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GameStop Has Baseline Details On Console Streaming

You may have heard that after GameStop purchased Spawn Labs, the retailer started talking about streaming console games.

We still don't have all the details (because GameStop hasn't worked out all the details themselves), but we got a little more information from senior vice president Mike Mauler.

In speaking to , Mauler clarified a few points. Firstly, it's not a service that lets you play games on the cloud. Secondly, it's not about replacing physical media, because you'd have to actually own both the console and the game to take part in the program. Said Mauler:

"So we're not looking at a service where you can just play games in the cloud. You would buy the game through our loyalty programme and through a partnership with the publishers we would give them an opportunity to possibly – this is still something we're working out – to be able to play their game when they're not at home with their Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3."

Obviously, this would be a premium service offered to faithful GameStop customers. You'd be able to purchase the service at the same time you bought a game to play on your console, and Mauler added that this idea "doesn't require any work" from publishers. Now, we have no idea how they're going to make something like MGS6 run on our portable device when we're riding on a train, but hey, it's a brave new world.

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12 years ago

MGS6 eh? Jumping the gun a bit there 😛

12 years ago

He must see this as wayyyy in the offing.

12 years ago

GameStop's looking to try putting some of these games on the tablets & other phones that they're selling in certain test areas.

They're already selling the tablets with 6 games pre-loaded into the tablets, & it also comes with a GameStop controller to hook up to it.

12 years ago

I don't get it. Gamestop hardware? Hayulll no.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/21/2011 9:56:36 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, GameStop's now taking in trade, Iphones, Ipads, Ipods & other smartphones, refurbing them, adding 6 preloaded games & bundling or selling or their own controllers that will work at least the tablets.

They're testing the program out in limited areas before the actual all-store roll-out.

All of my local stores have already been taking them in trade, but they aren't re-selling them yet.

12 years ago

I tried Onlive on my PC and I must say that I will fight streaming games till the end….

12 years ago

I have the OnLive mini console & controller set-up, but I only use it to buy games when they've got a super-cheap special going on.

I picked up Red Faction Armegedden for only $5 & Fear3 for 1 buck.

But I'll still wind up buying the disc versions later on too for my collections, when they're super cheap

12 years ago

Kinda like Kojima's idea of "Transfarring" with the Vita. I can see how with the Vita it would work, but smartphones? We'll have to see about that one.

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 11/21/2011 11:44:14 PM

12 years ago

Leave games where they belong. On the Consoles (or dedicated handhelds)in some form of cold hard tangible medium

12 years ago

so thats why they stole the onlive version of deus ex out of the box?
this is just stupid, whole point of streaming games is saving users the expense and trouble of spending mass amounts of cash on systems!
this just lets you stream games to your console, why do that when onlive offers that and so much more?
kinda saying no i wont buy that ferrari for 200K id much rather have that crappy beetle for the same price.
eh, i guess it would not be the stupidest thing ive seen!

12 years ago

It's just not that serious to play while out and about to me. If you I really have the urge to play I'd just go home..or buy Vita

12 years ago

Well you can already play console game demos through youtube, so I don't see this as being so far fetched. I like the idea, but I'd have to see how well it works, and some more details, including price, before I jump aboard.

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