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Rainbow Six Siege Review

Replay Value:
Online Gameplay:
Overall Rating:
Ubisoft Montreal
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
December 1, 2015

There are shooters that can easily fall into the standard “FPS” category. Then there are those rare games that qualify as first-person shooters but in fact are much more than that; this is where you enter the realm of the tactical shooter. The epitome of that category is the recently released Rainbow Six Siege , a multiplayer-centric game that places a premium on strategy and planning as opposed to fast-twitch reflexes. While you’ll still have to execute with timely precision and those unfamiliar with the standard FPS structure will be at a disadvantage, it’s nice to play something that requires solid teamwork and considerations that involve things beside spawn points.

Graphically, this title will impress in short bursts. As the experience tends to thrive on those intense moments of confrontation, often experienced in cramped quarters filled with impact effects, Siege unsurprisingly shines when the action is at its zenith. During the downtimes, you might notice a few inconsistencies and less remarkable elements, and I’m not going to say every map features great design. The good news is that because you’re always so laser-focused on the task at hand, and the game tends to run very well (frame rate remained mostly stable during my time), you’re not going to find much to complain about. And I especially like some of the character models and a few of the realistic explosion effects, both of which are highlights in my opinion.

The audio goes hand-in-hand with the graphics, as it so often does in such games. When the objective is close at hand and each team is struggling to reach the finish line, the screen almost seems to vibrate with great tactical effects. The authentic sound emphasizes the urgency of your situation and the soundtrack, while not especially prominent, is appropriately effective. Once again, with strategy and teamwork at the core of the gameplay, you’re not over-analyzing every little audio or graphical effect. All you know is that the technical elements work exceedingly well when blended together, and you’re never frowning at the screen (my reaction to obvious technical issues that hamper one’s enjoyment). It’s just a nicely polished albeit not exactly gorgeous presentation.

If you want run ‘n gun, go play Call of Duty: Black Ops III or Star Wars: Battlefront . If you’d rather buckle down with a group of like-minded tacticians and participate in diverse modes where the slightest misstep can mean disaster, you need to try Rainbow Six Siege . Granted, long-time fans of the franchise might not recognize this new style and structure, as the single-player experience is somewhat disappointing and the multiplayer is distinctly different. Yet it still feels more dynamic and involving than ever before. This is due to a fantastically immersive environment with the likes of destructible walls, booby traps, and pitched battles between the attackers and the defenders. The result is a game that demands your attention; relax for a split second and it could all be over.