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Danger Close Not Interested In A Verbal War With Activision

Last year, it was Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 vs. EA's Battlefield 3 . And come fall, it will probably be mega-publisher vs. mega-publisher once again.

That's because Activision and Treyarch will very likely launch Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 in November, and EA is set to release Danger Close's Medal of Honor: Warfighter right around the same time (it currently holds an October 30 launch date). Plus, despite the official "mutual respect" the two companies have for each other, there is some underlying hostility…Activision CEO Bobby Kotick questioned BF3's chances in the console market, and EA CEO John Riccitiello responded by saying he hopes CoD "rots from the core."

Still, it's important to remember exactly who is making those waves. Warfighter executive producer Greg Goodrich addressed the subject in the latest issue of GamesMaster (as reported at CVG ):

"I think that because of our genre and the history of our franchise…it's just a natural thing to want to go out and pick a fight.

[But] if you look at it, almost none of it came from the development team. EA is a very big organisation, and there are a lot of grown-ups and adults that manage things that our out of our control."

Yeah, it's true that the developers weren't usually the ones doing the sniping. That typically came from PR people and business executives at the two companies, which is standard fare. Either way, though, you can bet that everyone will be keen on comparing the two biggest shooters of the year. Just no avoiding that.

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor: Warfighter

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12 years ago

I noticed that already, the devs are respectful and often can't wait to play each other's creations. But I can't say the hostility between overblown and largely useless money sponges isn't entertaining.

12 years ago

Don't forget the fans and anti-fans!

12 years ago

I liked the multiplayer in the last one so this one bet not let me down.

12 years ago

Competition is good, but it's good to see the Devs keep it on a professional level (even if the ridiculously high-paid execs decide to act like children :rolleyes:)

12 years ago

and while those two get "all" the attention, what game(s) will
be swept aside? Resistance 3 fell victim last time.

12 years ago

The only thing i didnt like about MOH multiplayer was the customization. There really was none. I hope the do a lil more this time around.

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