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Move Ships 10.5 Million Worldwide

The PlayStation Move has all sorts of potential and thus far, a great many have responded to that potential.

According to new statistics unveiled at a Game Developers Conference session (as cited by IGN ), Sony developer support engineer Gabe Ahn announced that Move has shipped 10.5 million units worldwide.

This includes combined shipments of Move controllers and Navigation controllers, though, and they didn't mention a specific sold-through number. However, it's significant to note that as of October, Sony reported 8.3 million shipped, which means Move has done relatively well since that time. Ahn added that the motion-sensing system is "part of our DNA" and clearly, they intend to stick with it for a while. Thus far, the most popular title by a long shot is Sports Champions , which is included in the Starter Pack.

Most would agree Move needs some AAA software to keep it relevant and exciting and hopefully, we'll start seeing more of that. And hey, Sorcery isn't too far off now , so that could push more units.

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12 years ago

Move software has definitely seemed to be in the decline lately, but I wouldn't say there are not any big games that utilize it. Anyone who hasn't played HR especially with the move controls is completely missing out, it's ridiculous fun and just incredibly accurate! I know I'm mentioning some older games here but I think gamers need to look past the move exclusive software and look at games like RE5, and MAG, MLB: 11 and 12 the show, and KZ3, etc…. Point is, if you havnt played some of these titles and need to dust off your PS Move, there are games that provide a great experience.

I would like to see more big name titles that use the move exclusively – like sorcery – but, if QD continues to implement move controls, that's a great thing for gamers. No motion controls, compare to what HR accomplished. I can't say enough about it!

12 years ago

Oh man have you tried RE5 with Move? That is *the* worst game I've played with Move. It was completely useless. My coop buddy and I, who has beaten RE5 earlier and had a jolly good time doing so, we looked forward to a second playthrough.
We could hardly move (ironically :D), that's how bad it was.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/8/2012 12:28:04 PM

12 years ago

Yes I have played RE5 with move, with my roommate on our second playthrough and we both loved it. So much so, our accuracy went way up while using the move because it felt more like a true RE survival game. I'm just better with the Move I guess! 😉 kidding…

I could see why some would feel the you did as well, but like I said it did two things for me for that game in particular that made it great, raised my accuracy, and made RE feel like the old RE's in the sense of it felt more like a survival game, and I did feel a little desperation sometimes, because I wasn't using joysticks.

12 years ago

Yeah, well ok, if less fluid, more clumsy controls added to the survival desperation for you guys then I understand. 🙂
I sorta know what you mean, even. Problem is that I get desperate enough without that added frustration of Move. I really thought it was creepy at times in RE5, no matter what you guys say. It was survival enough for me. 😀
(seriously, I thought RE5 was a great game)

But "HR", what game is that? The only game I can think of with those initials is Human Revolution, and it can't be that… 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/9/2012 5:12:45 AM

12 years ago

Heavy Rain.

RE5 wasnt any less fluid with move, you just had to get used to the controls, I'm not going to lie at first it was tough to move around but it became natural after an hour or so… That's the same for most games, MAG is another awesome game with move, but as an FPS it took some getting used to how quickly and precise I could turn.

By the way I also loved RE5.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/9/2012 10:29:18 AM

12 years ago


That is all.

12 years ago

I am still waiting for that perfect reason to say, "now this is why I bought the PS Move!"

12 years ago

Me too! I haven't given up yet, but hope is fading fast here.

But what I can't help but ask myself is, what on EARTH are these ten million owners using their Move for? Why did they buy it in the first place?

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/8/2012 12:30:12 PM

12 years ago

My family had a ton of fun with the Sports Champion game, but I keep waiting for a game along the lines of Uncharted or Mass Effect to make use of the Move in some type of dynamic way.

12 years ago

Can't speak for others, but I've had good use of it with RUSE (100+ hours), Under Siege, Top Darts (best darts game outside of actually playing darts), Sports Champions, Flight Control and The Shoot. I've heard very good things about The Fight, Echochrome ii and Tumble as well, and Time Crisis: Razing Storm is on my shelf waiting for me to finish (!) Skyrim ;). There's the KZ3/SOCOM/R3/MAG option as well, but I prefer controllers for that.

For a peripheral, the Move is very well supported. It was cheaper than my racing wheel, and there have been more games for it than there have been quality racers over that time, and no-one's complaining that racing wheels are a waste of time. But, the trick is that it can't be all things to all people (although it is incredibly versatile for a peripheral). If it ain't for you, that doesn't mean it's not a success, it just means you're not into strategy, active sports games, puzzlers, or lightgun shooters. And there's nothing wrong with that :).

12 years ago

Play HR… Seriously if you havnt, do it, you'll adore the technology behind the PS Move after that. Not to mention the game is way more fun with the move controllers.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/9/2012 1:57:18 AM

12 years ago

Yes Sports Champions were a *great* tech demo. If only more of that could be released. A really good, large frisbee golf game for instance? With loads of creative courses? Yes please! I'd buy it for sure.

I don't believe in a Mass Effect or Uncharted type game for Move. I know a handful disagree with me here, but all the "traditional" games with implemented Move support that I've tried (Killzone 3, RE5, R3 are the three I can think of right now) it simply could not compete with the sixaxis controller. There really was no comparison even, the six-axis won before the fight could even start.

