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Sony: Move Could’ve, Should’ve Done Better In The UK

The PlayStation Move is approaching 10 million units sold worldwide, and is actually on par with Kinect sales .

However, Sony still thinks they could've done better in the UK. New SCE UK boss Fergal Gara told MCV that although Sony's motion-sensing device has a "solid foothold," software sales haven't been up to snuff.

"It is the strength of the software that goes with it that is paramount. And we’ve had a widely different performance from the various Move titles. Sports Champions is by far the most successful, selling a couple of hundred thousand units, which is a healthy performance. But it does vary thereafter.

So I’d say we are in the market, we have got a shout. Forthcoming titles are going to be important. We take some encouragement from things we can mention, such as Sorcery which is on the schedule, and other things that we know are bubbling under. It is a focus from a studio point-of-view to bring out stronger titles."

SCEE head man Jim Ryan added that in Europe, the middle part of 2011 was a little slow, and the company is in the process of becoming more "clear-minded" on various marketing aspects. Interestingly enough, Ryan said they've been "very energetic" with their Move campaigns, and early indications are that this has "paid off." It's just a matter of looking towards the future right now, and trying to push Move as frequently as possible.

But it's always about the software, right? In this industry, it always is. We've been saying that for a while .

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12 years ago

In my opinion, the software is there. It's the lack of precision in the Move controls that bothers me.

Take Killzone 3 for example. The aiming and shooting is blast, it's the moving from point A to point B that isn't. Personally speaking, and while using the Sharpshooter, it was to difficult to keep my reticule level as I moved around.

Fix that, and Sony has a winner.

12 years ago

I don't think it was a lack of precision, it was more a programmed "ignore" of the smallest movements or else the screen would be too shaky if every little movement should be read.

The Move controller is simply not suitable for these kind of games. That's my conclusion after struggling my way through every game I've got with Move support.

12 years ago

I don't see a use for the sharpshooter, with KZ3 I play along with just the move and nav it's fine…

12 years ago

Strange, because it does seem to be everywhere in the PS3 sections in stores. but then you look elswhere, you see most stores having 360 set ups with kinect demonstrations. So I guess it hasnt done that well.

Me personally? I never approved of the control system on the Wii, nor do I on the PS3. I just don't see gaming as an active hobby, but something I can do to relax. I like the Playstation joypad, as has everyone else with a Sony console. Which is why they haven't changed much over the year unlike Sonys competitors. I just see this whole move sensor phase to be a gimmick, one I dont think I will ever embrace properly.

12 years ago

"Strange, because it does seem to be everywhere in the PS3 sections in stores. but then you look elswhere, you see most stores having 360 set ups with kinect demonstrations."

According to this article, Move is on par with Kinect.

12 years ago

So they say, but you don't see Sony pushing it as far was Kinect… which is a good thing in my opinion as I don't want to see it everywhere like Kinect. The only interesting project on Kinect was Milo… which was cancelled… sour grapes indeed!

12 years ago

Can't make good wine with sour grapes. WORTHLESS!

12 years ago

MS just announced at CES they have sold 18 million Kinects.

12 years ago

That's insane, I cannot imagine 18 million Kinect devices withing households… **rasies hands** it's just not my thing I guess….

12 years ago

That 18 million makes sense. Any xbox purchased since the Kinect has been around was likely bought via the Kinect bundle. Who would fork out the dough for a console and not pony up a little extra to get the Kinect bundle, right? And of course add on top of that anyone that just bought the Kinect by itself.

12 years ago

I agree that the 18 million Kinects makes sense because of the reasons myworstnightmare mentions. MS's press release before E3 claims that 60% of 360 sales were Kinet bundles. That kind of surprised me because I was always under the impression that it was cheap 360's that were driving the bulk of MS's hardware sales. Kinect is driving hardware sales for MS which is exactly what they wanted.

I kind of agree with Ultima. I have seen all kinds of Kinect demonstrations set up in stores. I think that is a very effective way of getting the general public's attention.

12 years ago

I actually think there is a lack of software for the playstation move.
My one has been collecting dust because I can't find a worthwhile game to use it on.

I tired Killzone 3 but it didn't appeal to me unfortunately despite the fact it worked quite well and I have been considering to pick up resistance 3 but never got round to.

Sorcery sounds good so I may check it out but I think games like Ratchet and Clank or sly might need to make an entrance to get the playstation move going again.
Although I must admit there are good quality games such as Killzone and Resistance and psn titles such as Tumble and Modern Combat: Domination that work well with the move.

12 years ago

There is a *definitive* lack of games. The only good game I've played with Move is Sports Champions and that game was more like a demo than a game, really.

12 years ago

Tumble is not a bad playstation move game and its quite therapeutic and gets u thinking a lto especially with its light and demolition challenges.
The only good shooter I played with the move it modern combat.

It seems like if you want good move titles ur better off checking psn rather than retail games.

12 years ago

That little title of Tumble to me is where the main area of development for the move should be at, only add an actual story and environment to manipulate. With 2 moves even.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

Sony needs to get Sorcery out asap.

