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Gamers Vote And AMY Price Becomes $9.99 On The PSN

We just had to applaud the idea: when in doubt, turn to the consumer and ask them what they want.

It's a rare thing these days, but Lexis Numerique and VectorCell gave gamers the option to choose the price for AMY , an ambitious downloadable survival/horror adventure. If you remember, the price for the XBLA version was 800 Microsoft Points, which translates to $10, while the PSN version was strangely priced at $12.99.

Well, after giving everyone a chance to vote in a poll, the AMY producers have announced that the price of their game in the US will indeed be $9.99. As they warned, this results in a small delay; AMY will now be available on the PSN on January 17 rather than today, January 10. As far as we at PSXE were concerned, they could've kept it at $12.99, simply as a thank you for making the rare gesture. As we said before, it's difficult to imagine the bigger companies doing any such thing.

And we remain plenty excited for AMY ; it could be one of the very best digital offerings of the generation.

Related Game(s): AMY

AMY Haunts PSN On January 10

It's one of the more ambitious and promising downloadable titles of the year, and it'll be here before you know it.

Lexis Numerique has announced that their innovative and freakishly creepy survival/horror title, AMY , will arrive on the PlayStation Network on January 10, and a day later on the Xbox Live Arcade.

The setting is Silver City in December 2034. After a comet leaves the planet in ruins, a deadly virus spreads and infects any humans unfortunate enough to be in its path. Players will control Lana, who wakes up in a veritable hell and finds that most everyone she once knew have been transformed into unrecognizable – and decidedly dangerous – monsters. Lana encounters Amy, an 8-year-old autistic girl who somehow has mysterious powers; the two end up working together to survive. What is Amy's secret…?

Developed by VectorCell Studios and supervised by Flashback creator Paul Cuisset, AMY should be quite the experience. It'll retail for $12.99 on the PSN and 800 Microsoft Points on the XBLA.

Related Game(s): AMY

New Amy Video Shows Importance Of Relationships

The new survival/horror game from Lexisnumerique and Vector Cell will soon be available for download on the PSN.

It's one of our most anticipated digital projects of the year, and once you see this new trailer, you'll understand why. We're always interested in games that place real human relationships at the core of the experience.

In this narrated video, we learn that Lana and Amy must continue to work together to survive a post-apocalyptic viral invasion. Amy, being small, can squeeze into smaller spaces, but it hardly ends there. Holding her hand will let you hear her heartbeat, which will beat faster when danger is close. Amy also has a "scared child" personality all her own. Check it out.