SCEA went a little ape today, announcing not one, but two new Ape Escape games. One is for the PSP and the other is for the PS2. Here's a little info on each game.
Ape Escape Academy is a family friendly party game for the PSP. The game will feature ad hoc wireless functionality and more than 40 mini-games. Combining the franchises trademark personality, excellent visuals and diverse gameplay, the title will be suited for players of all ages.
Ape Escape 3 is going to be exclusive to the PlayStation 2. Playing as either the brother Kei or sister Yummi, you'll have to take on apes that are on the loose and trying to take over the airwaves. Ape Escape 3 features new weapons, enhanced monkey AI (that's what the press release says) and in a collaboration with SCEI and KONAMI, Mesal Gear Solid mode which parodies the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Additionally, players can create their own “mini-films” using Ape Escape 3 content creation functionality.