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Bethesda Seeks “Future Generation Console Programmer”

Recent reports say you shouldn't expect to see either the new PlayStation or Xbox at E3 this year and chances are, neither will launch in 2012.

But that doesn't mean they're not coming, and developers need to be ready. In recent months, we've caught glimpses of various studios possibly prepping for the next generation, and now it seems another major team is getting ready for another round of hardware.

A reader has sent us a job listing from ZeniMax's website, where The Elder Scrolls designer Bethesda is clearly seeking a "Future Generation Console Programmer." The position calls for someone to work on an unannounced title, and they're looking for someone with "extensive experience programming and optimizing for the Xbox 360 and PS3." We suppose they could be referring to the Wii U, but considering the team in question, that seems highly unlikely.

So that's another developer who seems to be preparing for the next wave. The question is, are you ready for that wave?

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12 years ago

Getting ahead of ourselves I see. They can't even program for current gen consoles.

12 years ago

hahahaha *wipes a tear*

12 years ago

Woah, slow down children. You're still giving me Fallout 4 this generation right?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

I sure as hell hope so! Just make sure you wait a couple of years before you purchase it so all them bugs is fixed on the complete edition.

12 years ago

Oh yeah – Fallout 4 on the Skyrim engine? Hell yessss…!!

12 years ago

Because one broken game just isn't enough.

12 years ago

I'd buy Fallout 4 no matter how broken it was, those games are that good (in other areas)

12 years ago

3 letters.
m e h.
sorry bughtesda, but you lost me when you released 3 games in a row that i could not play for 4+ months after release because they were so god dam buggy!
i mean how the hell is this company still alive?
last company to release so many buggy games in quick succession was pandemic and they went down long ago!
saddens me so much that there now in charge of id software!
biggest injustice since $ony took their best studio, canned the best looking IP, and one of the families best running series, for a crappy plush toy game!

12 years ago

They might be in charge of Id now, but at least they knew well enough to keep their hands off of Rage.

12 years ago

not exactly, even rage was buggy as hell!
still is!
johns even come out and said he wanted to address the low compression textures of the PC version but due to "financial restrictions" he cant.
in other words bugthesda has said enough wasting time with rage, get to work on doom 4!

12 years ago

Never play any of there games. Anyone recommend any?

12 years ago

Never played any of the Bethesda RPGs? Then you can't like western style rpgs? And if so then I don't think any of their rpgs can be recommended…

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Play either Skyrim or Fallout 3.

12 years ago

Skyrim if you like the fantasy genre (dragons, swords, magic) and Fallout 3 if you want to crawl a post nuclear Washington DC wasteland filled with raiders, mutants, and madness. (Fallout New Vegas was farmed out and is a good game but can't stand up to Fallout 3)

12 years ago

Beamboom I like wrpgs too, I just never bother with there games. Alright thanks nas and world, I check them out when I finish with ME3.

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