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Diablo III Will “Make Sense” And Be “Really Fun” On Consoles

Diablo III has received a new May 15 release date but there has been no mention of a console version.

Have no fear, though, as that should be coming in the future. Activision Blizzard COO Paul Sams told CVG that a console iteration of the long-awaited sequel "makes a lot of sense," even though the game was obviously built specifically for the PC. Said Sams:

"We're continuing to explore [Diablo 3 on consoles]. We think that the way we built it for the PC may need some tweaking, but it will ultimately be the type of game that can really make sense and be really fun, well polished and a true Blizzard-level experience on a console.

We get a lot of questions about why we haven't made a game for consoles before and I tell them the same thing I tell them about business models: we don't let business models or platforms drive our decisions. Those are secondary to what's the most important aspect for us which is the gameplay."

Sams went on to say that they have to "make sure the game is great" and that it's something console fans will actually want to play. Provided they produce a quality product, everything should turn out fine. He also added that they don't decide immediately if they want to make a console game; they just set out to make a good game. If it works well on all platforms, than so be it; they'll tackle 'em all.

So when will Diablo III arrive for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360? Well, no word on that yet, but hopefully not long after the PC version is on store shelves. Stay tuned for updates.

Related Game(s): Diablo III

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12 years ago

I'll stick to the pc version because console version may not be released until sometime next year siimliar to the witcher 2 on 360.

12 years ago

Might be better to have a Diablo spinoff series meant for consoles than trying to force the carpel tunnel interface into a gamepad. Do what Fallout did and change from top down to first person action RPG and I'd consider the game.

12 years ago

This is reassuring!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Again, I point you in the direction of Starcraft: Ghost. They'll start on it, but push it back and back and back until it vanishes.

If not, do what World said. That'd be best.

12 years ago

i dunno im still unsure on how well a diablo game would work on consoles.
i just cant see how they would convert the controls over from a literally infinite keyboard to a limited controller, jut not enough buttons available.
not to mention most gaming keyboards and macro keys.

12 years ago

The new skill system in diablo allows it to work for consoles. It has been…streamlined…you have less active skills to choose from. Even still, you can have it so holding down R2 of L2 switch to different hot bars that are mapped to the face buttons. Its really not that difficult.

Also its a loot and level game. It will do well on any platform….people like their loot 😛

12 years ago

It worked really well for Diablo 1 on PSone, and there were no sticks back then. Diablo's never been a game that needs PC controls – it just needs intelligent control design (many PC games have lazily designed controls because they've got access to a full kb). I'll be grabbing it on PS3, despite owning a more capable PC, because if I've got the option my preference is always console first, as long as the gameplay isn't severely compromised (and that's hardly the case for a Diablo-style casual hack'n'slash game).

12 years ago

It worked on ps1 ( diablo 1 ) , i don t see how it can t be done on ps3/360 .

Not like a care anyway , i ll buy it on Pc day 1.I even took my first vacation week on may 13th so i can play it as much as i want .

12 years ago

it worked, but it didn't work nearly as well as on pc. It was too clunky then

12 years ago

This is great news! Diablo 1(PS1) Darstone(PS1) and say Sacred 2(PS3) show that a game like this can work on consoles. Let alone anyone who use the keyboard arguement loses, as the PS3 supports keyboard and mouse.

12 years ago

Yes it can work if it's done right, but how many PS3 owners actually use the mouse and keyboard attachments? Let alone own them? Not very many I'm guessing.

12 years ago

Lets hope the PC version wont suffer like Skyrim did with a switch to console focus….

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