These are some ridiculous numbers.
Activision has sent over a new Call of Duty infographic, which proves the franchise's utter domination over the years.
The series boasts over $11 billion in total lifetime revenue; all told, there have been 175 million CoD titles sold to date. This works out to approximately one copy sold every two seconds, which is just beyond silly. The only franchise to claim more overall sales is Grand Theft Auto , coming in at 185 million.
Over 100 billion multiplayer matches have been played, players have thrown over 300 billion grenades, and there has been 579 billion in-game awards earned. That's five times the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy, if you were wondering.
We all knew CoD was a huge franchise but when you see numbers like this, you have to wonder: Has multiplayer gaming proven to be more popular (and more addictive) than single-player gaming could ever be? Obviously, these numbers wouldn't exist without the CoD multiplayer, so…