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Resogun Review

Replay Value:
Overall Rating:
Online Gameplay:
Not Rated
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
November 15, 2013

Resogun is a vibrant, chaotic maelstrom of polished goodness. It’s effectively addictive, surprisingly imaginative at times, and hugely challenging. In short, it’s the type of game that will appeal to those who remember the classic arcade shoot-‘em-ups of a time long gone. No, the term “shooter” in those days didn’t involve a dude with a gun; it pertained to a side-scrolling (vertical or horizontal) game in which a spaceship of some kind shoots anything that comes in its direction. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that Housemarque’s latest feels old or dated.

‘Cuz it’s anything but. While we don’t get fantastic character models and an ultra-realistic environment that reminds us of the world outside our doors, we do get a beautiful, colorful harmony. It’s actually amazing just how well the developer implements such a wide variety of designs and animations. They’re not really even using the entire screen and yet, you’re constantly entranced by the maelstrom of perfectly orchestrated visuals. The effects are just spectacular and provided you’re not prone to seizures or headaches, this is a graphical display that’s an absolute feast for the senses. You won't be able to look away.

And when I say senses, I’m speaking of hearing as well as seeing. Behind the gorgeous destructible environments that always demand your greedy eye’s attention, there’s the stirring audio. It’s crisp, rousing and it certainly fits the psychedelic visual insanity. It can be hard to gauge the variety of the soundtrack, though, just because you’re always so intent on survival. But it’s great that when you do succeed, the score is right there to reward you with a satisfying set of special effects. From a graphics and sound standpoint, Resogun is extremely well produced; it’s a great example of shining, brilliant simplicity, and it’s plenty stable as well.

If you’re old enough, you remember a game called Defender . It was a side-scrolling shooter that let you move left and right in an effort to rescue stranded humans. This is the basic premise of Housemarque’s ultra-fancy creation, but there are a whole lot of new ideas and mechanics involved. For instance, the entire game is set within this rotating cylinder of sorts, so it’s a rotating, looping 2D environment that is endlessly changing. Furthermore, while you didn’t have much of an arsenal in Defender , you’re well equipped to deal with the assault headed your way in each challenging stage.