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God Of War Collection Confirmed: High Definition And Trophies!

Thanks to an eagle-eyed reader, we were the first to break the news that a special Blu-Ray God of War package might be headed to the PlayStation 3 later this year.

Well…it's all true. As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , SCEA has announced the God of War Collection exclusively for the PS3. Set to release "this holiday season," this awesome pack contains "reworked versions of both God of War and God of War II on a single Blu-Ray disc at full 1280 x 720 resolution." This is a totally bad-ass offer, especially to those who missed out on the unrivaled glory of GoW and GoWII on the PS2; it also makes for a perfect holiday gift to any big fan of the franchise. More from the exciting press release:

"Both critically acclaimed games, which were originally developed for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, have been remastered with anti-aliased graphics running at 60 frames per second for a smooth gameplay experience on the PS3 system. Additionally, the Blu-ray Disc compilation will bring PlayStation®Network (PSN) trophy support to the franchise for the first time (included for both games)."

The price? Only $39.99, which is a full $20 cheaper than the normal new release. Now, the only downside is that we don't see a demo for God of War III , which we thought would be included in this package. But even if it's not there, the first two games in high-def plus Trophy support make it well worth the price, and it'll be yet another significant boost for the PS3 this holiday season. Stay tuned for the finalized release date.

Related Game(s): God of War Collection

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14 years ago

Wow. Sign me for this. The trophies alone are the reason.

14 years ago

Can I get a Hallelujah?!

14 years ago

True, the trophies indeed. But I've played both games on PS2 so maybe I'll pass due to all the numerous could-be-GOTY-games coming this holiday.

14 years ago

www – Something tells me you will be buying it.

40 dollars is a good price afterall for two amazing games with a brand new feature!

14 years ago

A little nervous learnig that it is not Sony rerdesigning it… It is Bluepoint.

Bluepoint was founded in 2006 and made its debut with the release of Blast Factor for the PlayStation Network.

Hope they do a good job. These are my all time favorite PS2 games.

14 years ago

yay i am lovin it

14 years ago

Trophies + 720p = A definite purchase for me.

14 years ago

I will be getting this for sure.

14 years ago

nice ben thanks

14 years ago

Extraordinary… This compilation now is second, only after U2:AT on my holiday list

14 years ago

Us English folk better get it. Wouldn't be surprised if we get overlooked like always.

14 years ago

Hey, people in North America get left out of a bunch of stuff too. Europe got some PSone Classics that I want :/

14 years ago

but u have to admit they do lose out on alot of things

14 years ago

Sweet…I'll pick this up for sure. I never finished gow 2.

14 years ago

You definitely need to beat it before you get 3….it's soooooo good!

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I just went and read this on the blog and now I see it here. That's some quickness!

14 years ago

"That's some quickness!" That's what she said.

14 years ago

Cool, but its all about the budget. Too many games on my holiday purchases list. Why do they always have to release all the best games in the last 3 months of the year.

Last edited by www on 8/31/2009 11:33:03 AM

14 years ago

I almost bought the first two the other day when I was at walmart, but then I remember reading the rumer that this was going to happen, so thanks for the info

14 years ago

YES. God of War I and II are part of my "truly timeless" collection, along with just a handful of others. I play at least a bit of both every few months. I will TOTALLY buy the reworked versions too!!!!! What a great excuse to play both games to completion before God of War III's release early next year. And I'll warm up for THIS with Chains of Olympus 🙂

Nice job breaking the story guys!

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Now I will finally be able to play this .

14 years ago

Must. Have. Now!

14 years ago

Epic!! What a way to prepare for God of War III!

14 years ago

Trophies + 720p = A definite purchase for me.

14 years ago

deja-vu arrggghhh

14 years ago

Look up^^^^^ same comment as dso8515!

14 years ago

I have never played either of these games and every time I have said that someone almost makes me go to the store and buy both of them but hearing this news I am glad that I haven't yet. With trophy support and running at a smooth as silk 60 fps I am definitely going to pick this up and see what all the fuss is about.

14 years ago

same here.

14 years ago

This is pretty awesome. I guess it's finally time for me to get my hands dirty. 1st day buy for me.

14 years ago

You know Sony has a lot of opportuntity with their blu-ray disc than they think.

How about a polished FFVII,FFX & FFXII on a blu-ray disc.

A polished GTA III,Vice City,San Andreas compilation.

Or different combos of polished RPG like Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Okami on the blu-ray disc.

Not a bad idea, especially if they want to completely be ahead this gen!

14 years ago

I was reading an article on the Seattle "Un"intelligencer and it was trying to argue that Sony missed the mark by going with blue ray. They tried to say it was a dead technology and that the "age of digital distribution was upon us". Made me laugh because they're whole arguement was based around how great the Xbox netflix service is and how "eventually" Internet speeds would be fast enough to stream blue ray quality movies. They failed to mention how much better games on PS3 were due to blue ray. The spin by all these so called "game journalists" is making me dizzy.

