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Kojima’s Secret Game Deals With “Delicate, Taboo” Issues

After telling the world that his vaunted Metal Gear series has sold over 31 million copies worldwide , Hideo Kojima dropped a few more hints about his mystery project.

Known thus far only as "Ogre Project," we have scant official information. But during a Q&A at the Smithsonian's Art of Video Games exhibit, the MGS guru piqued everyone's curiosity by saying the new game should be controversial…and that always results in plenty of discussion and argument. Said Kojma:

"The game I'm working on right now is dealing with quite a few issues that are pretty delicate and taboo. I'm not sure if they'll end up being in the final product or not, but that's something that I want to continue to strive for."

Kojima intends to "bring real-life issues to the forefront" but at the same time, he knows he has to make a game that's still entertaining (these are video games , after all). And once again, he reminds us all of his legendary perfectionist mentality, in that he's always seeing the flaws in his work after it has been released. It's why he works so damn hard on everything he does, obviously.

The only other hint Kojima provided was that his team visited a military base in San Diego "to test a shooting simulator," but he couldn't elaborate further. Thus far, we only have that one screenshot you see everywhere, and a bizarre example of what the Fox Engine can do with a "see-through underwear pic." …yeah, we didn't get that, either. Anyway, here's hoping Project Ogre gets officially unveiled soon!

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12 years ago

It just seems Japanese games from Japanese developing teams takes too long to release their game, whether or not it's their fault directly. It's been too long since we've seen a Kojima game, and after all this time, we're still only getting itty, bitty hints.

12 years ago

Kojima's games are always worth the wait.

12 years ago

I wonder if it will be more Japanese or more Western. Sad to hear about the shooting, but maybe it won't be just shooting.

12 years ago

eager to see wut it is…

12 years ago

Even if it is controversial, I'm sure Kojima san will be very professional and delicate in how it is conveyed, unlike the MW2 "No Russian" scene which was in-your-face and violent for the sake of being violent and wanting to be controversial.

12 years ago

I wonder if he will announce that new MGS they are working on…

12 years ago

he just loves dangling the fish just out of reach dont he!?
i wish he would shut it till hes ready to announce it, or just announce it already!
no one likes a teaser!
a hint or 2 ok, but hopping on twitter or whatever every week for months baiting people is just cruel!

Last edited by ___________ on 3/20/2012 5:17:15 AM

12 years ago

I just want to know what it is and the release date..feels like it's been forever since Ogre project was announced..

12 years ago

Lest we forget, it hasn't even been two years since the last Hideo Kojima game. Some people say it's MGS4, but really, PW was Kojima's last game.

Hoping to here some Project Ogre official news soon.

12 years ago

I wonder what he means when he says some of it's issues are delicate and taboo. Taboo for who? Because lets be honest, there's tons of things over in Japan that are taboo everywhere else!

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