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Wargroove Won’t Have Cross-Platform Multiplayer On PS4

Chucklefish‘s Wargroove is not going to have cross-platform multiplayer. In a PS4 port update on the dev blog, they announced that the port is going well. They also noted they have been devoted to keep parity between consoles. This meant that the PS4 port had everything, except for cross-platform, which was the outlier.

We wanted to ensure as much parity as possible between all the different platform versions of Wargroove, so the PS4 version has the exact same content as all the other versions, aside from cross-platform multiplayer which unfortunately will not be supported.

They thanked those who are still waiting for the PS4 launch. They weren’t expecting such a long development time. Much of it is because of bugs and NDA protected reasons. Even though multiplayer is a no-go, a decent sum of community features are available.

Custom maps are able to be shared across all platforms, including the PS4. They didn’t specify why the PS4 version specifically would not have the cross-play ability.

Wargroove is out now on the PC, Switch, and Xbox One.