounds interesting to me.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/30/2012 12:20:45 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

Chou Chou. If I'm not mistaken that means butterfly in Japanese. Nice name. Although I hope there won't be any editing.

12 years ago

That sucks Highlander, it means the censorship police will screw it up.

12 years ago

Here's the official NISA site for Mugen Souls. It looks way better than the initial video above seems to suggest.

12 years ago

Legasista reminds me of zenonia for ios. I hope the other 2 are also available for psn.

12 years ago

Totally wacky, need some real gameplay from the second one. I'm enjoying the old school action in Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 and if I can ever put a dent in the backlog and stop buying new stuff I'll get Meruru too. But I still have to make it through Totori without time running out.

12 years ago

I really like the way Legasista looks with it's old school look and it is definitely something i would buy.

12 years ago

Hey anyone with A PSP who wants more games brought over from Japan, the listen up.

Anyone remember "Monkey Paw" the company founded to do the localization for games to come out of Japan????

Well, I've got some good news for you….
Monkey Paw is now working with Gaijinworks to get more games out of Japan and they want to start by bringing out the whole series of "Class of Heroes", starting with COH-2.

And to see if it's actually feasible financially to do so, they've just started a Kickstarter fund with some added incentives for you to donate towards COH-2.

So if you want to see RPG's games continue to flourish outside of Japan(that would never see the light of day otherwise), then I would suggest maybe donating a little money to their(and our own) cause….

Prove your J-RPG Fan Power & Help Support Our Kickstarter Campaign!
Posted on March 28, 2012 by admin

Class of Heroes IIMuch of what we do at MonkeyPaw Games centers on bringing Japanese games to life in Western markets. It is a difficult job as Japanese publishers often lack the confidence to localize their game and think others can’t do it either. We convince them that there is a market and that we can localize well. For the creator and publisher, they should be flattered! But that is rarely the case.

Risk dominates the equation. Proper localization must preserve a game’s integrity while weaving the intricacies of crossing cultures. Add the risks associated with submission, translation, quality assurance, marketing, and publishing…you can understand publishers’ aversion. Of course, the biggest risk is financial and the heavy exposure of bringing a foreign game to a competitive market.

Class of Heroes IIIt needn’t be this way. We need to remove some risk. First, let’s eliminate retail! No shops, no overhead, no wasted inventory, no returned product. Ship the product direct to users.

Still, much risk. If we could know how many users and how much they are willing to pay, the math becomes much, much easier.

Enter Kickstarter. By allowing users to vote on a game with a pledge to buy, we can focus on design and creativity. The model so well fits gaming that you’re sure to see once inaccessible titles now come into play.

And so we offer you Class of Heroes II for the PSP® system. Developed by Acquire Corp. of Japan, this quintessential RPG has a great pedigree and a strong following in Japan. By using an experienced and renown translation team to produce a culturally-sensitive and quality-assured localization, we know we have a winning hand.

Class of Heroes IIBut we won’t stop there. The offer includes not just a beautifully boxed Deluxe Version of a prime J-RPG with embossed leather hand-crafted guidebook, but also a surfeit of swag that will make your collectible goodie shelf come to life. Dig even deeper into the rewards and you might find yourself in Tokyo meeting the actual dev team, or even having your likeness in the game.

So you can see why we’re pretty excited about the opportunities. Kickstarter and the J-games will meet and Class of Heroes II will be the first born. Take a look at our pledge drive here and join the team of faithful.

The "Class of Heroes=2" Kickstarter fund pledge drive:

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