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Gamers Vote And AMY Price Becomes $9.99 On The PSN

We just had to applaud the idea: when in doubt, turn to the consumer and ask them what they want.

It's a rare thing these days, but Lexis Numerique and VectorCell gave gamers the option to choose the price for AMY , an ambitious downloadable survival/horror adventure. If you remember, the price for the XBLA version was 800 Microsoft Points, which translates to $10, while the PSN version was strangely priced at $12.99.

Well, after giving everyone a chance to vote in a poll, the AMY producers have announced that the price of their game in the US will indeed be $9.99. As they warned, this results in a small delay; AMY will now be available on the PSN on January 17 rather than today, January 10. As far as we at PSXE were concerned, they could've kept it at $12.99, simply as a thank you for making the rare gesture. As we said before, it's difficult to imagine the bigger companies doing any such thing.

And we remain plenty excited for AMY ; it could be one of the very best digital offerings of the generation.

Related Game(s): AMY

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12 years ago

I hope it's as good as Siren. That game got me jumping

12 years ago

I was completely looking forward to this game but this price parity issue tainted my enthusiasm. It wasn't a matter of the actual pricing. I actually thought it was going to cost $14.99. A price I would gladly pay according to the game specifics.

I may be wrong about this but how could they not know that there would be some backlash when they priced the game differently on competing consoles? It almost seemed as if they were testing the waters with pricing on PSN. Lesson learned I hope.

This also brang back the topic of Microsoft Points. IGN ( Yeah, I know! I was slumming. Lol.) actually called them out on this unbalanced Currency system. It has been an issue for years. One that I don't see MS changing any time soon. If ever.

Last edited by FatherSun on 1/9/2012 10:18:38 PM

12 years ago

I would pay the extra 3 bucks to play it this week.

12 years ago

Good, fair is fair.

12 years ago

This is an asinine way to operate your business. Asking today's gamers what they think a price should be is the quick road to cheap-ass gamer prices. It's a terrible precedent to set.

12 years ago

Anyone remember the Radiohead album that let you pick what you pay?

Some people downloaded it for free, but their profits were enormous.

Some people are cheap, for sure, but some people show their appreciation to the max!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/10/2012 1:16:23 PM

12 years ago

You've a more optimistic view of human nature than I…

12 years ago

9.99 sounds like a decent price.

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