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Molyneux Heaps Praise Upon ICO

Both ICO and Shadow of the Colossus will be released in high-definition format for the PlayStation 3 next year. If you weren't already aware, both are very highly revered amongst gamers and industry professionals.

In fact, just listen to Fable guru Peter Molyneux's comments on Team ICO's first masterpiece. He was talking to Eurogamer in a feature dedicated to games that really made an impression on the most talented developers. Also included in the piece were guys like Ninja Theory's Tameem Antoniades, who paid tribute to Half-Life (and rightfully so). But here are Molyneux's comments concerning ICO :

"You go back to that title and have a look at it – there were no icons on screen to speak of, the story was told in such an amazing way, it was told without language, it was incredibly iconic, the environment still is one of the most mystical, enchanting environments ever made, its gameplay with the hand-holding mechanic was brilliant.

It broke every rule of gaming when you think it didn’t have tangible foes, it only introduced the baddie very late on, mystery was part of its mechanic, it didn’t have real power-ups or anything. It was genius and it still remains a work of genius.

If I made something like ICO, I’d be very happy to die."

Couldn't have said it better ourselves. Well, that first bit, anyway; we're not game makers. If you never got a chance to play ICO on the PS2 – or Shadow of the Colossus , for that matter – you absolutely must pick up the high-def remakes that will come out on Blu-Ray disc in 2011. It's a rule. A law. Just do it.

Related Game(s): ICO

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13 years ago

These types of games are exactly what I appreciate most.

Looking forward to it!

13 years ago

That is quite a fable Peter; but I have to agree… and I cannot wait to experience it as an HD remake on my PS3!


"play. experience.enjoy"

13 years ago

"you absolutely must pick up the high-def remakes that will come out on Blu-Ray disc in 2011. It's a rule. A law. Just do it."… Alright, sir! I most certainly will! Having missed the PS2 gen, currently this is the number one title I am looking forward.

13 years ago

I hope he ment "I would die happy knowing I made that game"

13 years ago

Funny considering ICO has a ton of class and Fable does not. Been watching my buddy play Fable III, gotta say, it looks kind of meh.

13 years ago

If he does make something like ICO(no,he won't die), i will buy a 360 as he makes Xbox exclusives. Even though I am short on money(yet I want to try Alan), such games are not to be missed!

btw What happened to the PC version of Alan Wake? Will it wake up?

13 years ago

THese PS3 exclusive are always gonna be the cream of the crop. I never got a chance to play Shadow of the Colossos or ICO. So this is pretty much a perfect scenario. Just like the GOW collection, I told myself that I wasn't going to touch GOW 3 before finishing the first two. Though these games aren't necessarily sequential, think that I'll take the same approach before playing The Last Guardian. Funny. Remember when SE's Final Fantasy games brewed this much excitement?

13 years ago

Thats like me. I missed out on God of War last gen. Bought and played the HD collection before playing III. I never had a chance to play ICO last gen but a fellow PSXer loaned me his copy. I bought SotC but never finished it because id rather play the HD version.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Aww, this makes me want to finish ICO. I only got about halfway through it before my PS died, and I haven't had the heart to start a new game. It's not a game, it's an experience, and I would rate it up there with Heavy Rain as one of very few that has left me craving more.

And as for the collection, I'll do it… I just have to wait and see how long it taken to bring it out here. GoW was five months, Sly will be out at the start of December, so I'm hoping this will be simultaneous. It's a vain hope.

13 years ago

Poor guy he took a look at the awesome things happening on Sony ,return his sight to 360 and remade Fable again =/.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/12/2010 3:24:57 PM

13 years ago

I'd be very happy if he died too.

13 years ago

lol Now that's not very nice. He may be a jerk and all but still…

13 years ago

Black & White and Fable are awesome.

13 years ago

Black and White is the best game he ever made.

13 years ago

I tells ya!

Last edited by Rings0fUranus on 11/12/2010 9:17:07 PM

13 years ago

You must not have ever played Dungeonkeeper 2.
Basically a rts version of overlord, except more awesome.

13 years ago

After almost ten years he praises ico!?

Last edited by Kiryu on 11/12/2010 7:42:04 PM

13 years ago

Ah, Molyneux…the king of hyperbole.

13 years ago

Too many missed on ICO…

You guys will be amazed when you get the HD collection.

The Last Guardian will hopefully be another masterpiece to be remembered for years…

13 years ago

I have played both ico and sotc on ps2 but didn't finish them. HD remake would probably make me see the ending of these brilliant games now. Didn't get gow collection since I manage to finish gow 1 and 2, now I'm just waiting for gow3 price to come down.

13 years ago

never been able to get into his games, got about 3/4s of the way through fable 2 than fell asleep.

13 years ago

Two greatest mystic adventure games of all time and plus the last guardian , that makes it the greatest trio of video gaming

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