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Sony: 90 Million PSN Accounts, Best Royalty Rate

It always helps when it's free.

The PlayStation Network remains free to access for everyone and the new PlayStation Vita just launched; it's only at 1.2 million sold now, but that number will certainly grow in the near future.

The bottom line is that according to Sony, speaking at GDC and as reported by Develop , there are 90 million confirmed PSN accounts around the world. SCEA Developer Relations Manager Ted Regulski said the numbers were compiled from accounts registered on the PS3, PSP, and the freshly released Vita. He also said Sony was "the only major console publisher to allow self-publishing."

"There are others but they have publishing rules that aren’t much fun, and there are no weird limits you have to hit in order for us to pay you."

Regulski added that the PSN offers a better royalty rate than either Microsoft or Nintendo, which of course is incentive for developers. As for the total number of PSN accounts, there's no doubt that users find ways to have multiple accounts on the same machine, so perhaps we should take "90 million" with a grain of salt. Still, there's no denying just how far the PSN has come in five short years.

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12 years ago

Free is good, Sony is doing the smart move on that. I don't know why those people over at 360 pay to play online. Also I want to stap a back on those PS3 hackers (I probably know alot of those hackers got banned by now) ruining multiplayer game sessions for legit players.

12 years ago

You should see CoD4, that game has been hacked to hell and back. You can't even log into CoD4 unless you download a Bypass on the internet.. it's really stupid.

12 years ago

I played COD4 before, yah it's a shame those hackers are swarming the hell out of that game, that's one of the reasons why I don't want to go the xtra mile to go to prestige town. I'm glad battlefield has my eye now but I will check out blacks ops at my relatives for the story and maybe some of the multiplayer too, In some cases I like treyarch better than IW.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 3/10/2012 5:39:32 PM

12 years ago

Indeed, I'm loving BF3, I'm a level 10 colonel now. It seems to take awhile to level up when you are high up like that, but my friend on the other hand puts me to shame and he doesn't even play as much as me, he's a DJ. >.<

I have 162 Hours, and 19 minutes. lol

Last edited by Clamedeus on 3/10/2012 5:38:10 PM

12 years ago

I love when DJ's mix it up with sound.

12 years ago

I agree. Why pay for Live? Not worth it AT ALL.

12 years ago

Well they gonna have a rest of me because my Ps3 stopped reading games -_-, and just when I was getting fun with Street Fighter x Tekken.

12 years ago

That happened to me a while back. So then I just bought a new laser off of ebay for about $25 and installed it. Simple process and good as new 🙂

12 years ago

Thanks for the heads up with the money you needed, oh well gonna check YT to learn how to do it, or you may know a guide that you used for do that? could you post the link plz? 🙂

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/10/2012 2:50:38 PM

12 years ago

I actually just opened it up and figured it out for myself but I found a guide that seems to be really good with pictures. You can also search on YouTube and find plenty of videos. It's pretty easy to do. The only problem I had is that I didn't have a T10 size torx security bit for my screwdriver so I just went and bought it at the hardware store. Good luck if you do it! Just make sure if you buy a laser, it's the same one you have in your PS3 as different model numbers have some different ones. Shouldn't be hard to figure out though. Hope this helps.

12 years ago

Thanks a lot YesterdysRising 😀

12 years ago

No problem. Always glad to help 🙂

12 years ago

… To think I am one tiny one of those 90 millions…

I feel like a sperm.

12 years ago

that can't be good

12 years ago


Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 3/10/2012 8:22:21 PM

12 years ago

Well, that's officially the weirdest simile I've heard this week…

12 years ago

Speaking of PSN and its games, any chance of an I Am Alive review? It's too mixed right now elsewhere for me to be sure of anything.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/10/2012 1:18:54 PM

12 years ago

Indeed – they are extremely mixed! I've noticed the same.

12 years ago

Sounds like is not a game for everyone would luv to see Ben taking a shot at it.