14 years ago

@ www I like the idea of GTA,Kingdom Hearts and FF! I hope GOW is only the beginning!!

Last edited by bebestorm on 8/31/2009 1:30:32 PM

14 years ago

Jawknee, such articles are simply bias, I don't bother reading till the end.
Yes bebestorm, Let's hope this Gow is only the beginning.

14 years ago

First day buy for me too, this is the nail in the 360's coffin. NOBODY can deny the greatness that is GOD OF WAR!

14 years ago

Very cool, but now I am itching to know how they did it. Is ia a case of taking the GOW3 engine and moving the GOW1 and GOW2 assets into that engine? Or is it software emulation of the PS2 targeted at this specific game?

Remastered? That's not the same as ported. anti-aliased at 60 frames per second, that could mean 480p scaled to 720p with full screen anti-aliasing.

Ah, but they have trophy support. Hmmm… perhaps it is a new game engine and the original game assets….

Very interesting. I can't wait to find out how this was pulled off.

14 years ago

Keep us updated on the technical details, and as an aside Mr. Highlander, could you perhaps give me (us) a technical explaination as to why PS1 and PS2 games look like poop on an HD TV? I mean I doubt the bloody scanlines are make it look better on standard def. Help me out and don't be afraid to get technical.

14 years ago

I think that for GOW1 and 2 in this package, they re-implemented both games on a PS3 specific game engine that was originally built for GOW2. There was news about GOW2 on PS2 back in Feb 2007, but of course the game came out as a PS2 exclusive. I think that they spruced up that game engine for GOW2, and brought the GOW game assets in with the same basic game engine giving them a very quick route to produce two new PS3 games. Of course they added trophy support too.

PS1 and PS2 games look like poop on HDTVs because the TV is taking a digital image (each image frame) and enlarging it. Just as if you took a VGA resolution digital picture and digitally magnify it by 4 times, you get a pretty blocky looking image. If you have good image processing, that will anti-alias the image (among other things) to improve the quality of the enlarged image, but even then it's going to be a little fuzzy, and perhaps a little blocky too.

The lower the original resolution, the worse it looks when scaled, so some PS1 games look utterly terrible, and some PS2 games (those running in 480p) look OK.

That's if you connect a PS1 or PS2 directly to an average HDTV. If you run the games on a compatible PS3, it will upscale the picture and enhance it with smoothing/anti-aliasing. The result is much better looking. A lot of PS1 games still don't look good though, because they are so low resolution to start with.

Some very high end HDTVs have good video processing built into them to upscale and enhance lower resolution images. They may look as good as the games do when played on a PS3.

14 years ago

Thanks highlander, cuz I just started FFVII on my PS3 and even with the smoothing it looks REALLY bad.

14 years ago

Yeah, I know what you mean. I did that and was actually shocked. Then I loaded it up on the PSP and it was a totally different experience. The PSP is absolutely the place to play the PS1 classics, the screen is the perfect size.

14 years ago

While they are both great games I have already played both and there are too many *new* games coming out that I want to play for me to buy these again…

14 years ago

I still have both on good old PS2, but I'm gonna have to get this. *edit* not day one but some time before 3 comes out. I also never finished 2 and wouldn't mind playing it over. And as great as the 1st was it is pretty short so might run through for the Trophies 🙂

Last edited by Mista on 8/31/2009 12:32:29 PM

14 years ago

I was going to get this but i saw GoW2 for £3 the other day brand new, so i couldnt resist, loving it so far.

14 years ago

Buying it for sure!

Paolo Kutaragi
Paolo Kutaragi
14 years ago

Haven't played GOW before. I'm so tempted to get this collection, seriously.

14 years ago

If both games look good I will get them. I passed on both of these during the Ps2 days but I they manage to make these games look good I will pick them up.

14 years ago

smart move to make some holiday sales with god of war collection and gt 5 and ff 13

14 years ago

Very interesting. I'd forgotten this, but if you look back to February 2007, you'll see news blurbs about God of War II running at 720p on PS3.

I think that both of these are PS3 versions of the original games based on the early God of War PS3 engine that was built to run God of War II on the PS3. From the reports it's pretty clear that there was already a PS3 game engine running at 720p for God of War II. It looks like they've worked hard to bring the God of War game to that same engine, and add Trophy support. Smart. I guess that would mean that they are PS3 games, no slight of hand backwards compatibility required.

14 years ago

That would be great if that was what they were doing with these two games!
I can play a game with bad graphics as long as it's enjoyable, but to me, good graphics really makes a game so much better. (That's also why i'm urging a FFVII remake so bad :))

14 years ago

That'd be great.

14 years ago

WOW. Every time I heard about this, I wrote it off and put it in my rumour collection of 'Too good to be true.'
But I am immensely pleased to be so wrong.

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