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Stargate-SG1: The Alliance Development Halted

JoWooD has fired Perception, the Australian developer currently responsible for the Stargate-SG1: The Alliance game. In a statement, JoWood said "The title in its current form, initially scheduled for an October 2005 release, does satisfy neither our quality requirements nor the fans expectations. We will not release anything that does not do justice to this well known license" says Albert Seidl, CEO JoWooD Productions Software AG. "In recent months we have invested a lot of time and resources in helping Perception finish the development, but we now simply have lost confidence in their ability to finish this project in time and sufficient quality."

"Following the termination JoWooD has asked for repayment of their investment in development and further expenses. After delivery of the code and assets JoWooD will review the possibility of seeking out developers if it is economically viable to finish the title" reports Michael Paeck, Executive Producer for JoWooD Productions Software AG. "We are, however, not prepared to release anything but a top quality title. Fans of the show as well as gamers would not accept anything less. There are several options to consider, among them potentially moving to next-gen consoles for the title."

This is certainly a good news/bad news deal for fans eagerly awaiting a Stargate game. The wait is going to be a little longer, but at least you won't be wasting your money on a bad game.

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