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Beat Saber Predictably Tops February 2022’s PSVR Downloads

Beat Saber

PlayStation has went ahead and shared the top downloads for February and while the top spot for both PS4 and PS5 was the real meat and potatoes of it, they also shared PSVR title of the month. This time — and pretty consistent with months’ past — Beat Saber takes home the gold.

Ever since the flagship VR title made it to PSVR back in 2018, the game has been pretty consistently on the top download lists put out monthly over PlayStation’s blog. It should also be noted that the same games frequent the top of these lists too, like Job Simulator, Creed: Rise of Glory, and SUPERHOT VR. 

It isn’t even like there’s a discrepancy between NA and EU lists, either, like there was for the PS4 listing. Instead, like months past, Beat Saber remains at the very top like usual. 

Beat Saber is Coming to PSVR

Back in May, a virtual reality game for PC called Beat Saber had released. The “high octane” rhythm game had you use motion controls to slice through small cubes which represented the beats of a song. Each cube you missed causes the song to distort. Now, you can pick up your PlayStation VR and controllers because it’s coming November 20.

The game will be releasing with timed-exclusive content for PSVR owners including new songs and a challenging campaign. If you’re not one to play these kinds of games alone, even on console, you don’t have to. You can play offline with friends or watch yourself climb the global leaderboard.

You can get Beat Saber for the PSVR on November 20.

What do you think? Will you be getting the game?