Some of the best videogame related news is found in companies' earnings
reports when developers disclose titles in development to explain their earnings
forecast. Gamespot is reporting that a few juicy nuggets were found in Take-Two
Interactive's reports. Today's report, which covers the rest of Take-Two's
fiscal year (ending on October 31st), shed some light on not one, but two Grand
Theft Auto games in development.
The report states that Take-Two is porting an existing PSP game to a current
generation console, and that the title will be released sometime before April
30th, the end of the company's second quarter. Take-Two CEO Paul Eibler put an
end to all the speculation during a conference call saying "We are very pleased
that we have been able to extend Liberty City Stories into the PS2 environment."
Take-Two recently reported disappointing earnings, some of which can be blamed
on less than stellar sales of Liberty City Stories on the PSP. The game has sold
well, but it's not exactly the "system seller" that many people were predicting,
so it's not surprising to see the game headed to a system with a larger user
The second game in the report is an all-new Grand Theft Auto, this time for
the PSP. No details on the game's location, subject matter, or charters has been
given – we only know that it will be out by Halloween.