12 years ago

When I finished Killzone 3 on one sitting with move I said that I wouldn't play another shooter without it, it's just that awesome. I bought soccom, and resistance because they support the move and now that I can play infamous 2 with the move, the move is my control of choice for that game.

There are things that I would change with the move like put analog stick on it, give a R1 button, get rid off the Move button, and add a LED ball thingy on the navigation controller and let me also use it as motion controller. Imagine dual wielding pistols and shooting more targets at the same time.

I haven't use the sharpshooter much but I am not a big of that. The best thing about shooters with the move is when you shoot someone on your left and then with a quick move of wrist you shoot the guy on your right and then back to you left. That is awesome, its like i really have a gun on my hand and shooting from the hip. I think Sony really needs a ratchet and clack game that takes full of advantage of the move and come out with really unique weapons and gadgets that can only be done with a move. just saying, but it might piss a bunch of people…

12 years ago

I completely agree with you, I don't see a use for the sharpshooter peripheral other than taking up space and being cumbersome, on it's own it's wonderful for that type of game. Very immersive.

12 years ago

I am still waiting for the perfect tennis game that exactly emulates the way you move the move/racquet. Super Tennis for the SNES is still the best Tennis game ever created. To be able to do all those moves with the move would addicting.

GST2 is a game I had high hopes for and looks good with the controller. But Ben said the move is not quite right. I downloaded the demo but I have not played it yet.

Like Ben said, we need some games! We need games that are 9.0 or above for the move. I am hoping Sorcery can impress with a quality production above 9.0 scoring.

12 years ago

I agree whole heartedly. Super Tennis was the best tennis game I have ever played.

12 years ago

I know right!! It was fantastic fun! I have over 200 hours logged into Super Tennis over the years. Especially with my friends. We would play doubles with pizza and beer. It was a great time. Tennis cannot get any better than Super Tennis. Maybe some day someone with skills will accidentally here about Super Tennis, try it out and be like holy sh*t I am going to copy this game with todays move and HD graphics!!! Cha-Ching! Cash Cow! Well maybe, I would buy D1P for sure! 🙂

12 years ago

I'm still waiting on certain game….. No real reason to buy it yet…

12 years ago

I use move every now and then. Everybody dance is the perfect game for it imo. yea yea I know it's not a "Hardcore" game but it's very fun. R3 works great w move but just feels diff compared to everybody dance. I enjoy house of the dead overkill on there. play beat sketcher when I want to get my creative juices flowing. move could use alot more creativity than what is being presented. Hell I'm surprised why anyone hasnt made an operation game w move.

12 years ago

it might help if some of the dedicated move stuff wasen't advertised or marketed as shovel ware. i've not seen a dedicated move game release at full price in GAME.
I am anticipating Sorcery but i think Sony does need to market psmove more, same with the Vita. Having the playstation access events is great for playstation owners and fans to get their hands on early games and hardware but doesn't attract new customers. Sony UK needs more marketing, they need to make sure that their retail partners staff are clued up on playstations products and get the roadshows going again visiting cities and towns where anyone from the public can get there hands on with move and vita. I might add since psmove launched i haven't seen a single demo unit in any shops, wierd no?

Last edited by dante_zero on 1/13/2012 1:38:08 PM

12 years ago

Now that you pointed this out, maybe I should start looking for more casual games.
As well as the lack of software, always trying to look for hardcore games is not giving me enough options.
Maybe trying to find different games for the playstation move might make me enjoy it more.

12 years ago

Oh boy don't get me started on Move: The tech disappointment of the century for me. What a waste of money.

I think Sony should realize that Move is next to unusable for traditional games and focus on Move as a "party game controller" like the buzzers and sing star mics, and aim for the funny simple stuff like demoed at launch.
A Sports Champions 2 with much more content within each sport could be a good deal. But that's about it.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/13/2012 2:03:52 PM

12 years ago

Got to disagree with you there. The move is just a tool for developers and it's powerful enough to do both. Integration in current titles, party titles and even unseen uses in 3d environments.

12 years ago

It's not a question of "power" it's a question of "usability". This controller has been on the market for a long time now. Ten MILLION sold units later and still the best sold Move game only sold a couple of hundred thousand. That is a hint, folks. That tells us the *huge* majority of Move controllers are covered by a fat layer of dust.

Until now Move has not proven to be in any way suitable for regular games we usually use the regular controller for. I've used Move in a good stack of games, from strategy (RUSE) to FPS (kz3) and the experience across all those games can be summarized in two words: This Sucks.

It's a toy for casual gaming. That's what it is, and the sooner they realise this the sooner they can start creating the correct games for it.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/15/2012 1:19:18 PM

12 years ago

Personally, I care about motion controllers about as much as 3DTV. However, I would prefer Move over Kinect or Wii (and not just because I own a PS3).

12 years ago

For me it's the price point, the UK prices are too expensive for accesseries, software prices are not too bad but things like Move are a tad to expensive.

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