The PlayStation Vita has struggled since its launch, but it may be showing signs of life. Well, in Japan, at least.
According to a Yahoo! News report , Sony's portable got a big boost during the week ending June 30; it was actually the "third biggest smash of its life cycle so far."
This was due in part to the release of a game called Toukiden , which sold a surprising 127,000 units in its first week of availability. This allowed Vita sales to more than double, rising from just 14,000 to 34,000. The cool part is that the game in question wasn't expected to sell quite that well, especially with such a lack of marketing support. The Vita still can't beat the 3DS but it came close with that big week; Nintendo's handheld sold 45,000 when the Vita sold 34,000. Will there finally be some competition…?
As for the Wii U, it's floundering badly, selling only 5,800 that same week in question. Of course, Japan has proven to be a portable-loving market, as handhelds now own 74% of the total console market, which most certainly is not the case in the US. But anyway, wouldn't it be nice to see the Vita come up a bit? It's a darn fine system, ya know.
I really like my Vita. I bought the thing knowing it's presence would compliment but not replace my core gaming platforms. I don't need it to have expensive multi-million dollar blockbusters, nor do I think it could sustain that sort of software at this point and remain profitable. I don't need it to gobble up sales headlines by being the most popular. I just need it to remain supported through the years. Supported with the great back catalog of PSX and PSP titles and also the newer arrivals made for Vita specifically.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/6/2013 11:15:56 AM
I want one but right now it´s really a luxury for me. I wouldn't use it so much, so I´ll hold a little more. And it is indeed a very nice system, One friend has one and oh my, it´s really great.
And want more boost on vita? bring GT6 on it. Cross game saves and play, enough said. But seriously I doubt it will happen. Maybe with PS4 and when more large capacity memory sticks are cheaper…
Am I the only one that thinks that if Sony unifies more the handheld and console the competition will be crushed? I mean cross game chat, cross game saves, cross game playability, cross game DLC, cross game trophies (you can even play a little here, some could be requirements for killing certain enemy with a handheld system for example), etc etc. All of those things with all games no exception.
And to all the above, they could also keep adding things like mirror view for GT, map views for open world games, perhaps inventory view in RPG's (for quick access to potions, magic, change weapon, etc.). How about an alternative viewin first person games? I can imagine rear view so no enemy could surprise you. I can imagine also for example in Resident evil or a Silent hill game an alternative view also but with all kinds of shadows, and monsters lurking around to make more scary the experience. There are thousands of possibilities really.
My God, Why am I'm not working for Sony?
I just want the PSV to be used in simple ways. For example, maybe controlling a drone in Killzone Shadow Fall. As I play my Ps4, I call in the drone and my cousin can pick up my PSV as the drone and scan for enemies and Intel in a room for me to advance. Or maybe in Battlefield 4, use the PSV as a UAV that allows you to scan and spot enemies. Of course this should all be balanced in a way that doesn't take from the experience. Doesn't LBP2 do something with the PSV? I'm pretty sure there's some DLC that allows the vita to be used in a way.
Anyway, the possibilities are endless. Simple stuff makes it fun, not complex ideas such as shaking the PSV to get some guy off your car… Or something. Idk.
Toukiden looks epic.
Trounces Wii U….but too bad it can't trounce its direct competition…that's a trouncing that matters.But the sales are deserving and should pick up. Consoles are a marathon so it's downright silly to predict the future based on the early goings of any console.I do hope that Toukiden makes its way to these shores.
Last edited by n/a on 7/6/2013 3:22:56 PM
3DS has some great games being developed for it. I mean release after release. While the Vita has little to no games for it. While i remain addicted to Soul Sacrifice, my psp had much more to offer. Once the RPGs start rolling in for the Vita im sure it'll start doing well.