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Hohokum Review

Replay Value:
Overall Rating:
Online Gameplay:
Not Rated
Honeyslug Ltd.
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
August 12, 2014

I’m going to be perfectly blunt: I’m giving Hohokum a 7.5 because I haven’t the slightest idea what it really is, but it’s pretty, wildly creative, and oddly compelling. I’d be perfectly happy leaving it at that but hey, this is supposed to be a professional review. I suppose I should expound a bit. The only difficulty will be in describing the premise of the game in question (I’m not sure there is one), and trying to convince readers they should give it a try, despite my lack of description. I feel like my hands are tied because the game is just so…um…avant-garde.

The visuals really are special, though. This is one of those immensely pleasing visual presentations that make your eyes pop. Vibrant, often soothing graphics permeate to the core, as you’re continually greeted with attractive – albeit abstract – depictions of a fantasy world that sends one groping for adjectives. This is an endlessly imaginative little quest that always seems to give you something new. You don’t have to worry about repetitive environments are uninspired images here, as remarkable creativity can be found around every corner. It’s smooth, fluid and very slick.

The soundtrack blends nicely with that singular graphical display. There’s a solid assortment of musical tracks that accompany every movement. The effects are subtle and add a semblance of mystique to a game that’s already rife with a mysterious, inexplicable aura. It’s great that no two worlds are the same, and you’re always given a fresh set of tracks and effects; this results in an experience that always feels fresh. Technically, Hohokum is a game that demands your attention, and it does so without bludgeoning you over the head with insistent, flashy effects. The entire thing is just very cathartic.

Well, it’s cathartic provided you’ve got the requisite patience, and you don’t mind being tossed into an exceedingly strange universe without any direction whatsoever. If you’re not a fan of hand-holding, this is the game for you. If you want to explore, discover and conquer without any artificial aids, you’ve found interactive nirvana. You can’t expect a deep narrative and it’d be difficult to extract any sort of concrete message from this game, but that’s okay. It’s a freeform puzzler of sorts, and it relies on its clever design and vibrant presentation to keep you coming back for more.

Nobody is going to tell you how to do anything; you just have to move around and figure things out. Each world presents you with a wide variety of environmental puzzles that require a very flexible mind. Control is relatively simple – always fluid and responsive – and you don’t have to worry about technical gameplay mishaps like a wonky camera or silly AI. No, this is all about your interaction with a wonderfully colorful and surprisingly challenging backdrop. It’s surreal without being too non-representational and it rewards those with an inquisitive brain.