We just had to applaud the idea: when in doubt, turn to the consumer and ask them what they want.
It's a rare thing these days, but Lexis Numerique and VectorCell gave gamers the option to choose the price for AMY , an ambitious downloadable survival/horror adventure. If you remember, the price for the XBLA version was 800 Microsoft Points, which translates to $10, while the PSN version was strangely priced at $12.99.
Well, after giving everyone a chance to vote in a poll, the AMY producers have announced that the price of their game in the US will indeed be $9.99. As they warned, this results in a small delay; AMY will now be available on the PSN on January 17 rather than today, January 10. As far as we at PSXE were concerned, they could've kept it at $12.99, simply as a thank you for making the rare gesture. As we said before, it's difficult to imagine the bigger companies doing any such thing.
And we remain plenty excited for AMY ; it could be one of the very best digital offerings of the generation.
Related Game(s): AMY