12 years ago

Your avatar sucks. It makes me wanna kill myself. I'm thinking about finding some lesbians to pick on IRL just because you've ruined my browsing session with your avatar. Just saying.

12 years ago

You created an account to post that comment?

Get help.

12 years ago

And I guess M$ must have thrown in big wad of cash for "I Am Alive" first, cause it's been in the 360 Arcade since Tuesday, & I can't find it anywhere on the PSN so far.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/10/2012 3:12:26 PM

12 years ago

Because it's not out for PS3 yet as far as I know. Spring release the last I heard.

12 years ago

Hey Ben, do you plan on reviewing Silent Hill Downpour at all? I think it looks good from the videos I've watched but I'm curious as to how long it is. I've got it pre-ordered for $50 and it has a $10 credit so for $40, I'm thinking about just taking my chances if you're not going to review it anytime soon.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Yes, I plan to review it.

12 years ago

Awesome! Can't wait 🙂

12 years ago

find ways to have multiple accounts on the same machine ? you just make a new account theres no limit i made a 2nd accounts a few years ago when my main one got a 30 day suspension

12 years ago

Psn offers better royality? Aww ok, by giving our personal infos to terrorists and hackers? Such a bull, xbox live is 1000x better than psn and i don't mind paying 50 in every 12 months, its worth it, i love sony and it's exclusive lineup of games but online and 3rd party games still is best on xbox, its a fact and if anyone disagree with me than he/she is a fanboy

12 years ago

It doesn't matter where you put the info, it's exposed either way for a skilled hacker to reach.

That's your opinion on PSN and Live, and you are entitled to that opinion. And I agree with (Some) of the 3rd party games. Just because someone doesn't agree with what you have to say, doesn't make them a fanboy, everyone has differing opinions and calling them a fanboy because of that opinion is pretty childish.

12 years ago

I add to the multiple psn figures. I added new psn's for my multiple ps3, in order to be able to watch netflix or hulu in different parts of house.

ps Im back now. Looking forward to commenting more often and not just reading.

12 years ago

wonder how many of those are sub accounts, and how many are duplicates.
ive got 20 alone set up for multiple regions and multiple people in the family.
i really wish $ony would put allot more emphasis on PS Suite and minis.
theres so many awesome IOS titles out there that would do really well, especially on the vita.
id kill to have infinity blade 2 on my vita!
or even GTA 3 i forgot how much fun that game was!

they really need to try get more indie developers on board too.
they really need to try convince ubisoft to release trials evolution on PSN, thats one series that ive always really missed!
even team meat with super meat boy or the guys behind ms splosion man.
they need to stop letting M$ get early deals on almost every freaking MP game too its getting ridiculous!
i am alive is already on XBLA, has been for a week!
but the PSN version is still
yet to get a release date!

12 years ago

how many are master accounts? They may offer highest royalties but Tim Schafer said it was $40,000 to patch a game on consoles and even more for DLC. Also the PS3 SDK even Sony admitted is not very developer friendly so they should pay more especially for multi platform releases. Sony stated a top priority for the Vita was to make it as easy as possible for the devs to integrtate their game with the Vita's SDK and from which I hear they did a excellent job. Which will I think make the Vita very successful from the start unlike the PS3. I believe there will be an excellent line up for the system with easy integration.And the next gen for Sony will be just as easy hopefully bringing more exclusives or atleast using it as the main system then porting to M$ like how PS3 gamers got screwed with ME3 even though the PS3 is the more powerful system. Could be a Ram issue but I doubt it

12 years ago

That's all well and good but they need to get more realistic with their pricing. For example, Mass Effect 3 is €69.99 on the store here in Ireland. That's the equivalent of $91!

12 years ago

how much is it at a normal store? if its the same price, i don't know if sony could take the blame

12 years ago

@aaronisbla. It's E47.97 in gamestop according to their website. I accept that Sony may not set the price as they don't publish the game, but all I know is that whoever is marking up the game by 22 euro is having a laugh.

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