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Heat-Like Truck Heist In France: 6,000 MW3 Copies Stolen

Such popularity really brings out the best in humanity, doesn't it?

A French source, TFI News , has reported that a truck containing 6,000 copies of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was assaulted in south Paris.

According to the translation, the truck was involved in a collision with a car on Saturday morning in Créteil. Two masked individuals emerged from the car, used tear gas to neutralize the truck drivers, and made off with the entire game shipment said to be valued at 400,000 Euros.

Unfortunately, this is just the kind of thing that happens when a product is in worldwide demand; I think we all remember the criminal nastiness surrounding the PlayStation 3 launch. I wasn't the biggest fan of walking across that big parking lot with the PS3 box on the day of the launch, when nobody could get one and there were reported stabbings.

By the way, Activision has warned people that playing MW3 early isn't authorized, and it could result in a ban. Wouldn't that suck? Go to all these ridiculous efforts to get the game early, only to never be able to play online again? Well, you deserve it.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

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12 years ago

I told them not to do it! It was just a joke! I told them I would just wait and get the legit copy! 🙂
Edit – Nice of you to bring up Heat!! Was that just one of the best, most realistic cop and bank robber movies ever made. It was like there as an invisible camera man in the middle of an actual bank job! Yes, that is a very good movie.
Ebay is going to be on fire!

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 11/7/2011 10:03:26 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

If you like the movie, I suggest downloading PAYDAY: The Heist. 🙂

12 years ago

Will do, after the first of the year. Thanks Ben

12 years ago

Damn shame..It really isn't that serious..And people wonder why we as people don't get better

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Wow, these people are crazy.

It's just a damn videogame…

12 years ago


12 years ago

Its just a GAME!

Or is it?

12 years ago

Man this gen in gaming has been a weird one.

12 years ago

you got that right. weird one for sure. hmm. could this be turned into a dlc mission in PAYDAY:the Heist? i would at least add obtaining skyrim as sub objective though..

12 years ago

Its weird because gaming is no longer limited to a precious few. All the crazies are in on this too. Add the internet explosion to the mix and humans are just showing there true colors. Humans have always been weird. Lol.

12 years ago

At least it wasn't anything important.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago


12 years ago

Unless of course it was your father/brother/friend driving that truck.

Just saying.

12 years ago

Did they kidnap the drivers? Or injure them? Besides the tear gas of and traumatizing experience of course.

12 years ago

holy crap.
better hope they have modern warfare 3 in prison.

12 years ago

Well. I'm back from my "trip" to France….

12 years ago

Has anyone talked to EA?

12 years ago

Activision nearly (nearly) got me with their latest MW3 commercial. The one featuring the experienced player taking the noob under his wing, and then the noob finally learns and shows the teacher what he can do.

A very classy ad for MW3, it surprised me really. Almost made me want the game because I love that kind of coop play. Only almost though. It's still not my kind of game overall, but I really liked the way they picthed the multiplayer as co-op instead of the usual pvp emphasis.

12 years ago

Thats Activision marketing the accessibility to the "CASUALS" who play one game, get "PWNED" and never return. It shows that the NOOB status is not forever. Irts all about the social component. Especially with Elite being pushed.

I like that commercial as well. ActiVision knows how to market their products. MS too. I just took a pic of Building sized MW3 Vet/Noob ad in Times Square NYC! Can't miss it!

Last edited by FatherSun on 11/7/2011 4:07:09 PM

12 years ago

I did not know that during the PS3 launch.

12 years ago

What really sucks is France is now completely out of stock.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Not for us non-french people.

Not trying to sound hateful or anything, but from my Call of Duty online experiences, the french players always seem so arrogant and cocky.

12 years ago

Haha, poor Activision.

12 years ago

French people.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Black french people…

12 years ago

Asian French People

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

I think you might have missed the joke, World.

Now you've gone and ruined it. ):

12 years ago

I tend to do that 🙂

12 years ago

It's perfectly understandable that the French drivers gave up without a fight, but I really can't see any French people pulling off the heist. It was probably Germans again.

12 years ago

Ze Germans, always razzing French supply lines.

12 years ago

If the theives used tear gas it seems like there was no intent to harm. But using tear gas would also indicate that threre are most likely trained individuals. It think it may be easier to obtain guns than tear gas. In the US anyway.

12 years ago

Sounds like Activision and the thieves were both robbed.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

When something is worth 400,000 euros…pretty sure the robbers didn't get robbed of anything.

12 years ago

It figures a COD fan can't take a joke, no matter how poorly executed.

12 years ago

Don't worry, Activision has been robbing people for years now.

Last edited by cLoudou on 11/7/2011 3:30:03 PM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Your joke was crap to begin with. If it had any humor in it whatsoever, I would have laughed.

12 years ago

Is it that time of month for you? My bad. Would you like for me to rush out and get you some sanitary napkins?

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Typical comment from someone who got called out and has nothing to say to defend himself.

12 years ago

The only crap around here is your attitude. I'm not the only one making jokes on this thread. You have some kind of problem with me evidently and I highly suggest you not read my posts if you gonna cry about what I say.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Looks like it's your time of the month now. 😉

I know you don't like CoD, which is why I find it bizarre that I see a post from you in every CoD-related article.

12 years ago

More tears? And what's up with all the blood? I told you I could help you Ms. Nas T Like.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Hahaha, are you 12? I have the feeling you are, when you post "comebacks" (and I use that term loosely) like that.

12 years ago

Seeing that your first comment was about as stupid as telling me your avatar isn't Chinese, I may have reason to question your age as well.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Congrats on not denying you being 12. Guess you are what you are.

As for me, I'm 23.

Now stop entering CoD-related articles. That way your blood pressure can be back down to a normal level.

12 years ago


I'm old enough to be your father… Luke.

I just taught you a valuable lesson, I hope. You can't judge someone's age by their social skills.

I look forward to seeing you in the next COD article. I'm just kidding

You did make me laugh a little. I'll stop however and I apologize for the gutter talk. Whether you accept or not is fine. I promise not to click reply to one of your comments again…oh wait. 🙂

12 years ago

Probably a publicity stunt.

12 years ago

I love how the game comes out tomorrow, and they just couldn't wait a single day.

12 years ago

What happnes if you genuinly manage to get the game early do you risk going online and getting a ban ?

12 years ago

Infinity Ward said after the K-mart debacle that that wouldn't be the case, but now maybe it will.

12 years ago

I wonder if the games were DVDs or Blu Ray discs. Or both. And if they were Blu Ray discs will they be traceable. Is the so called Advanced Blu Ray security technology only limited to copying the content? I am sure there must be some type of code embedded that can identify if it is one of the stolen discs when it is inserted in a console. Or when going online. And if so.. I am sure this type of protection is not or should not be limited to Blu Ray.

I dont think it is about getting the game early. This is just straight up theft for profit.

I myself have 2 copies pre-ordered. 1 for PS3 and the other for my son who made a leap of faith and purchased an Xbox. He is somewhat regretting his decision.

P.S. Best Buy is offering free ELITE with each copy of MW3 for those who are interested. I will be switching from the PS3 Hardened Edition to a regular copy. Save some bucks! My younger son is a demon on that game!

Last edited by FatherSun on 11/7/2011 3:47:14 PM

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