So I believe the case with the Move is pretty much the same as is the case with Mobile gaming: The games have to be designed FOR the device. Then, and only then, can the hardware show it's true potential.

@Axe: I've played RUSE too, and while it is one of the better use of Move I've played, I still did end up returning to the controller. But yeah, RUSE is probably the best of the Move-supported games outside the bundled ones I've tried.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/9/2012 4:02:51 AM

12 years ago

@ Beamboom – good on ya for playing RUSE :). While it takes a while to learn (about 4-6 hours to get on top of), once you've mastered it, you can do more quicker with Move, and in an RTS that makes a big difference. Me and some mates got right into it, and we did pretty well online, and I've got no doubt that Move didn't hurt. Think of it a bit like the first time playing a twin-stick shooter. Initially it's quite disorienting, but eventually it's far more versatile than the standard setups back in the PSOne days.

12 years ago

I'm glad it's paying off for Sony but I think the original premise that motion tech will not have much to offer hardcore gamers has been born out. How often to gamers use their Move or Kinect?

More importantly, is the unused Kinect camera really spying on people? lol

12 years ago

but, but, but the Mass Effect 3 commercial says it's "best" on Xbox 360 with KINECT =p

player: "I don't want any";

sheppard: "I don't want any of those";

player: *phew*
… …
player: "no, don't shoot him";

sheppard: "kill him, QUICK!";

player: NO dang it! That's it I'm going back to the control pad


12 years ago

I have 2 sets of Move & Navigators, although I've got way too much of a games backlog to even try them out yet.

But I will, as I'm looking forward to trying out the Move on KZ3 sometime in the future.

12 years ago

I tried KZ3 with Move several times, and while the aiming of the reticule was spot on, everything else was out of whack for me.

12 years ago

I'm glad and all for Sony, but I'm actually really glad I never bought into the Move. It feels like a distant memory to me now as it just hasn't done much to excite me.

I will say that I like that it hasn't been this unprecedented success. I wouldn't want Sony to think gamers will trade processing for interface toys on the coming gen. MS may try that trick, possibly only by betraying their core gamers who helped them where they're at today and instead go after the a mainstream everyone loves mindless fun games. Oh wait, essentially the only new IP's MS publishes anymore do exactly that already 😉
Man, what a way to feel used.
Thankfully, the audience Sony has cultivated since PSX is still a large focus of theirs.

okay, enough ranting, back to linked lists.

12 years ago

Once you play a few hours of their sports title, what other reasons are there to have a move?

I miss an old game rental store in Portland, OR called "Video Game Wizards" that allowed you to rent consoles and peripherals. It was perfect for trying out fads like the move and getting it out of your system without spending a lot of dough. With the amount of units sold and lack of decent titles, it is surely a fad and most people are back to using their trusty gamepad. 🙂

Last edited by Palpatations911 on 3/8/2012 6:22:33 PM

12 years ago

would of done a hell of allot better if $ony actually supported the device!
think what they could of done with it if playstation move heroes was not a crappy mini game compilation, but a mix of classic R&C, sly, and J&D levels.
it would of been so cool to have the 3 games just as they normally are, set in 3 different worlds, with each of the characters trying to reach the same goal.
and even ape escape, imagine what they could of done with one of the best most popular franchises in the family!
or even medievil deadmunds quest, imagine what they could of done with it if it was a proper medievil game!
id kill to have sir daniel back with the move!
not to mention sorcery.
move has not done half as well as it could simply because $ony has tried to turn it into the wii.
well heres a hint $ony.
if people want a wii they will go buy a wii!
why would they spend 450 bucks for a ps3, plus 100 for a move controller and 50 for the sub.
when they could spend 200 on a wii and get all the accessories to play all the games the move plays!?
and actual proper kids games, as everyone knows no one does kids games better then ninty!
just give up $ony, just like M$ you are NEVER going to steal nintys crowd!
so quit while your not bankrupt!

$ony seriously needs to stop trying to copy ninty, and release games you would expect from $ony!
a big epic high budget like skyrim exclusive to the move for instance would sell like freaking hotcakes!
or even not GOW, but a action adventure game like ninja gaiden.
id love to see a move game like red steel 2 on the ps3 but obviously much more high budget, severed limbs, massive bosses, the whole kit and caboodle.

so many things $ony could do with the move, playstation move heroes is the best they can do!?
surely not!

12 years ago

There just doesn't seem to be anything in the pipeline for it. Pretty disappointing for such an exciting peripheral. I was looking forward to Heavy Rain sort of experiences, using the move to search crime scenes, shine a flashlight etc.

It has all been integration into normal gaming and party games at this point, which is fine but there is unique experiences which I think can only be had with a move working with 3d spaces and your place within it.

12 years ago

@Ben why didn't EA Mass Effect 3 use Ps Move camera? "Better with a Kinect" hmm. What's the deal?

12 years ago

I helped those numbers: I bought the LBP2 pack during Boxing Week. The reasons I got Move when I did were that it was on sale, it came with LBP2, it included the Nav controller, and I had $75 (I think) in "free" gift cards that I got as rewards from my supermarket's loyalty program. Had any of the above not been the case, I wouldn't have gone for it yet.

To show how much I've used it so far, I can say that I haven't had to recharge either controller yet.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 3/10/2012 11:50:11 PM

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